Chapter 6 That's How It Started

The preparations for departure were completed and now, it is only a matter of time for the skilled men to start the procession. Choi Young walks to the front at of the procession leading his horse before mounting and signals that they start their way to the Pogu Village where the Yalu and the sea meet. Choi Young has sent a reconnaissance team first to prepare and monitor the road to the waterway which is the key point for men who travel and transport goods. The plan is to board the merchant ship, go south along the sea route, where they will enter the river to move to Byeokrando, which is the closest to their destination and part of the territory of the Kingdom of Goryeo. 

At least they will be able to rest at the inn before proceeding to their destination. The reconnaissance team had been placed in such a way that a signal would be deployed when any of them had detected the movement of the enemy. Choi Young was swaying as he was riding his horse hiding the constant pain that he was in, each jolt resulting a shot of excruciating pain that would streak through his body, despite the medicine that Jang-Bin Lee had given him to numb it. He was also experiencing a cold sweat and was wearing a windbreaker to protect from any wind that may make the chill worse. He knows that his physical condition is descending deeply, creating an unstable and unreliable to withstand any attack that may happen on their journey. He glances behind him at the 2 wagons which are following in a line the King in the front carriage and in the one behind it is the Queen and the Heavenly Doctor.

Eun-soo currently was experiencing her first carriage ride and finding it the most inconvenient and uncomfortable way to travel. The combination of the uneven dirt roads that the wooden wheel of the wagon rolled on made it jolt and jostle, which resulted in her hardly being able to sit, without being tossed around. Getting frustrated with the whole situation, she stands and glances at her patient who seems to be coping well in this shaking environment despite her injury. The patient is sitting quietly with her eyes closed, while her neck is supported with a cushion. Eun-soo moves towards her to gauge he condition by grasping her wrist to feel the pulse as she looks at her watch. The woman opens her eyes to look at what is doing when Eun-soo utters the words "Heart rate is stable." The Queen then finds herself under the scrutiny of the Heavenly doctor's gaze when hers the words that do not seem to be utter to her or requiring a response "Your complexion is looking good, there does not seem any anemia or to be any more bleeding." Then words that are directed at her "You seem to be recovering well."

Eun-soo then wonders how the psycho outside is doing and goes to look out the open window and gets the shock of her life. Right next to the window that she looks out of is the man she was just thinking of riding his horse. She finds it unbelievable that the man that she had done surgery on the night before was able to ride a horse, as it he should not be moving at all. It is hard for her to determine his condition by his complexion as he has pulled the hood of his coat down over his forehead, to obscure the sight of the onlooker. Unknowingly, a grumbling sound comes out of her mouth, as she mutters "You should not be moving as you will die if your wound reopens." Not knowing if he can hear her what she is saying, she continues muttering "Do not think about suing later because I did what I could, and you ignored my directions." Eun-soo then closes the window sharply, to display her frustration and anger at the man who rides beside the carriage, at the same time she is confused as to why she feels so angry. Turning away from the window to see the woman sitting at the head of the carriage with her eyes wide open now as she watches her actions intently. 

Eun-soo thinks of how she is a beauty, not in the sense of those that you find in fashion magazines, where it is only what you see, it is a type of beauty that exudes from deep inside her to permeate all your senses and can be read about in history books. The woman continues to watch her with an expressionless expression, which piques her interest to ask her as she sits next to her "What's your name?" This question stirs a surprise light in those expressionless eyes which encourages her to continue "My name is Eun-soo Yoo. What is your name older sister?" The answer comes "Borjigin Botashri." Eun-soo taken by surprise herself says ".... what?" A longer explanation is furnished by the other "I am the daughter of King Wei of the Yuan Dynasty." Eun-soo processes the information out loud "Wei Wang? King? If it's a King's daughter, then she is a princess." Thinking this is a joke she laughs as she watches the other woman's expressionless expression to see if she is kidding. It appears that she is not. She is serious so Eun-soo asks "Who is the person in the carriage in front of us?" The answer is simply presented as fact "The King." Eun-soo processes the information pointing to the front of the carriage repeating "King?" Then pointing to the woman "Princess?" recalling what was said earlier she thinks; 'Wait a sec…. What did she say earlier Yuan Dynasty? Yuan Dynasty as in the name of China in the days of Goguryeo (Goryeo) and Baekje?' Eun-soo grapples with the information thinking 'I am a science major, so my social studies are a little weak. Giga... where is it. It is known as the border area between the Yuan Dynasty and Goryeo.' Her head stops processing in shock as realization sets in and she asks disbelief clear in her voice "Then…. You mean I came in a time machine? From the land of Kuk Gangnam 2012 to the land of Goryeo more than 500 years in past? The woman answers "All the warriors said they saw it, how you were brought here forcibly from the sky. I am very sorry it was because of me." Eun-soo has taken the woman's wrist to take her pulse as she says these words seriously and sincerely. When suddenly the carriage is lurching to one side, causing both to the fall against each other as one of the wheels of the carriage hits a hole and jostles them about. Eun-soo lets go of the wrist as she ends up landing heavily onto the floor of the carriage, the pain she experiences, is as good as pinching oneself to making her realise that the situation is not a dream.

Meanwhile as the King's party is leaving port on the merchant ship arranged earlier. Another ship has arrived at Hana Port with Hwa Soo-in a striking woman known for dressing in red and smiling in a bewitching way that at the same time radiates malevolent intent. However, Mantir who is anxiously waiting for the woman to arrive notices her easily as she disembarks as the skirt on her red dress moves, fluttering as she walks, the smile normally on her face has been replaced with one of displeasure. He quickly moves forward to stand slightly in front her bending low to acknowledge her presence and authority over the situation. He then leads her to the Inn where she inspects the already empty building, her displeasure growing to radiate out as she moves. Mantir is also clearly frustrated at how their prey has been able to escape and he was unable to take advantage of the situation where the captain had been injured to the extent that he could not even lift a sword and he had waited all night for Hwa Soo-in to arrive as she could easily defeat the rest. Mantir says "If you would come right after receiving the call… you could have intercepted them, but you only came now at dawn." He looks quickly at her realising what he has said he quickly shuts his mouth and quickly kneels at her feet on the floor with his head bowed in apology as she sits in a chair opposite to him, looking at him pointedly, she smiles at him in a predatory way, which makes him want to run away. He is fully aware of Hwa Soo-in's martial arts also includes the ability to set things on fire so restrains himself from the instinct fully aware that it is too late and complies with her indication to sit on a chair opposite from her. 

She states coldly and with meaning "I was a bit busy last night, so, it could not be helped. I decided to let them go. Why?" She removes the glove from her right hand. Mantir knowing what this motion means, opens his mouth, to defend himself, but his words do not come out. She continues "Was it something to be ashamed about?" He is completely powerless as he watches her play with the conjure the fire power in the hand that she has ungloved as she continues "You are trying to tell me, that I missed the opportunity because I was procrastinating. Ah, what would I do, if my brother-in-law found out? I would be unable to live down the shame for three or four years. Besides, they would never know if you cannot say anything." She strokes his face with the hand that is still gloved, as she continues "Let us do this, I will say you betrayed us. Whether it was for money or belief I do not know. All I know is that when I arrived the target is not here, so I had no choice but to kill you." In saying the last of the statement, her gloved hand holds his throat as the ungloved hand red from the heat that it generates drops down to be placed on his chest where is starts to burn on contact and smoke ripens. The pain is such that Mantir wants to scream but is unable to as his life is suddenly extinguished, she lets him go and his lifeless body falls off the chair onto the ground. Hwa Soo-in watches her work with a sense of satisfaction as she stands putting the glove back on as fire starts to bloom where his body has fallen starting to set the Inn ablaze. The other subordinates start to scurry as they escape yelling for the owner to run as she walks calmly away noticing the absence of people as she leaves through the main doorway asks, "No one is here?" and then states, "I am hungry."

Back to the ship that has left the port with the King who is standing on the deck as he looks out onto the water as it makes it way to their destination reflecting on how the events of the past determined his fate. It all started with Chungryeol, where the Yuan Dynasty began to reach out to Goryeo in earnest and after King Seon, the Kings of Goryeo were enthroned and dethroned according to Won's influence. It became a place where restoration was repeated. The former Kings, who were his own brothers and nephews, the last one was eight years old when he ascended the throne and was dethroned at the age of twelve. It is unknown whether he died or was exiled before the decision to reinstate his older brother Chunghye, a name that rises and falls off the list of those enthroned as this cycle is repeated. How many times did his own name appear on the list of names over the years for selection of Kings?

The answer is unknown, he is only aware of that he is a candidate because of his lineage and now he finally became King. The King remembers asking the captain his opinion of the peoples' thought on him being crowned, the response was "You are already the fifth King in ten years, so the people would not be that interested as it does not change their day-to-day life." He continues looking at the sea as the boat makes its way to their destination pondering the reality of how many years can he last and the question that persists in the back of his mind of whether he really wants to be King. The answer is not clear and is conflicting as it changes regularly. The name Gangneung Daegun has been brought up in someone else's country since he was young and now, he finally become a King, he returns to his homeland after ten years. The reality is his arrival is unwelcomed and making no fanfare as it is evident that his presence makes no impact on the subjects he is meant to rule. He knows that his throne will involve him holding his breath and looking over his shoulder at those who have a vested interest and influence eye his position with evil intent. In many ways I feel in my heart it would be better not to be a King, being able to draw or paint, play music and live stress free would be preferable and probably would mean a longer life. 

