
"Can you at least look like a guard?" Marco scowled.

"Sure, can captain tight ass." Sasha yawned loudly as she leaned casually beside the castle doors.

"Why are you even here if you're not even going to try to blend in?" Marco groaned exasperatedly.

"Because I forgot how boring it truly was," Sasha sighed, sliding down to sit on the ground. Much to Marco's anger and anxiety.

"Get up you dolt!" he whispered harshly.

"Is that what the ladies say to it?" Sasha smiled wide.

Marco instantly turned red but before he could retort, Sasha stood up and laughed, "I'm just kidding. You know you're actually somewhat cute when your face goes all red."

"W-will you just d-do your damn job!" Marco yelled against himself, flustered.

"How about I do you instead," Sasha replied seductively. "Nobody will notice two guards making a quick hop to the bushes."

"T-t-that's um... I... uh..." Sasha again burst out into laughter, cutting off any failed attempt Marco made to speak.

"Sorry kitten, but you are muuuuuuuch too young for me." Sasha said, attempting to strike stylish pose.

Marco was speechless. He simply turned his blazing red face forward without a word.

"Aww don't be mad." Sasha frowned, sounding almost genuinely sorry. She was not and Marco was not having it. He kept his attention forward and his mouth shut tight.

Sasha groaned, rolling her eyes as she fell down on her behind again. She thought about just ditching the operation all together until her head began to throb. Initially, Sasha ignored it as a simple headache. She was a bit hungry and bored as all hell, so it was no surprise. However, the pain began to grow and the ringing that suddenly appeared grew with it. Within the next second, she was curled up over her knees as she held her head.

"P-please... please... no... stop, please!" The words escaped out of her mouth, but she could hardly feel them. She could not even feel the tears that flooded down her face, blurring her already darkening eyesight.

First came the pain, then touch was lost, then taste, then smell, then hearing, and then finally her eyesight was gone as well. Sasha had almost forgotten how it felt. To fall into the void once again; all alone.