Chapter 3

"A lot more common than often, people hide the truth in fear. Not because they want others to worry but because they don't want people to question who, what, where, when, why and, the most painful of all; how."

Since I had woken up from that dream, I've been on edge. I had to hide my neck with a bandage and the nicest scarf I could find - it was ugly as shit no matter what outfit I paired it with! People asked me about it quite often, especially my older sister, and I thought I'd have been caught out by now. Then I decided that I would go the shop to pick up some things - just to cheer me up, but that's when I ran into two idiots I truly wished I had never came across.

"Hey slut!" One of them yelled as he ran up to me in a blue Jack Wolfskin jacket, black jeans and plain black Reeboks; the epitome of a douche. "Ugh, fuck off Jayden!" I spat and pulled my scarf up higher as I walked along the pavement. "Oh c'mon Mia, what happened to the fun you?" I glanced at him before shaking my head. "I've been here for less than two weeks. I barely know anything about you besides your name and that you're trouble. Now piss off!" Picking up my pace, I walked ahead of Jayden in hopes I would avoid him for the rest of my existence. As I turned the corner that led to the shops a little further up, I saw another familiar face. He wore Grey jogging pants, black and neon green Nikes along with a black zip-up jacket. 'Ah fuck!' I cringed in my head and started to walk past the guy like I didn't notice him. "Say, I haven't seen you in a long while Mia. How's everything going with your mum?" I froze before spinning around on my heels to face the speaker. "Hey Patrick! Long time no see. I was just pickup up some stuff. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to-"

"Hold it missy!" He commanded quite sternly. "You ain't going nowhere. Not till I say so..." How could this get any worse?

Jayden ran out from around the corner and stood beside Patrick. Ugh... "What's with the scarf?" Jayden asked as he took a few steps closer to me. I backed off and pulled the scarf up again. "It's cold? I dunno, I like wearing it!" I shrugged and started to walk away. A tight grip could be felt on my shoulder and pulled me closer to whose hand it belonged upon. "Let go of me asshole!" I tried pulling away but Jayden wouldn't budge. "What do you think is under there Patrick? Spots? Bruises? Hickeys even?~" Patrick nodded with a chuckle as he imagined it; my bare neck lined with hickey after hickey. "I hope it's the last one! That'd be a sight for sore eyes~" I growled and tried tugging myself away again. "You two fucking disgust me!" I then spat on Jaydens' face before storming into the post office at high speeds.

Once the door had fully shut, I let out a sigh and walked straight over to the counter. "Mia, welcome back!" Ian said in joy. "What happened this time?" He asked while picking out the usuals that I buy no matter what I'm here for; a bag of blood candies, two gummy worms and a small shaker full of salt. I tossed a five pound note on the counter and waited for my change while I spoke up. "Dumb and dumber are waiting for me out there."

"Again?" I nodded and hit my head lightly on the counter with a groan of frustration. "Right, take the back entrance from now on; doesn't matter if you're coming in or out. Just go that way! It takes you too an alleyway that leads to that small path full of weeds - you know the one - before the long road you walk up. You'll know where to go from there." I looked up and smiled. "Thanks Ian." He tossed me a key along with my change before walking out of his station at the till. "I'll have a talk with those two to keep them busy so you can get home without being harassed." I nodded and tossed a £1 in the charity box. "Thanks again!" I yelled before running into the back of his shop and opening the already unlocked back door. I peaked my head around the door before looking up and down the alleyway. No one seemed to be there...

I ran home with all the speed I could and - luckily - avoided those two creeps!

Later in the day, my sister knocked on my bedroom door to come check on me. "Can I come in?" Looking up to the door, I set down my iPad and lay down. "Go ahead." She slowly opened the door and closed it behind her before sitting beside my bed on the floor. "What's up little squish? You haven't seemed yourself since you got back." Letting out a sigh, I rolled over to face her. "I don't really know... suppose I'm just tired." She turned her head to me with an unimpressed expression. "Riiiiiiight and I'm the president of Canada(!)" We laughed a little at the sarcasm. "I really am, it's just that some of my friends are hard to deal with." My sister nodded her head in a shared understanding. "It's tricky parenting people with a lower IQ to you, I know the feeling." I smirked. "So we're calling me smart now? This is unlike you."

"Oh shut up! You know what I mean." A moment of silence passed; it was quite peaceful. "Wanna shit talk them to me once I've made dinner? We can watch whatever you want after you tell me what's up if I find it funny." I smiled and nodded. "Sounds great." Ruffling my hair, she stood up and walked out the room. "Get some rest, I'll wake you up later."

"Thanks sis!" I then made my way under my covers and almost instantly fell asleep the moment I rested my head on the pillow.

When I opened my eyes, a familiar and dark skinned face was hovering over me with tears in their eyes. 'No. Fucking. Way..."