Unfortunately, since he was twelve, he was groomed to be a King according to a criterion that would be of no threat to the authority of Yuan. So, unlike his ancestors he never learned to ride a horse, shoot an arrow and wield a sword, this in combination with his appearance is of one that is weak and therefore can easily manipulated making it ideal for him to take the throne. The King looks at the captain whose stands vigilantly not far behind him face is pale, lips bloodless, clearly suffering from the injury he had sustained. The King knows that the captain will not rest until later tonight after they reach their destination. The King decides to enter the cabin to rest and even though he can command Jang-Bin to check the captain's condition, he keeps silent as he settles in the cabin and watches silently as the captain sits down by the entrance and seems to fall asleep. The King is unsure how to gain the man's unquestioning loyalty and wonders whether it lies elsewhere particularly with Deok seong, Buwongun, and Ki Cheol, one is the leader, while the others are not just supporters but influencers of the those who are a threat to his duration on the throne.

The King notices the captain stir and moves so that he is now standing on the outside of the doorframe looking out to the sea, seeming to scan the area for any change, if a boat is passing, he keeps a close eye on it and he watches for the changes in weather. The King moves to the doorway to ask the captain "How about the one who came from heaven?" As always, he is answered concisely "She is suffering from motion sickness." The King asks, "Are there no ships in the Heavenly world?" He answers is ""I do not know." No further elaboration is offered, no signs to ingratiate himself and no sign of resentment being held to the King. The King is kind of relieved that this kind of person is holds himself like nobility just like those of Buwongun and there is no way that he would bow his head and offer his heart to the King, let alone others for no reason or with no basis. By the time, the merchant ship carrying the King entered the Yesung River from the sea, Jeon Seo-gu who was sent by Soo-in had arrived the day before to Moji Branch in Byeokrando. It was from here he sent messengers to Gaegyeong with Moh's preamble which contained the destination, using the authority of Deokseong Buwongun, who was classified as the highest-end customer in the village and in charge, to convey the communication of Hwa Soo-in. It was also because of this authority that he pretended not to know that he had heard of Hwa Soo-in, a person from Buwongun, killed Mantir of Moga. The messenger arrived after travelling 30 li in one fell swoop at Seon Buwongun's house to deliver the communication to Deokseong Buwongun Ki-Cheol. He was currently reading how the large-scale corps that was trying to be brought in from Yuan were blown up and destroyed, and that all goods they had been carrying was stolen, which was the known practice of the Red Turbans, which left him with the bitter taste of disappointment.

Cheon Eum-ja approaching the closed door to the study can hear loud noises through the thick wood as things are being grabbed and thrown randomly to crash into walls and landing or breaking on the stone floor as Ki-Cheol's displeasure being displayed in away a child would normally display their unhappiness. He waits for the chaos to cease before entering the study, to find the destruction and an atmosphere that is thick with unease as Ki-Cheol who is a powder keg of dissatisfaction is pacing around as a man who appears to be the messenger stands in the middle of the room wearing a splint, head down trembling as he is waits. Meanwhile in the corner of the room stands Ki-Cheol's shadow Yangsa who seems to be taking refuge there. Ki-Cheol seeing the l celestial character approach looks almost pitiful when their eyes meet and he says, "It failed, the Princess lives." The two companies of Yangsa and Hwa Soo-In are the two that are closest to Ki-Cheol, and both normally display high/good spirits and are at the same time his rivals for his brother in laws favour.

So, he states simply "I'll take action right away." Ki-Cheol smiles and asks "How?" then shakes his head with his hand up to stop the answer and asks "When? Exactly." The answer is simply said "As soon as..." That guy Yangsa walks towards him with clear intention of wanting to kill him. This celestial knows the threat of the death penalty better than anyone else, so he is ambivalent to the threat that Yangsa radiates, as the conversation continues uninterrupted as Ki-Cheol says "You mean you came specifically for this?" at which he replies "Exactly." He thinks that 'I am the man that meet what Ki-Cheol lacks to join forces with the two partners that he already has.' It has been his main purpose in over the past few years working hard day by day to build his influence and support network to finally reach his goal now, today.

Ki-Cheol breaks out in crackling laughter in delight as he says with some trouble "Take down a King, make a King and set up a King, and now a King is about to be wrapped up in cloth and delivered to me." He is chuckling as he thinks 'To this day I have never slept soundly a night, ha! I have never happily passed a meal of roux.... However?' The laughter stops as he looks back at the Cheon Eum-ja. "The Princess is alive." Which is acknowledged with "Yes." Ki-Cheol makes it clear "I want her dead. She is alive here in Gaegyeong. She is not part of my picture, so she must be dead prior to leaving. She must not make it to their destination..." Ki-Cheol's dance with the death penalty, over the past few years, has been an anxious one and he finds ways to break up the monotony of it with finding something more interesting to do from time to time. One of those to influence the enthronement of a King and then depose that King to sway his support and influence on another to enthrone another as King, is him. It was a challenge he finds fun and is like a child scribbling on the wall drawing a picture and moving the people inside that picture. Ultimately it is the celestial who decides to impose the death on all those who challenge the throne and do not comply with his covert agenda and authority. The evidence is that of the bodies that he has accumulated during his lifetime since he was young to how he was appointed an official position by the King of Yuan according to his royal lineage.

The amount of people that die at one time is up to him. It is easy to dispose of those who bother or annoy him to close one chapter and start a new chapter. He asks, "Where did you say they were coming from?" The response "They say they should have entered the Yesung River by now." He says "It is already in the region of Goryeo. Isn't it annoying to try and get rid of the Princess of Yuan who is the Queen of Goryeo now?" Ki-Cheol who is pondering answers "That is right. It would be annoying." Cheon Eum-ja prods "Do you think that there could be a picture that is better and more satisfying?" Ki-Cheol thinks deeply and recalls his sister Empress K, advice that even if he seemed childish when he started to implement things, he will be second only to Cao Cao. Everyone quietly waits for him to stop contemplating, when he realizes what is being implied and says happily "I miss you." Yangsa is confused with what is transpiring and asks, "What do you mean?" Ki-Cheol looks at him with clear anticipation as he explains "I can picture the new King coming to my house, as he stands before me, shedding tears as he is brought to his knees to beg at my feet. That is what I want to see." Yangsa who has listened replies, "We will make it happen." He bows as Ki-Cheol and the celestial who stands watching start to leave the room together when his gaze lands on the messenger that still kneels on the floor with head bowed waiting for further instructions. "Wait' Ki-Cheol's says as his gaze lands on the man that is kneeling on the floor, watching the man as who breathes quickly "The messenger has heard too many things." The celestial replies "Yes." The two leave the room as they go out the messenger who remains kneeling curiously turns his head to the door, waiting a command to leave when he sees Yangsa step into his view with a flute being lifted to his mouth suddenly a strange sharp, loud, piercing sound is heard, and his nose suddenly starts pouring out blood. He is confused as he puts his hand up to stop the bleeding when suddenly he feels that he is being strangled and he cannot breathe, while simultaneously blood starts to flow from his eyes and ears, evidence of the energy being summoned by the person who is channeling it and sending it out through the flute.

Yangsa was taught how to harness the yin energy by a teacher who is deceased now that followed the Master (Ki-Cheol). It has been said that he was a transmigrator who was said to have searched a thousand children to find one that had the potential to develop and use the yin energy, which is able to use sound to attack its target. In this case it is the structures of the ear. Yangsa is still developing and trying to master his yin energy to try and match that of his original teacher who until the very end was frustrated at his lack of progress. Yangsa currently has no control of what can be destroyed when he is using it on a set target, which is why the other men apart from the messenger left the room. When he feels his power weaken, he opens his eyes and removes the flute from his mouth, as he notices that the messenger has already died, being so immersed in channeling his energy he had not noticed when he passed away, leaving only the messy evidence of his body lying in blood on the floor that had come out of his ears, eyes and nose. Afraid that he would get blood on his feet, he chose to leave the room, leaving the servants to clean up after him. He finds it easy to kill, but does not like to deal with the mess left in the aftermath

Elsewhere movements have been made that started secretly the previous night, continuing until dawn and spreading to the next day, where secret messages were being exchanged between some of the court officials and a few scholars and nobles of repute, but without title. Evidence of this was when a message had been found on a guard that had been shot with an arrow with is attached to its head. Another message had been secretly smuggled into the palace and it was found that it was delivered by a person traveling in a palanquin and a lord was attacked on his way home.

