The spear pierced Arnold's body and came out from his stomach.
"Got you! Bastard!" the guard shouted.
The guard further pierced the spear more into Arnold's body and swung it in the air.
"Got you!" he shouted again, but this time, much loudly.
Blood came out of Arnold's mouth and stomach; some trailed down with the spear as the blood drops fell to the ground.
'I can't… die… like… this…'
Legends said that one always remembered their entire life before they were about to die. However, Arnold had no life. He had died millions of times and lived in a different body every time he transmigrated.
He was used to dying, but he was never scared because Rosemary was always with him.
But, this time, it was different.
He was about to die, alone; and he was never going to transmigrate again.
He would never see Rosemary again.
'I… regret… not saying… goodbye to… her…'