Wen Huiyi, Jiang Yanxu's younger brother by four years, had always been a product of his familial connections. His mother, Jiang Yanxu's aunt, was the younger sister of the family patriarch, and this blood tie fostered an almost familial camaraderie between the two.
From a young age, Jiang Yanxu had been molded by the harsh lessons of his father's rigid ideology. "Don't go down if you don't want to be trampled, and don't go up if you're afraid of heights," his father had told him, words that shaped his mindset. "If the world resorts to violence, you either stand firm or die in the most humiliating way." These words had become Jiang Yanxu's guiding principles, creating a fortress around his heart that no one could penetrate.
Yet, there was an unspoken rule among the Jiang family: if you were in Jiang Yanxu's circle, your fate was tied to his whims. No one dared act without his approval, and anyone who sought to challenge his authority knew that crossing him meant certain destruction.
Wen Haoyi, was no different. Yet, unlike Jiang Yanxu, Wen Haoyi had a more amiable attitude. He was polite to his family and respected their space, but in business, he was all seriousness. Still, he knew when to tread lightly around his older brother, understanding him well, that Jiang Yanxu's moods were unpredictable.
What others didn't know, however, was that beneath his superiority, Jiang Yanxu was vulnerable in one regard—his relationship with Ye Xinren. People gossiped, calling it an unhealthy obsession. The connection between the two seemed incomprehensible, like a wolf bowing to a helpless kitten. Ye Xinren, fragile and spoiled, had somehow tamed the fierce man, and their strange bond had many wondering how such a mismatch could exist. Worst of all, Ye Xinren's father was a hereditary enemy of the Jiang family, complicating the already volatile situation.
Many feared that Jiang Yanxu's weakness for Ye Xinren might be his downfall, but no one dared say it aloud. Not even Wen Haoyi, who had his own reservations about Ye Xinren, could openly challenge his brother's affections. Jiang Yanxu was a man of absolute control, and anyone who dared question his choices risked being cast out. Wen Haoyi, though perplexed by his brother's preference for Ye Xinren over Yan An, had learned long ago that questioning Jiang Yanxu's decisions was a fool's errand.
The silence between them grew heavier. Wen Haoyi, feeling the sting of rejection after several failed attempts to break the ice, finally gave up and fell into an awkward silence beside his brother. After the feast, Wen Haoyi found himself nursing a headache and looking for a quiet escape. He ventured outside, hoping the cool air would clear his head.
To his surprise, he found Jiang Yanxu alone. The man was standing by the railing, gazing out at the ocean—seemed so melancholy. Wen Haoyi approached cautiously, unsure of how to interact. He knew his brother well enough to recognize the signs—a stiff posture, clenched fists, and that deep, brooding expression that meant only one thing: Jiang Yanxu was in a bad mood.
Despite this, Wen Haoyi couldn't help himself. He had spent so many years watching his brother from a distance, observing the intricacies of his moods, that he felt compelled to try once more.
"Is something bothering you?" Wen Haoyi asked, his voice soft but genuine.
Jiang Yanxu didn't respond, his gaze fixed on the sea. Wen Haoyi sighed, reaching into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, offering one to his brother. It was a long shot, but maybe the act would break the tension.
The silence stretched on, and Wen Haoyi took the absence of a response as a clear rejection. His brother's lack of words was almost suffocating. Wen Haoyi sighed again, regretting that he had chosen this moment to approach.
But before he could retreat, Jiang Yanxu finally spoke, his voice low and troubled. "I feel uneasy here ...."
Wen Haoyi narrowed his eyes. "What's going on?"
Jiang Yanxu's words was heavy with meaning. "I need to leave. As soon as this ship reaches Italy ... I need to go back."
The mention of Italy sent a ripple of thought through Wen Haoyi's mind. He remembered something he'd heard, something that had been bothering him for some time. "I heard ... after your divorce, Yan An went there to continue his art studies."
The words struck Jiang Yanxu like a slap when he heard the name. His body stiffened, and his gaze snapped to Wen Haoyi. For a moment, he looked like a man who had been caught in a trap, his mouth slightly parted as though he had something to say but couldn't quite find the words.