
Back to the VIP 1 treatment room, Arya stepped into the room to meet his lover who was turning to face the hospital room window.

"Ryan... where are you?" Diana's voice was so soft.

Arya immediately approached Diana with a look of pity and love that had been hurt.

"Di, have you had breakfast yet?" Arya asked attentively.

Then, Diana turned her body towards Arya, she thought that the man who was near her now was Ryan. Diana's mind and heart were already filled with the image of Ryan's face.

"Why, Arya? Since when did you come? Why you suddenly appear here?" Diana was surprised by Arya's arrival in her room.

"Gosh, Di. I have been here since last night, accompanying you until morning. Don't you remember?"

"So, you were the one sleeping on the couch? I guess--"

"Who do you think? Ryan?!"

"Ryan?? What do you mean? Why do you say that name?" Diana asked.

"You see, at dawn you kept calling that name," said Arya.

"Really? Maybe I am delirious, Arya."

"Okay, no problem. Now, you have breakfast first, I will feed it," Arya replied softly.

"I am not hungry yet, you just eat breakfast," Diana said expressionlessly.

"You have to have breakfast, honey, so you can get well soon and can go home," said Arya.

"Okay, okay. Where's the food?"

"Well, I see. Arya chuckled. "You have to obey my words, your future husband."

Hah? Future husband? You don't dream Arya! Diana thought.

"Wait a minute, I'll get the food first," said Arya, pinching Diana's cheeks.

"What the hell are you pinching my cheeks all about?"

Arya didn't respond to Diana's nagging words because he had dared to pinch her cheeks earlier. He got up from his seat and walked over to the small table next to the refrigerator.

On the table there was already provided a complete and healthy meal for hospital patients, then Arya took it for Diana, who still gave Arya a bitchy look.

"Let's eat it, Di," Arya concluded, placing the breakfast on the dining table specifically for patients and pushing it to where Diana was lying.

"Ah, I never liked hospital food," Diana grumbled.

"If you don't like it, don't get sick, please," said Arya.

"So, don't talk about marriage again, I already said that I'm not ready to get married," said Diana.

"Well, I don't want to fight with you. The important thing now is to eat first and then take medicine, so that your chest doesn't hurt or feel tight again." Arya advised Diana.

"Yes, please I want to get up. My body is weak, Arya."

Arya pulled a chair to the side of the patient's bed and helped Diana got up, so she could eat and drink on her own.

"You want to be fed, don't you?" Arya asked.

"No need, I can feed myself," answered Diana.

"After breakfast, I will call Aunt Martha to accompany you here," said Arya.

"Alright "

Reluctantly, Diana ate hospital food that tasted bland on her tongue, tasteless of her feelings and love for Arya.

While Arya kept staring at the woman he was about to marry, he was determined to make Diana his wife.


About half an hour later, Diana had finished breakfast and took the medicine given by the doctor. Arya was getting ready to go home because he had to go to the office and met Ryan there.

"Di, I am home, okay."

"You still want to go to the office?" Diana asked for sure.

"Yes Di, today there is a lot of work to be done. There is also a meeting with clients," explained Arya.

"Have you called my mom, haven't you? At the same time, ask for my favorite brownie," Diana asked.

"Alright, my future wife," Arya smiled sweetly at Diana, at that moment she wanted to kiss her chubby cheeks.

"There's no other calling, right? Besides the future wife? I am tired of hearing that call," Diana grumbled.

Cup ... Arya's lips immediately landed on Diana's forehead, making her face feel hot.

"Hmm... you don't want to kiss my cheek or lips?" Diana teased Arya.

"Shhh ... i will kiss your lips later, when we are legally husband and wife," replied Arya firmly and straightforwardly.

"But I want it now, Honey. After all, we've also slept together, why are you being so holy?" Diana was still trying to seduce Arya.

"I am not pretentious, really. I just don't want to repeat the same mistake, then I will call Aunt Martha first," Arya quickly avoided Diana.

Arya also came out of Diana's room and called Martha, Diana's mother.

Tuuttt... tutt... tuttt... click.

"Hello, Arya, what's wrong so early in the morning you calls Me?"

"Hello, Auntie. I am sorry to interrupt you before. Auntie, could you please accompany Diana at the hospital?"

"Of course I can, Arya. Auntie is heading to the hospital with Uncle Andre."

"I am sorry because I have to go to the office today, so I can't accompany Diana until the afternoon."

"It's okay, Auntie should apologize to you for bothering you last night."

"I don't feel bothered, Auntie. By the way, greetings to uncle Andre and don't forget to takes Diana's favorite brownie, Auntie."

"It must be Diana who asked for it, right? That child is indeed spoiled and wants a lot."


"Arya, i will call you later, alright?"

"Alright, Auntie. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Click. Martha hung up on Arya.


After calling Martha, Arya went back into the VIP 1 treatment room and told Diana, that her parents were on their way to Dharma Mulia Hospital.

"Di, your parents are on the way here. Just wait, they will be here soon."

"Thanks, Honey. You really are the best boyfriend," Diana cracked a smile.

"You're welcome, dear."

"By the way, how is your business with Ryan Prawira? Smooth, right?" investigate Diana.

"It is fine, Di. We will even open a new branch in Bandung." Arya replied.

"That's great, your partner is really great. I admire him, Ryan is handsome, cool, also diligent." Diana praised Ryan in front of Arya.

"I am more handsome than Ryan, moreover I'm your fiancé," Arya quipped.

"Are you jealous?"

"No, it's normal. After all, why be jealous of a playboy like him," said Arya.

"When you meet him again, say hello to him, okay?" Diana could not contain her longing for Ryan.

Arya's suspicions was getting stronger that the man Diana always mentioned at dawn was Ryan Prawira, his business partner. Today, Arya would urge Ryan to admit his relationship with Diana.

While Diana was so unstable, and easily seduced, one day she would definitely regret having chosen the wrong husband.