Meanwhile, the Queen of Yuan prays that the Princess, now Queen of Goyreo will be killed and the Deokseong Buwongun's faction can seize the opportunity to conspire against Jusang and Goryeo and take measures before they reach Gaegyeong. Whilst the world slept a group of people gathered in Seonhyejeong, located on the outskirts of Gaegyeong, Deokseong Buwongun. The disbelief is given voice by different people "Can you believe this?" Another says, "There are 12". Another says "What is going to happen now? A reply is "Isn't the procedure obvious? We will ask for an investigation of this crime." The consensus is that Ki family is right to stand against all those who are against those who do not want Yuan to take control of Goryeo. Some worry that Goryeo will disappear while others argue that Goryeo will just take on the name of Won as Seongbuwongun had this country in the name of Seongju of Jeongdong Planet. They each wonder if it will work but want to benefit from it happening that they are not worried about the process of making it happen, they just determined to make it will work. They then ponder why the procession of the lord was attacked and whether it was because the person attacked was the one that initiated the attack on the Queen. They wonder if Ki-Cheol who has been instrumental in the slow destruction of the ancestors of a bloodline that has ruled for thousands of years, is responsible for it. Some are worried about his influence as they feel that they have been instrumental in it being built and protected by them only to hand it to someone else. They have heard how Ki-Cheol who was instrumental in elevating his sister who was court lady of the Yuan Court to the position of the Second Empress, known as Empress Ki.

It has been rumored that Ki-Cheol was behind the process of eliminating the entire clan of Jeonghu from Danshiri who had resisted and been jealous of these manipulations and influence. Other things had been also influenced by him which were more covert one being the Yen forces that had disappeared shortly thereafter was also behind this process. It is said that the only person who can direct and manage Ki-Cheol is his sister now that she has proven herself as Empress. The evidence of this is when she took her place as Empress, she changed her Hui Garden to Ja Garden (資政院), and with this as the physical evidence of the enormous power she wields is use as a background, within the circle of the palace. On top of that the male child she birthed became the crown prince after Iyu Shiridara which is when she had been awarded the title of Empress Ki, which she used to support Ki-Cheol.

Yuan considers him Jung and he was appointed Chamjijeongsa of Donggangseong, and the King of Goryeo designated him as Jeongseung. After his appointment, he was given the seal and power of Deokseong Buwongun, which gives him the ability to kill, anyone he wants to kill and take any land he wanted. Even in the territory of Jeongdong, Imunso, who has jurisdiction to independently determine crimes, he has the ability and power to get rid of any evidence and manipulate the outcome he desires. The amount of power he exerts makes him arrogant and drunk with the irony of how untouchable he is. The group of men who are meeting in secret all have vested interests, some know, and others are aware of Ki- Cheol's manipulations. They are there to discuss the potential of Ki-Cheol getting rid of the new King and Queen and making Goryeo as a separate kingdom being subjugated to Yuan and disappearing, wondering how they are going to make their opposition to losing their influence and relevance work in their favour.

They start to strategize with one saying, "What power do we have to fight against Buwongun?" Another says, "First of all, we must write an appeal by clarifying all these circumstances in detail, so that we can present them when the Lord comes…." A different one says with concern "Our Highness is still young, and was brought up in the Yuan Dynasty, under their influence and only given the crown because of that and he is only one person of the established Buwongun faction and…." Another man interrupts impatiently "Will you listen to us or listen to them?" The one who has brought up the concern says, "Oh, well, that's right! Let us deal with them all first, as Ki-Cheol does not have him yet. So, nothing is final yet." A man then says "How do we deal with him? Do we write?" The discussion has gathered momentum and the voices that were initially were being quiet grew louder as it progressed. Amid the excitement one of them called Zaun, who has been monitoring the discussion, sneaks quickly and quietly out through the back door, while no one was paying attention, he then bolts the back door from outside. The windows of the building have had their shutters closed and bolted by another man called Dongi while the secret meeting had been going. Dongi now brings black oil and with a group of men who have spread it around and on the outside of the building. 

Zaun walks unhurried away from the building in the dark to stand beside Yangsa who is standing a safe distance away but facing the pavilion. They stand side by side quietly, looking at the pavilion with light from inside the building is leaking out in the dark. Yangsa asks "Is there anyone around to save them?' Zaun answers "Well, there are not many people who live around here and those that do live too far to do anything." Yangsa nods then raises his hand to the waiting archers. Three archers have attached oil bags onto their arrowheads and at the signal light them on fire and they prepare to launch the arrows by placing them on to their bows and pulling the back of the arrow on to the bowstring aiming at the pavilion to wait for the signal. The hand that Yangsa has raised, drops, the fiery arrows fly to pierce the wall and door of the pavilion, which was already sprinkled with oil in advance, so catches fire quickly and in no time is engulfed in flames. A clamor is heard from inside, and a desperate banging can be heard as the door is being shoved from the inside to try and force it open but fails. All the windows shake as well as the people inside try to force them open, so that they can escape, but the flames spread so quickly and the darkness around the pavilion glows as it is encased in the red and yellow of the flames that have engulfed the pavilion. The glow that surrounds the pavilion also makes the men who surround the pavilion with their knives drawn, waiting to kill anyone that escapes, more visible. Zaun who stands next to Yangsa looking around with a frown on his face, as he realizes that the men inside pretended to be allies and colleagues of Ki-Cheol as they chattered and passed drinks yesterday at a get together.

Meanwhile Choi Young is watching the unloading of the horse and carriage from the ship as the weather had been good, so they had arrived at Byeokrando earlier than planned. He sneaks a peek at the Sky woman who has disembarked with the Queen and notices that she is pale from the suffering of severe motion sickness, as she staggers off the boat to stand on solid ground, clutching the bag she carries to chest. She catches him looking at her and he quickly averts his gaze, still feeling guilty for stopping her return to the Heavenly world. He is aware that he did the wrong thing and was punished when he was stabbed by her, if only she had let him die, he would not feel like he is willing for her to do it again. It seems to him that she is holding a grudge against him is growing in the list that she blames him the latest being the motion sickness that she has suffered because of the rocking boat caused during the voyage her displeasure at the whole situation is clearly shown on her face.

He is relieved that her attempts to approach him during the voyage to check on his condition have been unsuccessful due to the motion sickness she suffers from the rocking boat. The first time she asked to check on his wound she was ignored, and his men made sure she would not approach him. Another time she tried to stay close to him to find a gap in the men that shadow him to approach to check on his condition but because he would not allow it, his men blocked her attempts to slip through them. The last time was when he recalls her standing on the stern side of the ship watching the sunset over the sea. He watches her from behind as she looked over the water and her red hair the same colour as the sunset was being blown by the strong sea breeze. 

The two seem to melt together and it makes him contemplate how her presence makes him more anxious and it is not because of the wound in his stomach which is getting worse, which is evident with increase in how his body is shaking. It is because he is worried about her safety here on earth and his ability to keep her safe until he can return her to the Heavenly realm where she belongs. The random thoughts and worries that plague him take a physical manifestation when in an instant the figure of the woman seems to disappear. He closes his eyes and rubs them to help them refocus his attention to the present. He opens them and is relieved that he can make out her figure against the now deepening colour of the sunset. Feeling alone in his quest to make sure she is safe until he can return her like he promised, he knows that this weight of responsibility will weigh like a rock on his chest until she returns.

Jang Bin of Eo came to visit Choi Young on the Heavenly woman's behalf, saying that she was worried and that he must take his pulse for her, as using his pulse rate can indicate how he is healing from his wound. Choi Young refused his request, which Jang Bin had already anticipated, knowing him as he did, he did not insist and left, not to return. Choi Young refusal is based on that he must not display any weakness and any indication that he is suffering can be seen by on lookers and word of it can travel to those who had attempted to assassinate the Queen, who must be aware that she survived and how she survived. Figuring out their next move and anticipating the possibility of it being a trick or whether it will be a full-on assault of brute force is something that needs to be anticipated on the way to the palace. He cannot make them aware that he, the Captain of the Woodalchi has been seriously injured. It is a weakness that you do not want your opponents to exploit endangering the ones you are responsible for protecting, before they enter the palace. 

It started on Byeokran Island; would it have been a Korean food scene? Or was it Geumowi's fortune? A bunch of people came running and blocked the way, with more than a dozen troops. The national highway, which is not very wide but has several layers that can normally be crossed and accessed, have now been blocked, by what appear to be Geumo, which has six ranks, and this appears to be the rank of the unit in charge of public security in the capital. A person who seemed to be their leader stepped forward to scream "Stop! Stop the procession!" Chung Seok, who was in the lead, was upset asks "Why do you block our way?" The Leader replies "There are some tramps who dare to say that they are His Majesty the Prime Minister's procession. So, I came running to check if this procession is fake. Who are you guys?"

Chung-Seok laughs at his astonishment and speaks kindly. "This is Woodalchi's Nangjang, Baecheongseok. Looking at what you how you guys are wearing gold, are you Owi guys?" The leader of the opposing party is looking at the procession with suspicious eyes as he answers. "Our unit is called Geumowi and I am Sanwon Odeokso. Four days ago, a message was sent from the border, and another message was sent from Byeokran Island." Chung-Seok's eyes widen in recognition as he was the one that sent the messages for the golden soldiers to come to their aide and protect His Majesty, so he says in frustration "What the hell are you doing? How can you not recognize this procession?" Sanwon still looks suspicious and replies "I'm very impressed, but can I see His Highness's face? To verify his identity?" Chung-Seok exploded with anger "These rotten bastards..." He puts his hand on his sword, which makes Sanwon and his subordinates of the Geumo to immediately put their hands on their swords and they all draw their weapons simultaneously, as they had come here to fight. However, Chung-Seok and the Woodalchi did no draw their weapons and remained with their hands on their swords waiting the command of their captain. 

