
Nero and Klee were lying naked on the ground. They both were out of breath, and everything around them was either destroyed or shattered, as though they had gone all out.

They had indeed gone all out without holding back, but not in a battle, but in a bed session.

They started it before the sun had risen, but now, it was almost another sunrise.

"Are you ready for another round?" Klee asked.

"I think… I think I am done… for now…" Nero muttered.

"It seems you enjoyed it." Klee's body was smeared with Nero's elixir.

Nero asked Klee if his father, the Cthulhu, knew about what they just did. But Klee replied that he was in deep sleep now.

Nero asked her why she wanted to mate with him. At first, Klee tried to dodge the question by mentioning Emilia and others, but Nero forced her to answer.

"I was lonely," she said with a sad look and a wry smile on her face.