A Different World

Nero was driving the carriage, and Emilia was resting on Nero's shoulder with her eyes closed.

It was noon, but the shades from trees in the forest were preventing the sunlight from penetrating.

Emilia moved her head from Nero's shoulder to his lap with a bump and made herself comfortable.

"Emilia." Nero shook Emilia and said, "If you are feeling sleepy, then you can go in the carriage and sleep there comfortably."

Emilia shrugged Nero's hand and buried her face in his thighs.

After a while, Sophia peeked from the curtain of the carriage and said, "Is there enough space for me?"

"Yeah," Nero pointed his gaze at his right and said, "You can fit here, I guess."

Sophia sat beside Nero and stretched her hand as she let out a yawn,

"Done sleeping?" Nero asked.

"Yup." Sophia took the reins from Nero's hand and started driving the carriage.