Choi Young slowly rides his horse forward with his head lowered the hood covering his face. He stops takes the hood off, raises his head to meet the other leader's eyes and says "I am the Choi Young the commander of Woodalchi's Jungnang. How would you recognize be able to see His Highness? You have never laid eyes on him before so how would, you be able to verify it is him?" Geumowi's Sanwon mumbles with clear hesitation "I received an order from my commander to catch the person who is pretending to be King and the procession that escorts him. I was ordered to stop, investigate the people involved in the procession and arrest them if necessary...." The last part is said very faintly with no confidence as he stops what he is saying with how the young captain watches him intently with clear aura of authority and displeasure.

Choi Young whose stoic exterior hid the underlying anxiousness to the Geumowi, who blocked their exit out of Mando, can sense that they have been sent to delay their arrival to Jusang. Deciding to not delay their arrival any longer commands his troops by projecting his voice to boom out through the air, "WOODALCHI!!" The troops respond loudly in unison "YES!" He commands "Take off your camouflage to reveal the Woodalchi uniform that represents His Highness's guard!" at the same time taking his camouflage which is the windshield he wears off. At his command they all take off the camouflage they wear to protect them from the elements and hide their identity during their journey. Beneath the chaotically disrobing of the windshields, the armor they have worn since Byeokrando is revealed. The armor is undeniably gorgeous and is mainly black in colour, it has the emblem of the Chinese dragon embossed which easily identifies the Woodalchi on it also in black, each uniform has different colours stitched in it according to each position and group, there is silver on the collar and on the belt which also distinctive to their position and who they serve. The Geumowi instantly recognize the uniform and visibly weaken at the site of it. Choi Young seeing their reaction commands strongly "From now on, whoever gets in the way it doesn't matter who is, no need to questions or wait for answers, no matter what ATTACK!" The troops roar and draw their weapons in unison. The momentum and sound are vicious, and it makes the Geumowi Leader urgently order his troop to make way "One to the right, two to the left." According to Sanwon's order, his men hurriedly parted on both sides of the road, who hurriedly comply. Meanwhile, Chung-Seok asks Choi Young in a low voice "Will there be anyone to play tricks unexpectedly?" Choi Young say, "You deal with that if it happens." Chung-Seok who does not expect that answer says "Yes." He looks over at Choi Young who is holding his stomach with one hand in an understated way, but he is clearly trying to hide the pain that he is experiencing.

Eun-soo had been experiencing a headache since before boarding the boat this morning but had no symptoms to justify taking medicine to treat it. The combination of experiencing motion sickness on the rocking boat and the added stress of dealing with the unfamiliar world has made it worse. Despite being assigned a cabin right next to the Queen to assist her with resting, it seems the stress has lowered her immunity. Now she has swollen tonsils and chills from staying in the cold cabin. The oriental doctor took her pulse and offered to treat her with acupuncture which she refused, reflecting in the irony of refusing a doctor's treatment. Her refusal was based in the concerns of whether the tools had been properly disinfected, and were not the disposable needles used in modern Korean medicine. On top of that she was given something black that looked like poison to drink, but ended up something like ssanghwatang, which she forced herself to drink, and it had worked. After boarding the swaying carriage, she took an Aspirin to deal with the persistent headache and now that it seems to also be fading, she made attempts to find the Psycho. She had visited two or three times, every time she came out, she was nicely rejected and occasionally, his subordinates came forward to block it. Who would believe that the person who wanted to stab him to death also wants to heal him? It sounded ridiculous to say the least. Eun-soo cannot believe no matter how much she thought about it that she stabbed someone with a sword, so she can guess to that Psycho, she is just someone who murders. Questions flood her mind which range from 'What the hell did I do?' to 'Why?' and 'You ran to stab someone with a sword.' She ponders how much of that injury was her fault? She had never expected the sword to be so sharp and the thick armor to be penetrated so easily. The thought that although it was her that ran to stab him with the sword, it was he who had the ability to dodge it. Instead, puts himself into its path and when it lodged into his abdomen, he forced it deeper to penetrate through his body, 'Why did he do that? Did he want to die?' She wants to meet, talk to him and check on the surgical site of the wound that she treated. She worries about that there might be inflammation, infection due to not having antibiotics to administer and bleeding or tearing of the stitches 

Eun-soo remembers asking him why he embedded the sword in his body "Why did you do that? Why did you move yourself in front of me?" She remembers his strong hand pulling her body up by the collar of her clothes as he answered, "Are you done with this?" She is confused by his response, so she asks, "Why did you say that?" Remembering the distance between them was so that she was close enough to feel his breath and feel the reverberation of his voice as he spoke forcefully, yet low with no blame, face frowning with pain as he said, "I allowed you to do this. Will it make us even?" A voice which she recognizes interrupts her thoughts and dissection of what has happened, "Queen Mama, Shin, Chung-Seok." The Queen, who sits next to her, answers, "Speak."Eun-soo quickly opens the window to see the man the troops called manager, he is riding his horse right next to the carriage window she has opened, he is here instead of the Psycho, as he is the second in command. Suffering from headaches for the last two to three days while travelling she has heard and saw things that make it easier for her to identify the sequence of how things work. Chung-Seok reports "My Queen, we have sighted the royal palace. His Highness commanded we send a message, so by now the mother of Goryeo and the high-ranking officials will be notified of your imminent arrival." The Queen is taken by surprise "What? All the high-ranking official of Goryeo will be at the Palace?" The response is simple "I will deliver the words exactly as His Highness told me to convey. I know that My Queen is uncomfortable, but please put your discomfort aside and participate to set the example of what is expected in our position." Message conveyed as ordered Chung-Seok rides away. Eun-soo looks at the Queen's face which for this whole time has been expressionless is now marked with annoyance. The Queen then rummages through a little bag that she has and takes out a mirror to look at her face, which she is trying to determine how she is going to face all the high-ranking officials with the dignity expected of her.

Eun-soo picking up on her anxiety about appearing haggard and plagued by the uncertainty of whether the wound she has suffered is affecting her appearance, starts to rummage through her bag as she mutters, "Typical man. At least give her time to change her clothes and fix her makeup." She finds her cosmetic pouch which contain a variety cosmetic that is a collection of compacts, colours, cleansers, moisturizers and tools to apply them. All of them she has received as samples because they are small and she carries, because as a cosmetic (plastic) surgeon you must care about your appearance as how you look determines whether you get any business. Eun-soo says to the Queen, "Look at me." which the Queen does, as she is taken by surprise by her sudden outburst. Eun-soo then contemplates out loud more to herself then the Queen "No need for foundation, for a recovering patient, you have good skin." Eun-soo then starts to put moisturizing cream on the Queen's face. The Queen who is startled tries to dodge what is happening to her, then asks "What are you doing?" Eun-soo who seems to be contemplating out loud rather than answering her question says, "Since you're the Queen, I'll make it a bit more elegant. Let us put some face powder to even out the appearance of your skin." The action is accompanied with the dabbing of some powder with a pad on the face. The Queen who has started to realise what she is doing lets her continue, even though the whole experience is a bit disconcerting. Eun-soo continues "A little bit of Eye shadow and blush as that should be minimal and for lipstick…...should I use pink, maybe a more natural colour would be nice too." She then puts neutral coloured eye shadow with a small brush on the lids of the eyes and a pink blush which is put on using a small but with a bigger brush head to just touch the surface of the cheeks of the Queen and then notices the copper mirror the Queen is holding and laughs, at the reflection which is distorted. She then takes the mirror she carries out of her bag and replaces it with the one the Queen holds. The Queen looks at what has been replaced in her hands and is startled to see her face clearly reflected in it, instead of the distorted one she is used to seeing and she is pleased with the effect.

The Queen looks at Eun-soo in amazement, who puts something on her lips, while all she sees is a demon whose eyes she cannot hide from. Eun-soo who is exhibiting an enthusiastic friendliness, smiles widely at her and laughs. It is Eun-soo's strong belief,that there is magic in laughter and when she is going through a difficult time, is feeling particularly lonely or is swallowed up in the trap of despair, she will laugh to make things a little more bearable. She is determined to be positive and enjoy every moment and not get caught up in hatred and confusion between reality and delusion, because she is the one who chooses. So, she exhibits her positivity as she applies make up on the girl, they call Queen and by the time she checks and fixes her on makeup, she is feeling much better.The carriage stops in front of the palace she looks out the window, while the Queen waits in the carriage to enter the boulevard, the Woodalchi stand protectively near them. A line of people can be seen waiting which Myung Choi quickly checks the people standing in it. Even though he is glad to see his colleagues after two months, he can sense a strange energy that seems to permeate the air, which makes him alert to the possibility that something is going to happen.

Myeong-ho, the commander of the military unit, came running, to report to Myung Choi who asks him "Where have you been there?" he listens while the procession moves without stopping, he cannot believe the content of what Myeong-ho is reporting and looks at hims and asks "What? That is.... What?" He looks at Choi Young who he sees is looking back at him intently. The procession that escorts the Queen and His Majesty's carriages does not stop until they get to front of the large gate of Seoninjeon. The King leads as they disembark, to lineup ready to enter. Choi Young and the commander of the Geumgun, Ahn Jae are old friends and when eye contact is made Ahn Jae tilts his head to indicate that there is something different. Choi Youngs face takes on a grave look as he gets off his horse and goes to the front of the chief minister's carriage. The eunuch is currently helping the King disembark and as Choi Young passes Jo Il-shin who is getting off his horse as he makes a fuss again. Although Choi Young is reluctant, he draws the Kings attention by calling "Majesty". The young King is distracted and preoccupied with looking at the palace after ten years, can be heard saying quietly "Give me a little time. It could be because it is the palace I'm seeing again, that is does not seem to have changed in any way. Everything has stayed the way I remembered it." As if realizing that someone has called him, he says "Huh?" 

