
Kane's Special Skills

To forget her dream, Kane always join a training to be more equipped with her skills in sniping and close-quaters battle (CQB). It was her 7th years on the job, she is 27 years old now yet she is still vigorous and active.

"Kane you always defeat me huh," says Bruno. Her admirer since the basic training. Kane replied "well you are just the way you are dude." "But I will try anything to win your heart ms. runner," Bruno insisted. "Well you must try hard enough," said Kane. For they knew that Kane has no boyfriend since ever and the fact that she's not vocal about her personal life and more of her love life.

Kane just focused on her training when the instructor said, "the next activity would be time to beat, well give me 1 minute for this round please." Everybody lined in front and Bruno said, "if I can beat you on this, you are mine." Everyone laughed and shouted teasing them. Kane just don't mind and just said, "if i can beat you, you have to fed everybody for lunch," and everyone even shouted. The instructor said "1, 2, 3 go!" and everyone run as fast as they can. 

Kane was the first to arrive with 50 seconds and so on and the last is Bruno. One man said, "you are again beaten handsome man." Everyone laughed and shouted "lunch, lunch, lunch!" and they thanked Kane. After they had lunch the instructor said, "Department warriors, you must take some rest now because your first mission was on tonight better get yourself ready and Bruno don't focus on Kane, she can handle herself," and everyone again laughed. "Dismissed!."

It was 10 in the evening and everybody was not yet sleeping, they wait for the instruction for their first mission. To apprehend a drug den. Bruno whispered to Kane, "my lady you must not come, just wait here and be safe." Kane responded, "are you mad? this is all I want, an adventure."

Awhile later the instructor arrived and give instructions, "Kane you will be the frontman, followed by Bruno and his team, Bruno you must keep an eye on yourself and not on Kane." They arrived at the place by 11:45 in the evening and everyone was on their position already. The drug den was located near the beach so everyone hide in tactical moves. 

As they enter the premises, clash is expected and everyone's alertness is reason out. It is for the safety of everybody and for a job to be accomplished. Kane targeted the room of the druglord who was sleeping as they already pinned down the guards at the resort. Kane with all her strength apprehended the sleeping druglord and followed by Bruno and his team. The mission was successful and they all return to the detachment.

"Congratulations everyone for a job well done,.. but this is just the beginning for there's more for the next day....everyone thank you and get some rest." 

The next day, the mission was to apprehend a terrorist compound located on highland. This time it's getting difficult because it was too remote and the terrorist is in the uphill. This is not an advantage position for them. Kane suddenly had a plan. She plan of climbing first at the back part of the hill and so on others. Bruno said, "Kane it's difficult because it's too dark and we haven't tried it yet." Kane said, "well this must be fun, we will never know unless we're there."

And so they climbed at the back part of the hill in darkness. It was 2 in the morning when they arrived at the top. They keep record of how many guards were patrolling in the area. Bruno and his team enter the premises first and struck down the guards outside. Now the dilemma arises as they don't know how many guards and people are their inside the house. 

Kane decided to enter with her tactical skills. Move in silence and shout whenever she can when there's a need to. At the moment, she succeed going inside and observe that there are no people roaming around. She go directly to the King's room and kicked the door open. Unluckily two men were there sleeping. One rushed to get their gun and the other fight with her. 

Bruno and his team heard the commotion and helped Kane. Even Kane was good at combat, the man punched her stomach and she's in pain. Bruno and others rescued her and successfully handcuffed them two.

Kane get back to her senses and thanked Bruno. Bruno said, "I told you, you need me," and Kane just laughed. 

It was the day of the graduation and Kane got the First in combat award. She feels proud and yet humbled by the award because it is not only her which makes the missions successful. And so in her speech she said she dedicated her award for everyone, for everyone give his due for the missions to be successful and most Bruno for saving her life. Everyone shouted for joy and Bruno felt overwhelmed.

After the training, they are back in the base.