Setting Off (1)

"Dock 9... Dock... 9..."

Tapping a wooden plate against his palm, Jeff walked through a crowded riverside market. 

To his right, there were the bustling seafood stores. Various fishes, shrimps, and crabs swam around in those glass tanks. On the balcony of some pubs, people were enjoying their beers and some snacks. On the streets, artists performed music, magic tricks, and juggling shows. 

In the air, the smell of grilled fish overpowered the smell of fresh fish. The sound of chatter, music, and laughter filled this street. 

(Fresh fish should smell briny and sweet by the way. Briny as in the smell of the ocean. If it has a strong fishy smell, it's not fresh.)

Long lines of customers waited outside the stores, waiting for their turns to get in.