Choi Young can see that the King looks a bit thin from the exhaustion of the long journey and although he felt sorry for the smile on his face, Choi Young could not put it off any, so he says clearly but quietly longer "No one came out." The King looks back at eyes clearly not understanding what has been said. Choi Young explains "Messages were sent to your courtiers notifying them of your arrival to Seoninjeon and that they were summoned to pay homage on your arrival. I have been notified that no one has arrived." It was the best he could do under the circumstances. The King looks at the golden army lined up behind him to the carriage at the entrance, where the Queen and the Lady of the Sky stand, he meets the eyes of the Queen with the clear incredulity of the situation. The King is smart so when he looks at Choi Young who is clearly not in a good mood and the King asks him "What happened?" Choi Young answers with his head lowered "It is not because they did not receive the messages, as the gold soldiers came out to meet you. I was just informed that today there is a celebration at Deokseong Buwon's house, and most of the high-ranking officials are attending." The King wanting to know all of it asks, "What are they celebrating?" Choi Young answers "There is a man named Giwon, the younger brother of Buwongun who is holding a celebration feast for his son's first birthday." Jo Il-shin, who had been listening beside the King screams "What, what, what? What the hell is this... This is..." They all stand in the empty front yard of Seoninjeon, apart from the Woodalchi that guard the surroundings. 

Jo Il-shin who looked at all the guards and the Royal couple who stand quietly, trying to come to terms with the situation. Starts to yell without taking a pause "Has there ever been anything like this under the sky of history?! Your Highness! A group of evil traitors, treacherous vassals, and profiteers! Who is going to the first birthday party?! They cannot do this...this is impossible! The King of this country is coming they are the lower ones that should eat his dust! How can you stand it?! Your Highness! I am so heartbroken that I feel like vomiting blood!" Each word reverberates through the air of the empty Seoninjeon which is a place where all the central officials of Goryeo should be and now reflects the King's insignificance that they put on his position and therefore his arrival. Jo Il-Shin than suggested to go to Gangan, which the King refused.

The King decides to enter Seoninjeon and starts to walk, without saying a word, his movement indicates to the rest of the party to follow suit and they all slowly walk, sedately across the center of the Pyeonjeon to the make their way to where Throne is, without making any sound. Choi Young who shadow the King, knows that being King does not mean the avoidance suffering. Take this King, he was a member of the royal family of Goyreo who was taken hostage by the Yuan Dynasty where he grew up under their guidance and influence. After ten years, Yuan appoints him King of Goyreo and returns him to the palace of his homeland to sit on the Throne, which makes his position weak and therefore he is seen as a weak person. Choi Young does not see the King as any of these things. The whole way to Pyeonjeon, is empty, not even servants come to acknowledge the Kings' presence further reflecting the irrevelance of his appointment. When they enter the room where the Thorne it is empty the King walks slowly to the throne that sits prominetly at the top of the room on a raised platform, looking at the empty tables and sitting places for his high-ranking officials and courtiers. The others stay gathered close to the entry as the impact of what they are experiencing sinks in. When the King reaches the throne, he stands in front of it and then looks back at the Queen. Choi Young also looks at the Queen and notices that she is looking straight at the King. It appears to him that they are holding a silent heart-to-heart conversation with their eyes. Choi Young finds it hard to figure out their relationship because at times they seem to hate each other, while at other times like now they are clearly communication to each other without speaking. The silent conversation that the King is having with his Queen goes like this:

The King "So, this is my situation." The Queen "I see"

 The King "I will fight." The Queen "Does the King intend to fight?

 The King "Under these circumstances. It looks like it. Whatever form the fight take I will meet it head on." The Queen "All right. It has nothing to do with God."

The Queen is worried about Choi Young's condition as she has a feeling that it is not very good. She had noticed he was having trouble riding his horse in Byeokrando, where he nearly fell off, luckily no one had noticed. Choi Young is barely holding it together, his mouth burned like fire and his whole body felt like it had been crushed to pieces. Fortunately, no one noticed his disgrace, he had a high fever and the pain he feels is excruciating. All he is concentrating on doing his duty until he can go to his room to be alone as soon as possible. The stillness of the throne room is broken when servants enter hurriedly from the side to kneel at the feet of the King. At the entry of Lady Choi, a small smile involuntarily makes an appearance on Choi Young face, which is fleeting as it disappears as fast as it appeared she heads the group of servants, three Eunuchs and two female servants who double as guards. They all enter to kneel and bow simultaneously in front of the King. Lady Choi speaks "Your Highness, you have arrived." Without waiting for His Highness to respond, she continues to say, "Do you perhaps remember me?" The King looks uncertainly at her, so she continues, "When Your Highness was ten years old and you were dragged into palace, you were holding my hand until the very end." she bows as she finishes. The face of the King who had been searching for memories brightened, for the first time since entering the palace, "Court Lady Choi?" She answers, "Yes, that is correct. I, Court Lady Choi, am still doing well here. Please let me to stand, as I have many things to attend to." The King smiles at her words and responds, "I remember your personality well. It is the same. You may rise." Court Lady Choi then rises as does the others that are with her, she says to the King, "There is no reason for you to be here anymore. For now, go inside and relax." then directing her words to the servants that follow her she prompts, "What are you doing? Escort the King." The Eunuchs move forward to comply and they escort the King to his chambers. Court Lady Choi and two other female servants then approaches the Queen bowing to her she states, "Queen, Majesty, we will serve you." The two female servants move to either side of the Queen as Court Lady Choi continues to say, "There has been a terrible rumor of Your Highness being slain with a sword. So, meeting you here is as if Heaven has helped us." after finish what she has said the two female servants then escort the Queen to her chambers, leaving Court Lady Choi looking at the group of people who remain. 

She is first to notice the Sky Lady due to her unusual appearance and the fact that she smiles and waves at her in an overly friendly way. Lady Choi glances at Choi Young who stands behind them and notices he is not looking that well. She walks towards him stopping to stand in front of him, which makes him try to dodge her gaze. The action encourages to speak to him in a familiar way, "Look at your face..." he is clearly not comfortable which makes her remind him of his duty, "Woodalchi should serve the King. Why do you treat yourself so recklessly?" Tutting in disgust she goes to turn away almost colliding with the Sky Lady who has decided to look at Choi Young from behind her. Eun-soo bows in apology as the Lady Choi leaves to serve the Queen. 

The Sky Lady who has noticed that his condition is not looking the best demands "Wait, Look at me." Jang Bin also moves closer to look at Cho Young who stares back, at Eun-soo, who asks him "You have a fever, right? This can be a sign of septicemia. Let me check your temperature." While saying the last part she goes to feel his forehead with her hand, but he captures her by the wrist before it can make contact and moves her arm to turn her body, before bending it behind her body, to then push her away, before letting go. The action hurts Eun-soo who hisses in pain and looks at him accusingly as she shakes her hand. Choi Young ignores her and asks Jang Bin who has observed everything, "Please take care of this person." Jang Bin then also tries to grab his wrist to detain him which he also avoids by flicking his hand so that knocks the others hand away, stopping any attempt to do so. He walks away from the two doctors as they watch him with concern. It looks like both heaven and earth are aware of Choi Young's illness, which means that it will not be long before his subordinates will also become aware of it. 

There is not much time, he makes his way with haste and determination to a small room in the corner of the palace that he uses sometimes for sleeping. The room he heads for is a forgotten space that is not used, it is remote, and it even has no windows. As soon as he entered and closed the door, Choi Young collapses to the floor where he lies down, before deciding to prop himself barely leaning against the wall, for fear he will not be able to speak when necessary. In his head are following thoughts 'Is the end is in sight of his mission to bring the new King to palace?' We are almost done. The past seven years of palace life are almost at an end. The King is washing himself after the long journey and change into his royal clothes, to receive the surah. It will be after this he will be summoned, and he will seek permission to leave the palace, after which he will step back and wish him luck. His Highness will be taken care of by his aunt, Lady Choi although the position itself is nothing more than an upper court designation it will filter to all streams within the Goryeo royal palace and moves through the hands of the Supreme Court. With the power of the Woodalchi, if it is supported His Highness will be safe or not safe, it is no longer my business, even if I am still doing everything. The release from my position will make my heart so light it is going to fly.' 

