It was daytime before noon.
After Emilia entered the void, she fell into the past timeline. However, as the void was a place no one and nothing existed, whoever entered the void died instantly. It was the same with Emilia, but she had just received Nero's fresh juice, which helped her body not get destroyed.
However, her body was damaged, and her soul was injured, but nothing was life-threatening. She would be back to normal and completely healed after a bit of reset.
But there was one problem; Emilia didn't know she was in the past. Nor was she aware of her locality.
She had fallen into an unknown forest, and she instantly passed out. When she opened her eyes, her entire body was aching, and she couldn't move.
She was pondering on what she should do, but first, she needed to know what had happened.
'It was night when I entered the portal, but now it's daytime, and I am in the middle of some forest?' she thought.