What's On The Menu?

After their two hours session, Nero covered Asteria with a blanket and chuckled: "She fell asleep again."

He glanced outside the window and muttered, "This is a long night."

He yawned but covered his mouth with a tired expression on his face.

"I guess that's my limit. I will have to sleep next time and get some rest."

He jumped out of the window and leaped over the palace.

Nero liked the palace, so he wanted to have a better look at it from the outside. As he was jumping, he spotted Horus standing on the balcony of the lounge.

'What is he doing?' Nero wondered.

Nero landed on the balcony and leaned on the ledge opposite to Horus.

Horus glanced at Nero for a while and uttered, "Umm… did you have a proper rest?"

"The bed broke," Nero commented.

"...!" Horus' eyes widened in surprise as he muttered, "Impossible."