Chapter 1

They say dreams reflect what's going on in your life and I believe that! Only... I doubt what these are trying to tell me. Why would it be so cruel to us unless - just maybe - it's a warning?



I sat up with what I could only assume to be sweat dripping down my forehead and onto my cheeks. I panted for air as I stood up; cautiously; my eyes remains close during this time. Once I decided to open them, my surroundings suddenly seemed to weight me down with the anxiety and fear of where I was currently. I felt my shoulders dip quite heavily, back arch like a crescent moon and my pores let larger quantities of my fleshs' salty tears flow out of their cages and set free to drip onto the floor below or soak into my clothes to cower in the shamefulness I keep locked away in the darkest parts of my mind.

I decided it's time for me to actually examine my change of scenery in greater detail. I sat up from my curled ball of anxiousness as my fingertips lightly trace the golden streaks that lie in the marble tiles.

"don't trust the one who sees through my lies"

My vision was suddenly corrupted with flashes of red and black and what I could only describe as a visual warning! It felt like watching a computer screen glitch out of control as a virus overtakes it. And my 'warnings' were far from pretty!

I saw someone laugh at their own pain... a knife resting in someone's hand as they raise it to the sky... I saw through the eyes of someone stumbling towards a small mass of pink and purple at the end of a corridor... and a teddy bear?


A scream unlike any I've ever heard erupted from above me. Were there other people here that could help me? I stumbled to my feet and ran for the staircase however I had a choice... left or right? They seemingly lead to the same place but it wasn't certain by how high the inclined from the beginning. "Fuck it..." I began to run up the right set of stairs as I listened for more clues as to where that internally sickening shriek of pain came from.

I climbed 8 flights of stairs till I reached the 4th floor and looked around. Their was a dimly lit hallway with it's only light source coming from a thin beam of light that crept out the crack of a door at the end. I slowly walked over to the partially open door as the floorboards cried with each soft step I planted in my boots. There was murmuring coming from behind the closed doors and a large scurrying sound coming from the staircase that I just left behind. I fear of what it may have been so I freeze and wait for whatever it was to move again... and it did! But it was getting-... closer?!

"keep moving unless you want to die"

Wait what?! My mind was racing and my heart felt like it was going to rip itself out of my chest. I took a step forward to run when I felt a warm breath against my back

And that's when I found them...

...surrounding her as she cried...

...but I joined in too...

...and I don't know why... felt familiar to me...

...but she was so fucking loud...

...that's why I shut her up!

For good


"The mind... it's a glorious place to store ones knowledge and memories. However, it's also probably the greatest way to show what type of person someone is. If we ever got access to other peoples minds, we could link with them and go through their gallery of thoughts. This could lead to doctors curing mentally sick people before it affects their lives for the worst but what about people who hate doctors? Who hate their mind?

Their way of thinking?

Those mentally absurd people that don't want to let others into their personal life; especially their brain?!

...people like me?"