God of Battlefield

"Hm hmm hm~. Hmm hm hmm~" Emilia hummed.

She was sitting on the bowsprit of the ship, looking up at the starry sky and the full moon that was reflecting like a mirror on the sea surface, continuously humming a song.

Her hair was swaying in the air, and her thighs were bare.

"Oo, my love, come to me, in the sea, I wait for you~"

"Has it been an eternity, has it been forever~"

"The sea is deep, and the air is cold~"

She was singing the same song she was singing in the old capital during her stroll in the market, but instead of broken lyrics, she was singing as if she had remembered the song. Although she still couldn't remember the entire song, she would always sing it in the hope of remembering it one day.

"Hm hmm hm~. Hmm hm hmm~"

Sophia came to the ship's deck to look for Emilia and found her sitting on the bowsprit in the front.

Sophia couldn't help but chuckle after seeing Emilia sitting in an imposing and seductive pose.