
The morning horn sounded as birds chirped and the bustle of early risers began to grow louder. Marco rustled in his cot, wanting nothing more than to head back to sleep. It had been a long time since he was able to sleep so well. He hated that it came at the cost of crying in front of his friends, but their company made all the difference. Sasha's company on the other hand, felt the exact opposite.

"AH!" Marco yelped as he opened his eyes wide to find Sasha squatting next to him face to face. The sudden startle made him, Lexi, and Octavian all jumped out of their sleep.

"You know… you're more toned that I thought. Maybe you are my type." Sasha pondered thoughtfully, ignoring the situation entirely.

"Sasha, what the hell are you doing here?" Marco yelled embarrassed.

"I was here to check up on you but I'm starting to get other ideas." She answered slyly. Marco was at a loss for words as his fuzzy mind worked overtime to process what was happening. Fortunately, and unfortunately, he did not need to say anything because Lexi spoke first.

"Hey, you," Lexi yelled, rising from her sleeping bag. "You can't just barge into someone else's tent."

"I'm sorry, but is this your tent?" Sasha leaned back to respond.

"That's not the point." Lexi growled.

"Then you have no say in the politics of Marco's tent. So, mind your business skull and bones." Sasha said promptly before leaning forward to face Marco again.

Lexi herself did not even bother saying another word. Instead, she marched right over towards Sasha. Her umber fists glowed and smoked with intense heat. Sasha was completely unfazed by the heat, but Marco was already sweating from both that and the sudden panic that sprang on him.

"Alright everybody," Octavian spoke soothingly. "Let's settle down." Instantly everybody relaxed. Marco laid back on his pillow, Lexi sat down calmly, and even Sasha fell backwards in wonder.

"Wow, pretty boy," Sasha smiled as she stretched. "You got a nice voice."

"Thank you," Octavian responded, returning her smile. "Now could you please be kinder to my friends?"

"Whatever you say pretty boy." Sasha answered, laying about on the ground as if she were on a king's bed. The extra layer of relief that things have settled down helped Marco's nerves immensely. He looked to Octavian and mouthed a thank you. Octavian simply nodded his head.

For a time, the two just sat there; staring into each other's eyes. Against the rest of his relaxed body, Marco could easily feel his heart banging against his chest. And he knew it was not because of Octavian's voice. Because memories of locked lips, grinding bodies, and overwhelming pleasure flooded his mind; and by the look of Octavian's eyes, Marco knew he was thinking the same thing. He wished they could stay that way. Lost in the lust that swirled in each other's minds. But as always there was an interruption.

"Marco," A rebel runner, Pippin, called, lifting the front cloth of the tent to poke his small head in. "Sir Galath wants to see you."