"Just as you are afraid of your power, I am afraid of my… demon."
"Your demon?" Nero scoffed and continued, "What is that?"
"You see, every one of us has a demon inside us. And that demon—"
"Wait a minute," Zeus interrupted Ajax and asked, "What do you mean by 'every one of us'? Like exactly what? Everyone who got demon blood?"
"Uhh… no. I was talking in general. Take any race. And I wasn't referring to the 'demon' demon," Ajax quoted 'demon' with his fingers.
"Just assume it as an evil side of every living being, okay?"
"Go ahead," Zeus nodded.
"That evil side makes us do evil things, obviously. But the people with demon blood have it worse."
Ajax was referring to the 'Evil side' as a demon.
"Details, please," Zeus motioned.
"You see, I get these thoughts. Very cruel and nasty thoughts. Disgusting and selfish thoughts. And these—"
"Enough with the 'thoughts'. Get to the point now," Zeus urged.