The wall was so enormous that Nero couldn't help but mutter, "Even ten colossal titans would not be able to climb over that wall."
Nero turned to the men and asked, "Why is the wall so huge? And why is the new capital like this?"
"It is the king's fault. He has gone mad. Please help us."
"What do you mean?" Nero questioned and commented, and stop speaking in that monotonous tone— it's honestly creepy."
"Recently, there have been rumors that twenty years ago, when the king was 12 years old, his father called a wizard to prophesize. Every royal family member's prophecy was terrible, but the king— who was the youngest prince at the time…" the man started weeping.
Nero turned to the other man and raised his brows, signaling him to continue.
"His prophecy was that he would be killed by a demon at the age of 32."
"And?" Nero asked, "So what happened next?"