Chapter 5

Since Zastin visited, a few days went with the weekend beginning. It was a Saturday morning with a dark cloud hanging overhead. The sound of a small burst of thunder rumbled through the sky. Yet the forecast didn't call for any rain and instead sunny skies.

While most residents stayed indoors, a certain father and son duo had other plans. Followed by a teenage girl with long pink hair, she watched as the two dug out a bat and glove with a bucket of baseballs.

"Are you going to recreate the scene from that vampire movie?" Lala finally asked.

"More so to mimic it really. If we time it just right, it can cover the baseball exploding when we hit it." Jason explained. "Unlike in the movies with the vampires. When we hit the balls, they tend to explode."

"The last time we did it without a day like this. There were a few reports waiting for me at work the next day." James answered with a stiff laugh.

"Really?" Lala asked as she picked up one of the baseballs. Giving it a bit of effort, she managed to deform the baseball but that was about it. If she pulled out all her strength she may flatten it but it still wouldn't explode.

"You will see soon enough." Jason shrugged as he followed his father out to the field.


While the three were preparing for some ball breaking fun. In a tree watching them with binoculars, a man grinned to himself. His eyes soon focused onto Lala as lust soon covered them.

The man had short blonde hair with dark brown eyes and light sun kiss skin. While he could be considered handsome, the cheap clothes and perverted grin worked against him.

"I finally found you princess." the man whispered with a smirk. "Once I get rid of those two pests and take you. I, Ghi Bree shall become king."

Unknown to him due to whispering these words. He was instantly discovered by those "two pests' ' due to their super hearing. Whispering within the hemptishere as a kryptonian was basically asking you to be heard by them.


"Are you ready Dad?" Jason asked as he bounced a ball in his hand.

Giving the bat a couple test swings, James nodded. Off to the side, Lala watched on in interest. Winding up slowly for more of a dramatic effect. Jason threw the ball and watched as the ball traveled just over Mach 5.

Swinging the back, a loud boom could be heard as the ball took off. The two of them watched as it sailed through the air and threw some trees.

"Not bad for a warm up." James commented with a hearty laugh. "Now lets really get the show on the road."

Off to the side, Lala just watched with an unreadable expression. In her eyes, all she saw were glimpses of the shadows of the ball from the moment it left Jason's hand and speeding off moments later. The ringing in her ears also told her why they had to wait for days like this, it was like canon going off.

"I want a turn." Lala called out.

"Here you go." James instantly handed off the bat. "Son, help your fiance hold the bat right."

Ignoring the old man teasing, Jason walked over and began to adjust Lala's body. "Fine, then you can throw the next couple balls."

"I will paint a couple blue just for you."

For the next hour, the sound of fake thunder echoed throughout the small town of Whitefalls.


From his tree, Ghi Bree was frozen still. His once perverted grin was completely lost as was the blood coursing through his veins. White as a ghost, his dark brown eyes were on a baseball size hole that was next to his head.

"Forget this, I'm out of here." Ghi Bree who has been frozen for the last hour finally regains his senses.

'If I even take a slight tap from them, I might very well die.' He thought as he ran away towards a small ship.

Going up in a small cloud of smoke, the man turned into the size of a small stuffed toy. His skin turned dark blue with round yellow eyes that are covered in black mask-like outline. Rapidly typing on to his control panel, the ship took off breaking the atmosphere within seconds.


When the game finally finished Lala was covered in a light layer of sweat. Her once smooth pink hair was now damp with her white shirt stuck to her body. Due to this it revealed she wasn't wearing anything underneath. A sight Jason ungentlemanly locked into his memories.

"Jason, come take a shower with me." Lala calls out happily as they return to the house.


"Because I don't like cleaning alone." Lala replied without care that he was male.

"Why don't you go Jason. You shouldn't keep your fiance waiting." James replied with a teasing smile.

"Aren't you supposed to have strong morals and stand for Justice, Superman?" Jason commented as he followed Lala. He was slightly worried she would begin running through the house naked again.

"Please, I took baths with my wives all the time. Now get to it boy." James replied with a laugh.

Rolling his eyes, Jason only shook his head. While his father's words may sound a little impressive for having multiple wives. They weren't as the man outlived one wife before getting another a while later.

"Whatever," Jason smirked. "I'm sure Liz would love to hear all about your actual age."

He watched as his father's smile faltered a bit at the mention of this. While she knew about their powers, she didn't exactly have all their secrets. It was a bit tricky to bring up how he outlived his universe and been a superhero or went by Clark Kent once upon a time.

"Please, at my age, I would be cradle robbing planets if I dated one." James grumbled as he walked into the kitchen.