The Hero Appears

Peace lasted for 300 long years, until one day, while Davram walked down the lonely forest path, something large appeared from the bushes. The large creature had a nightmarish appearance; the sharp rows of dagger-like teeth, that appeared under the upper lip, gleamed in the shade, the small, narrow placed eyes shinned with an unnatural fiery glow. Davram moved a step back. The creature followed. He took out his sword; the creature eyed him with a stony stare.

"You think you stand a chance against me?" the creature hissed. "You're brave or foolish or both at the same time."

"Who knows?"

"Ravens cry in the night,

When someone is gonna die.

The devil prepares the graves.

The wolves,

Heralds of the Wolf God are coming.

Footsteps coming closer.

The wolves, side by side…

They come…

They come…"

Davram looked blankly at the creature.

"What? Never heard this song?"


"We, the Heralds, are a part of the much larger organization that serves the Union ."

"Union ?"

"It's a shame that you must die."

"And, who said that?"

"I did."

"You are a strong one, no doubt."

"Fool, it ends now!"

"I wouldn't say so," Davram's voice was like metal. It was strange to him.

Magic flew through his, his entire body send shivers down his spine, but he didn't react. Magic, in his family, was passed down from father to son, never from father to daughter. The female line had powers of their own, powers that were mirrored. He used his powers on rare occasion, this was one of them. His eyes shinned. In the past, he had problems controlling it, but now thing are different. The magic only drains his stamina.

The creature moved.

"Your tricks won't save you now!" it hissed. "You can't harm me!"

"Are you sure?"


The creature jumped, Davram lifted his hand. A fire stream appeared from the palm of his hand. The burned remain fell on the ground with a loud bang.

"When will they learn? Never, it seems."