Nero and Pavel walked for a few more hours and encountered dozens of monsters.
Pavel tried to fight every monster, but Nero defeated all of them with just a snap.
A colossal-sized spider dashed at Nero and Pavel with the speed of light, unnoticed to the naked human eyes.
The spider was spitting venom and melting everything on its way.
Pavel conjured two swords in his hand and glanced at Nero, as though he was waiting for Nero to snap.
Nero turned to Pavel and motioned him to fight the spider: "I guess, I should let you have a spotlight at least once."
Pavel's face cheered up in an instant, and he wore a fox mask on his face.
Nero nodded and stood on the side to enjoy the fight between the spider and Pavel.
Pavel took a deep breath and dashed at the spider with double the speed of the spider.
But, as Pavel was about to hit the spider, Nero snapped and killed it.