Brawl Through The Crowd

"Hello folks, welcome to yet another weekly television of pro wrestling extravaganza. We are joining to you live from Longham City. And this week's edition of is promising to live up to the standard set by last week's show," Irvin's voice echoed through Rob's headset as the pyros went off.

"Joining me on the commentary table are Rob Williams and Dallas Moonbyte. We have a truly outstanding line-up waiting for you tonight," Irvin finished his introduction.

"That's right folks, tonight we have an old history renewing itself. Just weeks after their historic Triple Threat Match, Evelyn and Selena Sanchez will go one on one against each other," Dallas took off from Irvin's pause sounding excited.

"I personally can't wait to see them in action tonight. We never found out who the best between the two is. And it will be the first time these two women will face each other one-on-one," Irvin hyped the match.