Back To Life Thirteen Years Ago

Opening his eyes from the gloomy darkness, he didn't see a vicious ghost guiding his soul; instead, there was a white, clean, fancy room. He then accidentally looked at the clock on the wall, it was 5.30 in the morning. He brought his hand to squeeze his temple. His face was wrinkled from having a severe headache.

In a daze, he slowly sat up and recovered his senses, and he soon found the presence of someone lying next to him with his back to him. A white blanket covered the lower part of the young man's body, while his upper body was bare, showing fine and bright skin.

Frowning, he curiously shifted his body to be closer, peeking at the young man's face who was still asleep soundly ... Ye Xinxin!

He was instantly startled and reflexively got out of bed like someone who had been traumatized. Soon after that, he found himself naked so embarrassingly.

How come? Jiang Yanxu thought about it for a while before he put on the satin robe, then quickly headed to the bathroom to reflect.

His reflection in the mirror was twice as shocking as before. Jiang Yanxu stared in disbelief at himself, his face looked younger and fresh. He lifted his chin, there was no rope mark strangling his neck, then he checked his muscular stomach, which was healthy and uninjured. As he recalled, he had died horribly, strangled, and stabbed in the liver. He didn't expect that all the injuries he should have had weren't on his body.

In a state of disbelief, Jiang Yanxu looked at himself like a ghost; assuming that he might become a ghost because he was buried improperly. He slowly raised his hand to touch his face. The cold touch on his fingers made his heart shiver, but feeling it again carefully, he felt the body temperature of a living person. He's alive!

He came out of the bathroom and stood right in the middle of the room like a dazed person. He looked at the man who was still asleep in bed before he looked around and stopped his gaze when he saw the calendar on the table.

"April ... 2007 ..."

Jiang Yanxu couldn't help but frown. This year, he was still twenty-nine, also the year of his divorce from Yan An ...

He quietly walked over to the bed, sat beside the man, and was silent for a while. Reaching out, he picked up the old cell phone on the table, pressed a button, and looked at the same year on the screen, 2007.

"Hahaha, apparently this world is still being fair. The gods still treat me well," Jiang Yanxu laughed in gaiety, the satisfaction was real for him. After harboring his panic and confirming that it wasn't a dream, he couldn't help but laugh, knowing he was still given one more chance to live.

"Nngh ...," a groan next to him interrupted Jiang Yanxu's laughter. He immediately turned to look at Ye Xinxin who woke up because of him.

Ye Xinxin turned his body, showing a beautiful face in the reflection of Jiang Yanxu's eyes. Ye Xinxin slowly reached out, grasped Jiang Yanxu's index finger, and smiled. "Honey, good morning."

Jiang Yanxu looked at the beautiful man expressionlessly and suddenly remembered that he was infatuated with him back then because of his beauty and warmth. As soon as he heard Ye Xinxin's voice, he could still find the remnants of his feelings that had been crushed long ago, that Ye Xinxin was the person he loved the most back then.

Now, when Jiang Yanxu saw Ye Xinxin's face again, he admitted that Ye Xinxin in his twenties was indeed truly beautiful, even more beautiful than Jiang Yanxu remembered, yet he was venomous.

As those memories flashed through his mind, an ironic smile was instantly etched on his face as he recalled the memory of the previous time when the man he loved so badly ended his life. There was nothing he should regret other than falling in love with the wrong person.

Ye Xinxin's slender eyelashes fluttered, revealing the pair of beautiful eyes that Jiang Yanxu used to love. However, now, nothing more than a pair of eyes that always showed much contempt for him.

As Jiang Yanxu remembered, Ye Xinxin's gaze had always shown genuine affection, but that was what led to him being stuck in a pathetic ending. If only he hadn't been carried away by what Ye Xinxin had shown him, he wouldn't have had to be reborn in the past to fix what had been broken in his previous life.

Ye Xinxin looked at Jiang Yanxu in confusion, he asked, "Honey, what's wrong?"

Jiang Yanxu took pains to act normal while hiding the hatred he harbored in the past. Refusing to answer, he asked, "Where are we now?"

Hearing the question, Ye Xinxin was more confused. He slowly got up, touching Jiang Yanxu's face lovingly, "Why are you asking that? We're on a cruise ship now. Aren't we on our honeymoon?"

Jiang Yanxu snorted coldly. He turned his face ahead, staring at the room with a regretful expression.

Who said he was blessed? He should be reborn before he and Yan An divorced. However, fate said otherwise, he woke up after he and Ye Xinxin had just gotten married. And now, ironically, they were on their honeymoon, which meant they had sex last night. No wonder both of them were naked in the same blanket.

If they were on a cruise ship, it meant that he and Ye Xinxin just got married about three weeks ago, three months after his divorce from Yan An.

What he remembered, after taking the wedding vows, Ye Xinxin asked him to go honeymoon to Europe and Jiang Yanxu gladly agreed.

Jiang Yanxu could only force a smile as he had to be broadminded and accepting of reality.

After he was killed by his own wife, he had to return to the time when he and Ye Xinxin became husband and wife. He couldn't let this go on any longer, living this life meant he had a mission, didn't he?

Seeing his husband suddenly change in personality, Ye Xinxin started to whine, "Why don't you give me a kiss to greet me like you always did before? We just got married, so why are you suddenly being cold to me? It's not like you!"

Jiang Yanxu said nothing. He stood up and walked towards the bathroom ignoring Ye Xinxin.

In the bathtub, he washed his face and head. He must have been very drunk last night, so he tried to shake off the bad sensation due to alcohol in his head. After that, he pondered. He didn't want to linger here, he wanted to come back to apologize to Yan An. But, seemingly he would have to be patient a bit longer as he needed to spend another five months before he returned.

Five months ...

Jiang Yanxu chuckled softly. He thought that the role he played would make him scream uncontrollably on stage.

How could he stand this charade? He could imagine how he would be tormented in his pretense while with Ye Xinxin.

One minute later, Ye Xinxin walked in. He took off his towel so that his slender body was exposed, and then he got into the bathtub and leaned against Jiang Yanxu's chest.

"Did I do something wrong?" Ye Xinxin asked in a pessimistic tone.