The boiling heat he feels is excruciating and he his muttering unconsciously as he smiles thinking of Aunt Choi Sang-gung is the only one in the Choi family, who has the family tattoo of the Crab, "Auntie, I'm sorry." He recalls how she learned martial arts and entered the palace at a young age and became Nine De, the then head of Bugaksi, who fell in love with his qualities, favored and taught him had come about. When Choi Young was six years old, his father was Choi Sang-soo and who was her brother, sent a message to the palace, requesting she come to the house to test Choi Young, using the words, "Find out if this kid is good enough for martial arts." Court Lady Choi played with her young nephew for just half a day, before she asked La Bunny, "Are you really going to teach this kid martial arts? Once taught he never let go of the sword for the rest of his life?" Choi Young remembers then what happened that evening, when his father called him and made him sit on his lap. The action itself was unusual, catching him off guard. He remembers how his whole body stiffened in embarrassment as he is too big to be sitting on his father's lap which is further emphasized with his father's beard brushing the front of his forehead as he asks, "Young, do you love your country like your home? The state of the country is perishing to this day because everyone knows only the house. I am in trouble and feel miserable because everyone likes gold. Young child, make your gold look like stone, you learn martial arts. Is this the disgrace of the country? I have reached the end, but I have the skill to pull out even one arrow at the enemy. So, I, your father, regret that I became a scholar. You must learn martial arts." Choi Young remember keeping vigil over his father's deathbed at the age of sixteen and how his father asked him with his last breaths "Do you remember what I said?" Choi young answered, "I remember." Which is met with the last response from his father, "Try it." Choi Young sat down next to him and wrote in ink, just like his father taught him at night when he returns from learning her martial arts during the day. He writes the following:

The power of knowing the right path is oh

Rather, it is harmful to the world, so when you grow your strength, you must use it.

The wisdom to find the way must be cultivated first, he said.


 After writing what his father had said, tears flow down his face to fall and smudge the lettering. He looks at his father lying on the bed with eyes closed, but face smiling as he passes away. The funeral is held and Choi Young leave home immediately after to enter the Red Moon (Woldae), in according to his father's will, the three-year funeral did not pay. His father had made his views on the subject clear, "Do not even think about the three-year award. What do you mean you can do it? Would be right to move even one of these by the graves of rotting skeletons, as a time where stone is for the country." On the third day after leaving her house, Choi Yeong killed a person it was the first traumatic event of his life. The reality of it makes him say aloud "Father. I cannot do it anymore." Choi Young recalls it has been thirteen years after the death of her father, seven years after the loss of his teacher, he has lived according to his father's will, for the sake of the country, that country which he gave all his allegiance to the King....But those was not for the country.....I wonder if the people are the Kings...…..What did I do wrong...…I did everything I could.....I did everything I could until the end...but I went into debt with the one I brought from long as I pay that debt....I can leave...for that I must stay alive." The wound is feeling so hot that it is like a red-hot iron has been placed on his body and is currently burning where it resides. Choi Young removes his armor with difficulty to then take the bandage that covers the wound off. He sees that the wound is inflamed and is scared that he will not be able to return the red-haired Sky Lady to the light as promised. The thought of her makes him wonder if she is crying again, he remembers how her child like eyes look when they are full of tears.

Meanwhile, Eun-soo is so nervous she cannot stand it and is evident in her pacing nervous thoughts of that person and his condition persist in her head 'Is it inflamed?' Other thoughts pop I her head to make her aware of the experience she had participated in 'I cannot believe I actually visited and entered the Goryeo Royal Palace.' She is not sure why this movie set palace seemed to exude more grandeur and made more impact with its presence, then the one she had joined to see with a tourist group in the modern era. The oriental doctor was walking beside her, obviously making sure she did not get lost or tried to escape, caught Eun-soo attention. She stops in her walking and tugs on Jang Bin's sleeve who has also stopped walking to talk to him about that Psycho, "I think he has a fever, I noticed from a distance, his face is red, and his lips are white." The oriental doctor answers simply, "Yes." She presses "Should not I do something? What if sepsis occurs? What should I do?" She was so nervous about how he was going to answer so she did not budge waiting for a response. When none is forthcoming so she says, "I cannot believe how he dodged my attempt to feel his pulse rate and measure if he had a fever. The whole grabbing my hand to stop me from touching him. It was like he did not want to get himself dirty. The whole experience has put me in a bad mood right now." She is attentively watching for a reaction on the oriental doctor's face, who has started walking as she talks, leading her through the palace. The oriental doctor appears not to have any, so she presses "What is the situation? He even avoided your attempts to take his pulse." She follows the oriental doctor as she is talking. Eun-soo who was already originally scared, has worries that triggers her to talk, but as her talking ceases, she notices that they are walking down a long hallway that runs along the inside of the royal palace. 

The thought of memorizing the way is so meandering, complicated, not to mention that she has not been paying attention to where they were going, that she abandons any attempt to even try remembering her steps. It is all part of the web created in her dream that her imagination created world. Another impossible challenge to add to her list that has at the top of it to cure that Psycho that she stabbed and refuses to be cured. He will not even let her touch him and refuses to make eye contact. The thoughts of everything that all the different worries are popping in faster and faster, so in attempt to take control, she pushes the others out to focus on the current worry which is a defense mechanism she uses to attack each worry by solving it by itself. Eun-soo says out loud like she is reciting medical symptoms and how to treat them "What if it is sepsis? Sepsis is something occurs when bacteria get in the body, through an open wound, where it gets into the blood, reproduces, producing toxins and spreads through the body, poisoning it in the process. Secondary infection occurs the longer the bacteria is in the system by the infected blood circulating through the various organs and making its way finally to the brain. Early symptoms include rapid breathing, neurological symptoms such as fever, hypothermia, delirium and sometimes the appearance of more server symptoms will follow quite quickly. So, it is important to treat early, so if it spreads to other organs, it becomes really difficult to treat."

The oriental doctor stops walking, as he has understood the seriousness of what she said, "What if it gets to that stage?" Eun-soo answers simply "It cannot be cured." He challenges "Are you saying he cannot be saved?" so she explains "He can be saved, with medicine." He asks anxious about the answer "What medicine?" Eun-soo lists the medicine "Penicillin, Ampicillin, Cepha, Amkin. I do not think any of them exist here." She meets the oriental doctor meets the oriental doctor's stern eyes, whose eyes hold recriminations that she can read like a book, as he looks at her. The clearly say, "How can you be so irresponsible? How can a doctor give up, just because there is not medicine?" After standing there looking at her, the oriental doctor turns around drawing attention to the fact that they are standing near an entrance which has a wooden signboard which is written in Chinese so she cannot read it. The oriental doctor then opens the door to walk through it holding the door open for Eun-soo to enter. She hesitates for a second, unsure of what awaits her in this unknown world and then decides to follow him into the room. After all, apart from the Psycho who has listened to her endless chatter without interrupting or telling her to be quiet and seemed to take what she said seriously. Deciding that she should ask him his name, says "What's your name? My name is Eunsoo Yoo." He answers "Jang Bin. I oversee the Royal Medical Clinic, here in the Goyero." Eun-soo wonder about what the foreign name given to the city before the battle was.

They both enter the oriental clinic, which at the sight of which makes Eun-soo mouth open in surprise at the large scale of it. The rooms that appear to be treatment rooms of the medical clinic, which seem like those rooms of a hospital, and they are surrounded by a yard, which appears to have garden beds of herbs and plants growing which are probably for medicinal uses probably. The clothes of the people that seem to work there all wear a white uniform that identifies them as part of the apothecary, as they all have that look that is like those who work part in a hospital. While they move through the clinic, men and women, all in different clothing pass them, bowing to Jangbin when they see him, who continues to walk with his attention on Eun-soo, while he bobs his head in acknowledgement to those who pass. It is only when they pass or continue with the task that they were doing that they proceed to gossip quietly with each other at the sight of Eun-soo.

Eun-soo becoming self-conscious about being the center of the gossiping medical people quickly lowers her head and stands back trying to avoid the drawing attention, but wanting clarification "So this is an oriental doctor's hospital? Are you the director? How many doctors are there? It is big." Jang Bin simply says "It is not mine. It is yours. Come this way." He leads her through the side door of the large building, so they enter the well-manicured garden of the apothecary, which have white candles scattered around, reminding Eun-soo of a witch garden and are at that moment unlit. The air is filled with the scent of the herbs growing there and she is being guided by Jang Bin to a small house at the end of the garden, saying as he leads the way into it "Dougie is in charge of the herb garden, she will prepare a room for you to stay." Eun-soo notices a child who seems appear from another room as they enter the main room of the small house. Eun-soo then says "I am sorry to inconvenience you. Please be patient with me for a while. I do not think, I will be staying long." Jang Bin says "I heard the captain promised to send you back, so you may not stay long..." 

Choi Young enters interrupting what Jang Bin who concludes "I will leave" bowing his head to Choi Young he ushers Dougie out the door with him, leaving the two alone. Eun-soo wonders at his reappearance 'Can he take me out? It seems like it. After all he is a high-ranking person.' Choi Young makes his position clear to her saying "My promise to return you, will happen even if I step down from my position of captain of the Woodalchi and leave the palace." Eun-soo is floored with this statement from what she understands of history such positions are only left upon death, so to clarify she asks him "Is it really possible for a soldier from the Royal palace of Goryeo step down and leave like this?" He explains I would not be identified as Woodalchi, rather I would be able to take on the identity of Musa." Eun-soo's eyes widen "You mean a Samurai・・・・・." Choi Young then answers simply "Yes. I am an acknowledged Goryeo warrior, and as such I can become a Samurai of Goryeo…." After saying as such he guides her out of the house to find Jang Bin waiting for them outside. Jang Bin notices Eun-soo's expression is one of incredulity and astonishment. Eun-soo who sees him asks Choi Young seriously, "By the way, can you let him come? If you do not like me, at least the doctor does."

