Chapter 42

"I think I changed my mind. Making a channel is too much work."

Face down on the couch, Lala had seemed to give up on her recent whim. Behind the couch as he was reading his textbook for class. Jason peeked over before rubbing her head as ran his hand through her hair.

"Well, it is always good to try new things. Then you know if you like it or not." Jason answered her. "We don't really need to make it a full time thing either, but can do it as a hobby."

"I suppose, but I thought I would be better at it." She complained. "The video has been up for an entire week yet barely three hundred have seen it."

"It takes time to build up a fanbase Lala. Most of the famous or well known channels took years to build up to where they currently are. You can't just suddenly expect to shoot to the top like everything we do."

Grumbling at his word, Lala pouted as he appeared to be right. It wasn't something she could fix the problem like with her inventions. Well, maybe as a sudden idea whirlwind through her head.

"I got it, I will just use clickbait titles and pictures. The views should increase then." Lala sat up excited.

"I was meaning to ask but is there a reason for the sudden interest in fame?" Jason asked while turning his page.

"Not really, I just thought it would be fun."

"Of course." He silently shook his head before turning to the door. "Were you expecting someone at the lab today?"

"Not really. Someone called a few days ago seeking a job opportunity for some reason." Lala replied.

"Well this is an engineer and research lab with most of the inventions we have messed around with are listed under it. So I'm more surprised there haven't been more asking about one." Jason summed up. "But we never advertised about taking on or even opening one, so let's see what she really wants."

Stepping off the elevator, a woman who appeared to be in her later half of her twenties. She had neatly styled black hair that reached down around her jawline with dark colored eyes. Dressed neatly for an interview she adjusted her glasses while holding a briefcase.

"Hello, I am Kelly Greys. I called a few days ago about a job?" She introduced herself.

"Funny, we were just talking about that." Lala smiled as she greeted the woman. "I'm Lala the Head Researcher. If I recall, you were interested in researching teleportation?"

'Did we have such a project underway?' Jason thought to himself. The only one he could think of was when they worked on the warp-kun bracelet. Even then it was when they weren't busy with another project or out on their mini dates.

"Actually, it was the health pods. Since their introductions a few months ago it has totally changed healthcare saving countless lives already. I would like to get behind that." Kelly replied, trying to maintain her smile.

"Oh, silly me." Lala bonked herself on the head.

"How experienced are you in working?" Jason asked.

Pulling out a portfolio from her briefcase, she handed over a small stack of papers. Glancing over them, it listed a few projects she has been a part of. Well what she listed as she was a part of over the last eight years, as Jason didn't really believe it.

"You have been a part of a few projects." Jason fakely praised.

"Thank you." Kelly answered.

Lala processed to ask a few questions of her own testing her. While a few answers were barely acceptable. She managed to convince them she knew her stuff. Deciding even if she was suspicious, they would allow her to work with them for a bit.

"Why don't you begin Monday?" Lala smiled before watching the woman nod before walking out.

Once the woman was gone, Jason stood up before searching around where the woman was sitting. Not finding anything like a hidden device or spyware. He assumed he read too many spy novels.

"She is so suspicious." Jason said. "Not to mention she was lying for most part about herself."

"Mmm, I sort of gathered that too. But like papa always said, keep the suspicious ones close by so you can end them when they show their hands."

Laughing, Jason wrapped his arms around Lala's lovely body before combing his fingers through her soft pink hair. He found it relaxing to hold her like this even if it was for a few moments. As if on cue, he heard someone in need of his help once more.

"I'll be back soon." He said before he vanished.


While Jason left to deal with a large wildfire and a few calls of help all across the states. Kelly Greys dials a number on her phone. On the other end, a slightly deep and commanding voice appeared.

"Report, Agent Hills."

"I have managed to secure my spot but both of them are suspicious. From my initial contact with them, they seem guarded against my intentions." Hills reported.

"What is your current take on her? Will she make a great asset to Shield?"

"From what I can gather at the moment, I am unable to determine. From what I observed, the girl is childish. So much, it's almost as if everything is a toy or game to her."

The line went dead for a moment, but the soft tap from the other end could be heard. Finally, the voice replied.

"Just keep on observing for now."

Ending the call, she looked up at the building where she will begin working in the coming days.


After ending the call, Nick Fury looked at the stack of papers in front of him. There written across the top was Avenger Initiative. Inside was the list of current heroes or 'criminals' on the run that fit in with his plans.

'Now I just need to get the council to agree and we can put it into action.' he thought to himself.

At the top of the recruitment list was a large S alongside a blurry picture.