When Pavel and Nero got outside of the labyrinth, it was early morning. The sun had risen but not completely.
"Nice!" Nero patted himself on the shoulder and said, "I am 7 hours early."
"Let's go to the inn now!" Nero shouted excitedly.
"Relax. You are early anyway, so why are you in such a hurry?" Pavel asked with a curious and puzzled look on his face.
Nero raised his brows and asked, "Are you not in a hurry to see Rhea?"
"Not really. We have stayed away for hundreds of years, doing our personal quests. So a mere day and a half won't make me feel anything," Pavel replied honestly.
"I guess that's what happens when your wife is secretly an old hag," Nero muttered.
"Hey! I heard that," Pavel remarked.
"So what?"
"You can't insult my wife like that," Pavel retorted with a frowned face.
"But I am just telling truths; facts," Nero shrugged.