Jang-Bin is contemplating at how the heavenly doctor looks when she speaks so earnestly. At first, he thought she was a frivolous woman, because she dealt with members of parliament and could be considered one of them. The things she said, and her attitude were unbelievable, however he recalls how he witness how she performed surgery to treat the cut on the Queen's neck, which made him change his mind. He understands how scary performing such a procedure is. It can demonstrate to him the concentration and ability to perform under such circumstances, reflected how truly capable she was as a doctor from Heaven. He remembers how he heard that she stabbed the captain with his own sword as punishment for when stopping her from entering the gate that would have returned her to Heaven. How she had treated the large wound in the abdomen with great concentration and strength. 

From a young age Jang Bin had followed his father, who was a trader to various countries, which enabled him to not only learn several languages, but what really interested him was medicine. While staying in Tianchukguk he was able to learn Ayurveda by following Lee. Now thanks to the Heavenly Doctor he was able to witness the performance of magic, of which he was able to understand right away, without a teacher. Jang Bin has a passion for medicine that makes him seek teachers to learn from, so that he can become a more proficient healer. The evidence is that he has not only learned and become proficient in acupuncture and herbal medicine. He has also learned how to identify and treat various poisons. The next thing he wanted to learn was how to treat mental illness, but now after seeing what the Heavenly Doctor had done, he wants to learn from her. He knows it may not be possible for him to be as proficient as she is, as she was born and came from Heaven, while he was a mere mortal from earth.

Jang Bin as a doctor from earth recognizes the energy that exudes from those that suffer from disease and affects the human soul. It is his aim to heal the human soul to purify the is the energy, it exhibits. He wonders if the heavenly doctor can have that energy? Being in proximity with her these past few days Jang Bin has felt the bright energy that the woman always exudes. Even when she was clearly suffering from motion sickness and headaches to the extent, she regurgitates what was in her stomach, she still joked and laughed about not having toothbrush and toothpaste. It made him want to hug her, but though she might hate it if he did. It also made him wonder 'If this heavenly doctor is a person with that energy, then the captain's soul, may also be curable." Over the past seven years being in the palace had made Jang Bin aware of how the sick the captain was deep down. He had attempted to treat it several times, which seemed to make the captain feel challenged and had blocked his attempts. He understands the captain is imprisoned by his iron will to separate and block the swamp of nothingness that is reflected in his eyes, making it impossible to approach and break... Maybe it was possible for her as a member of Heaven

Bringing himself to the present he notices that the Heavenly doctor seems to be badgering the captain "What is the situation? You do not want to receive treatment?" Choi Young answers stoically "I am not sick, and I am not dead." The heavenly doctor is clearly trying to restrain her anger at his stubbornness not to be treated "You should look at it yourself and if the condition is serious, you should rest laying down until it heals. Right?" He looks at her and says "What is something happens while I am laying down to rest? It will become public knowledge that I am unable to fulfill my duties. The work at the palace never ends on a normal day, let alone at a time that overlaps the crowning of His Highness, which makes the possibility of an attack more likely. I need to make sure that happens so that I can leave the palace" What he does not say is that if the new King is not crowned his commitment, will not end soon. The Sky Lady makes a face that shows she does not understand and asks, "That is it? Then, will you seek treatment once we leave the palace?" He is watching her trying to convince him as he is determined to return her safely back and asks her "Will you accept that I will try?" she is not happy with this response and challenges him determinedly "When will that be? Today? Tomorrow? If we wait too long, it will be dangerous…" The captain appearing more nervous than anyone else, as he is aware of his deteriorating condition says, "Okay. Then..." His words seem to make her livelier as the sparkle in her eyes and smile on her face reflects how happy she is that she has won. 

Before he can change his mind, she looks at Jang Bin who has been watching the exchange and demands "I need medicine in case of inflammation. What medicine do you use, to reduce fever and infection?" He picks up something brown in colour that is round and flat and hands it to "I do not recognize this. Please teach me." He is also a man of sunshine, who would be very sad if the captain leaves the palace with this person. He not only wants to learn as much of the magic as he can from the heavenly doctor. The future he sees is a desolate one without her influence in this palace full of filth, disgrace and people who do not even bother to say anything that does not directly influence them or conflict with their interests. All they do is sit side by side and drink pu-erh tea from time to time, not saying anything most of the time, but sounding each other out to see if their interests, goals and allies align. Most of the time they have a lot of fun and spend time together in a nice and quiet way. 

Between the time Choi Young made his way to the secret room to rest and when he had made the appearance in the little house at the back of the herb garden. Taiwan, who knows everything about Choi Young's secret room, came to Choi Young, to summon his on behalf of the Lord. The time has finally come, so he stands up again feeling a brief dizziness, but with a light conscious. Mann stares at Choi Young as if he notices how unstable the captain is and goes to assist him but is pushed away as Choi Young makes his way to the King. He steadies himself before entering the study, where the King is listening to a report given by Kang An-an and Joo-Sang. He stands behind them listening one that reported the story of twenty-four people who were burned to death in the city on the way to Gangan-an and the other that reported the people who died "Mun Ha-si, swordsmith Ahn Jung-soo, fisherman Kang-hee, Jang Deuk-young, and Dr. Daeam Lee Se-dal..." Choi Young had already heard most of the report from the Woodalchi leader, Myeong-ho.

Jo Il-shin whose reactions are always flamboyant in expressing himself shows how indignant he is by walking around, waving his arms around and making a fuss saying quiet loudly reflecting how he feels "Have you heard at all? Do-mok, Kang-hee, Dae-am... Who are they? Are you aware? They are those who were all loyal to the Goryeo Royal family and resisted Yuan. They were the ones who would become His Highness's vassals. Who kills them? Who could be so disobedient to Your Highness today? Clearly, they are working in the shadows so no one can see, but we know who it is." The King then focuses his attention on Choi Young, who still stands at the back, which makes Jo Il-shin also realized Choi Young's existence. "Woodalchi, you immediately lead all the gold soldiers to Ki-Cheol's house. All those who resist may be killed on the spot. You do not have to worry about who you kill as they are clearly those who participated were all Ki-Cheol's minions, and not even one should survive. Noticing that Choi Young does not comply with his demands and even seems to be ignoring him he challenges, "How come you do not answer. Are you an idiot? I know you must be a minion of Ki-Cheol." He continues to watch Choi Young for any reaction as he stops talking but does not get any, so he then looks at the King who has been watching the whole interaction.

Jo Il-shin Won is person who Choi Young was told that had been by the King's side for ten years in the country. On the King's Road he became aware of the fact that he is a very strong-willed person and that was always by the Kings side, as he grew up. So, Choi Young does not respond or react to his allegation. The King the asks Choi Young in a calm voice, "Is it possible?" the answer is simple "Impossible." At this answer Jo Il-shin frowns and opens his mouth to say something but is stopped when the King raises his hand, which makes him close his mouth. The King who is looking at Choi Young wanting an explanation "Why impossible?" Choi Young answers, "1,000 Eungyang troops and 2,000 dragon tigers guarding the imperial palace who take orders from the general. It has also been reported that he is now at Buwon-gun's house with Chamli and all those present at the event are potential prisoners." Jo Il-shin intervenes saying, "If this army doesn't work, all the soldiers of the sixth rank will have to be called in, will they not?" Choi Young answers in a matter a fact tone "The number of privates in the Buwon Army is in the thousands. Before anything, it is certain that the troops will surround the imperial palace and we will have to confront Chamli here first." He looks at Jo Il-shin to challenge him back "Shall we try it anyway?"

Jo Il-shin unknowingly touches his neck and the King of understands Choi Young's explanation and asks "A man named Ki-Cheol killed all those who would be loyal to me in advance. Would it not be justified?" Choi Young answers "It could be, but we do not have proof." Choi Young is watching Jo Il-shin who is clearly not pleased with this train of discussion and now is reminding him of a dog who wags his tail, salivating, unable to sit or stand still because of the excitement it feels when it wants is owners' attention and does not know what to do. The only difference between them is that dogs may look ugly, but they never betray their owners. Choi Young feels sorry for Jo Il-shin as it seems that the man has lost his sense of shame and he ceases to care about his ugliness. In Choi Young's opinion a person without shame betrays easily. Jo Il-shing give voice to his discontent "Your Highness, what are you discussing with this man who uses a knife? It is I who recognized that the Heavenly gate was open, which enabled the Heavenly Healer to be brought here to save Her Highness, which keeps her at your side and saves your throne."

