Nero and Korybant walked through the hallways. Nero was walking fast ahead, and Korybant was trying to catch up to Nero. Although he always made sure not to set his foot on Nero's shadow and walk behind Nero.
Korybant wanted to ask where they were going, but he had no tongue to speak.
As Nero and Korybant were walking, Leto and Asteria ran into him.
They both immediately bowed down to Nero and looked at him, "We were looking for you."
"What a coincidence. I was looking for you two, too," Nero remarked.
"We have a request—" Leto stopped when she saw Korybant, who was in Norox's body and immediately hid Asteria behind her.
"Why is this man still alive?!" Leto shouted.
"Don't worry. It's not that shit," Nero reassured.
Asteria peeked from behind Leto's shoulders and said, "It's not him."