One vs Ten

"Next!" yelled the soldier.

One by one, the townspeople left with a bowl filled with melted rice in their hands.

Only a dozen people had left, and the bucket was still half-filled.

A woman approached them for the food, but she had no bowl with her.

"Where is your bowl?!" the soldier yelled.

"It… was stolen," the woman replied.

The soldier glanced at the guards and nodded.

The guards nodded back and took out their whips to whip the woman.

"You ungrateful bastards!" the guard yelled as he whipped the woman and drove her away.

"How cruel," Asteria muttered.

'According to my guess, it seems that this kingdom or whatever was attacked by a foreign kingdom, and they took control over this kingdom.' 

Nero's guess was correct. Not long ago, the kingdom was attacked, but not in a war. 

The king's loyal knight betrayed him and took control of the throne, which resulted in chaos.