Choi Young listens as he focuses on his breathing to remain standing, while not showing how the fever he suffers from is affecting him. The King who has listened to them both states "Now under this sky, the only one person I can truly trust." Choi Young lifts his heavy head as Jo Il-shin looks expectantly waiting to be named "It is you, Captain." Jo Il-shin's face darkened in an instant, while Choi Young is embarrassed. The King goes on to explain "You have already proved your loyalty with your life. Did you not accept my command at the risk to your life?" The King smiles at Choi Young as he declares. "From now on, Choi Young, I will treat you as my trusted friend." The declaration makes Choi Young stifle a sigh as he wonders 'Why would you treat me like that? What to do? How am I to do this?" He swallows another sigh as he searches his sleeves to pull out a rolled-up document, as he approaches a King, he offers it lying on top of his open palms, raised above his head as he kneels before the King. The King raises his eyes as Choi Young kneels before him, looking at the rolled-up document presented to him. Curious he then decides to accept the document as he seeks clarification, "This is?" Choi Young answers "I was given this by Gyeongchang-gun before he was dethroned. The letter is permission to leave the palace and live as a commoner once my last mission to escort your Highness back from Yuan safely to be enthroned. His command was quote 'If you bring Your Highness safely to Gaegyeong, resign your post as Woodalchi and this letter is the evidence that I permitted you to leave the palace and live as a commoner.' Your Majesty will notice that it has Gyeongchang Gunmama's Royal Seal stamped on it." The King's expression hardens coldly at his words and opens the document, to read what has been written. Choi Young has noticed the change in the Kings expression before the King reads the document but presses as he lowers his head "Now that Your Highness is in the palace, and the last mission is completed. Please allow me to leave." 

The King cannot hide his sorrow in his voice when he says, "You…. want to leave. Now? While the palace is like this...You are going to leave me at a time like this? "Choi Young how remained with his head lowered seems to bow even deeper as he simply seeks acceptance of his withdrawal from the palace and his position, says "Majesty." The King then challenges his loyalty by saying, "Are you going to abandon me?" The Kings words makes him hesitate for a moment as the former King Chang-goon's face and the current King's voice overlapped each other, as he too had said "Are you abandoning me?" Choi Young bows even deeper keeping his head lowered as he desperately seeks acceptance of the former Kings decree "Please be kind to me, Your Highness." The King barely holds back his anger, while he looks at the captain who continues to kneel with his head bowed awaiting his decision. Instead of giving voice to the anger he feels he looks at the document in his hand again to take his time to consider what has been written on it. He notices the seal of his own nephew Gyeongchang-gun that has been stamped on the thin high-quality paper that denotes paper used by the Kings to convey their decrees. The content that it contains is unmistakable and weighs heavily on the current King that reads it and then raises his eyes from the document to Jo Il-shin who can be seen barely holding back the joy he feels at the prospect of the captain leaving the palace. The King then looks around and notices the eunuchs who has joined the circle, one who does not look familiar and the other who he recognizes as Andochi. The King knows he cannot fulfil the last decree of the former King, so he decides by saying "Captain." Choi Young raises his head, but keeps his eyes lowered in anticipation of the King giving him permission to leave the palace and his position. The King continues "If not for you, we would not have been able to arrive safely." Choi Young raises his eyes which reflect the desperation he feels, holding his breath as the King continues "I have one more mission for you to complete, before I consider complying with this decree." Choi Young opens his mouth disbelief, he feels how dry his throat and mouth are, on top of the fever that he suffers from making it difficult for him to form the words that come out with difficulty he desperately tries to make the King understand, "Your Highness, that's directly from Gyeongchang Buwongun…."

The Kings anger bursts out at Choi Young challenging his command "Are you going to follow the order of the former King and not the current King...?" Choi Young's desperation which was reflected in his eyes are replaced with an emptiness that reflects, the acceptance of the King's demands that see him in a never-ending servitude to the King's wishes. Choi Young's eyes become blurry like he is about to pass out, so he lowers his head to focus on remaining conscious as the King unaware of his struggles continues in the vein of treating him like a friend, until he concludes using an honorific word to convey that his is a command rather than a request "I want to know who I need to fight and the evidence that they have targeted me. Find the evidence of who plots against me for my throne." Choi Young hearing this is resigned to complying as he thinks to the Heavenly Lady who he still needs to seek forgiveness after explaining how she will need to wait at least a day or two, maybe even more before he can return her to the world she belongs too. After being dismissed by the King he finds out from one of his men that the Sky Lady is currently in the medicinal herb garden, so makes his way there and after their interaction he leaves the two doctors discussing how to treat his injuries to get updates from his men and to give commands for them to investigate the people who initiated the attacks on their procession and the supporters of the King. 

After being satisfied that all is in place he returns to the Medical Clinic. Unexpectantly he can hear her voice calling out "Hello. Hello, is anyone there?". The sound makes him stop at how lyrical it sounds and uses it to guide him to where it comes from, it takes him by when he goes to walk past a window when suddenly can see her through it. Without a second thought almost unwittingly, he hides himself from her sight by hiding behind the wall that frames the window yet continues to watch her as she wanders around the garden calling out. Jang Bin must have left her unattended for some time as she is walking around impatiently from place to place, calling out as there is not a person to be seen and none has attended her when she calls. They must have had to go and deal with a situation as she is loud enough for anyone to hear her, he smiles unconsciously as it becomes apparent that she seems to be complaining and lecturing whoever can hear at the same time "Ah, when, if you bring someone, to your house should you not accompany them? I wish I could wash up somewhere and fix my makeup. Where can I change clothes? When are you going to offer me some rice?" At least she is not crying he thinks as he finds her whole tirade amusing despite feeling sick, he recognizes that she is still using the language of Heaven and is carelessly energetic. Her carelessness and lack of regard to where she is going ends up with her banging her knee into the corner of furniture, the sound of which reverberates with the sound of the force that it makes "OUCH!!" she yells, making Choi Young flinch. His eyes widen when she suddenly pulls up the pant leg without hesitation to inspect the injury on her knee, exposing her white leg which makes him hastily look away. 

The whole incident has made his reluctance to approach her solidify to that of a reason not to. To begin with it was just because he knows as soon as he is in front of her, she will want to take his pulse and assess his condition. But now with the proximity of her exposed leg being expected and the fact that they are alone, makes him decide against approaching her and facing those shining eyes that it would be better not to encounter to often as their impact will be one that will haunt him forever. Choi Young decides to leave without making his presence known to her as rumors will spread that he is being treated by the doctor from heaven and the repercussions of which will be huge. He notices Dougie the herbalist who seems to be reluctant to interact with the Heavenly Lady and the reasons for which become apparent as she comes up to him to list the things she had to deal with for that troublesome woman. After listening to all her complaints, he explains that the Heavenly Lady is not here by choice and that he has promised to protect her and he needs her to look after her as she needs to be attended to by a woman, even though he will assign a couple of Woodalchi to protect her. Choi Young looks briefly through the window at her, which makes him momentarily forget the pain and the heat he feels as he leaves the medical clinic to focus his thoughts and actions on following the Kings decree which have bound him like shackles. 

Choi young enters the room where his men are investigating the fire, he notices that Seon Hye-Jeong's burnt body has already been removed and sits to doze as they dig through the rubble. After some time Choong-Seok approaches Choi-young, who he knows that despite seeming to be asleep is aware all the time of what is happening, reports "It clearly is arson. The door and the windows were closed and locked from the outside, so no one can escape. They all died inside." The captain listens with eyes remaining closed his eyes. Choong-Seok notices how the captains face colour does not look right and asks him "Are you feeling well?" The answer is the most irresponsible and indecisive one he has ever heard come out of the captains' mouth "I don't know." Attempting to alleviate some of the captain's concerns he asks, "Tell me what you want us to look for so that we can focus and identify what to find." Another guard comes in urgently saying "Commander!" Choi Young holds his hand up with his palm facing the guard who just tried to get his attention to stop him and says simply "Do not speak loudly, my head is ringing." He proceeds to use the hand he held up to massage the top part of his head between his eyes, as the guard proceeds in a quieter way but still in an urgent way "The one from Heaven insisted I come to you to implore you allow me to take a look at you, on her behalf." The captain says firmly "Do not do it." The guard not expecting this response raises his voice seeking clarification "No?" which makes the captain react to how close he had said this so says simply "Don't speak loudly, my head is ringing." Just then, Deokman screams out in the distance "Here, look at this!" Choi Young winces as the sound reverberates through the empty space to impact with forcefully in his head but forces his eyes open, to see that he holds a small rectangle piece of paper folded in half, length ways, "I found it under a stone on the floor, it was the only one that was not sitting right on the floor. So, I picked it up." Deokman presents the paper to Choi Young who takes it, opens it to find that it had two lines of poetry written on it and seemed stained with blood. He read what is written on it as follow:

 Gangneung Wimangji, Gangneung Illipe University

 Chung-Seok asks excitedly "Have we found proof?" Choi Young says, "Have we?" he is suspicious and Chung-Seok asks "Is it not?" and Choi Young asks "Why does it still exist in tack when the people who were in here died in a fire?" then proceeds to command to the others in the building "Everyone move!" Chung-Seok asks, "Are you going back to the palace?" After all, since they disembarked at Byeokrando Port, we all could not even rest properly all day, let alone the captain whose appearance was worsening as time progresses. The captain smiles sinisterly at his statement after drinking some water and answers unexpectedly "No, we are going to the banquet house." By the time we arrived at Ki-Cheol's house in Buwon-gun, Deokseong, the sun in the horizon indicted it was late afternoon. The surroundings of which had been other people's land which were forcibly occupied by Ki-Cheol's minions and way to repeated expand the territory he controlled. The mansion was so huge and prominently placed that it was obvious where he lived. The territory was heavily guarded prominately by Ki-Cheol's numerous men that had been enlisted in the hundreds and trained in an independent training center and resided in the various quarters of Buwon-gun, Deokseong, several of them emerging from where they were located to make their presence known to the group that make their way to the mansion.