
Chapter 17: Dungeon Clear

That Klein was indeed a formidable opponent. Yoshino Aruven had to admit this truth. His opponent had just exploited the drawback of [Enchant Element].

The skill could only increase the affinity of one element at a time. The moment that Yoshino increased his fire affinity was also the time he had to let go of his boost in the psychic element.

And Klein used that chance to flee.

"He escaped."

Yoshino stated. He turned towards the female lieutenant. She seemed to have finished her battle as well. Without Klein issuing orders, the Spirit Wolves were easier to deal with.

Now that Yoshino thought about it, the only reason why he could face Klein was because Alshura was dealing with the monsters. The officer had to been allocating some of his focus on manipulating his mobs as well.

"Hmmn, he ran with his tail behind his legs."

Lieutenant Alshura confirmed. She was really the MVP in this battle. Although Yoshino would not admit that to her. Instead he asked,

"So what are you going to do now?"

"What do you mean?"

"The dungeon is about to disappear. We only have around 10 minutes left. Give or take."

Yoshino estimated the time remaining. The rate of a dungeon's disappearance would be  proportional to the amount of time it had spent active in the world. Yoshino based his calculations from that.

Alshura fell silent for a while. She seemed to be considering what she could do.

In [Roku Shiki Online], all living beings that was foreign to the dungeon would be teleported back to its entrance once the clear conditions were met. And this mechanic carried over when the world transmigrated.

In other words, there was no need to hurry outside. As long as you are alive that is.

Yoshino could only assume what the female lieutenant wanted.  It was probably to check back the location where they had left the platoon before. Perhaps to bring closure at the very least.

Alshura spoke after a few moments,

"To be absolutely honest, I'm not sure. 10 minutes is not enough to get back there, right?"

"Yes, even if we force our way through."

Yoshino replied. He could not let the female lieutenant consider that option. Because they had more pressing matters to worry about. He then added,

"I would rather you stay here and recover your energy, lieutenant. That Klein might be planning to ambush us  once we get teleported back to the entrance."

"Ambush... Yes we do need to consider that possibility."

Alshura seemed to be convinced by the reasoning. But she narrowed her eyes as if she realized something. She then asked,

"And what are you going to do in the meantime?"

Haha, she figured that out. Yoshino was hoping that the female lieutenant would continue carrying him until they were safe.

But the bus named Alshura seemed to not want any freeloaders anymore. So he had to reveal his intentions to her. Yoshino said,

"I want to read the clue again."

"The clue for the Book of N?"


"Is the Book really that important to you?"

"Yes. Why is it not to you?"

Yoshino was secretly relieved that the female lieutenant was uninterested with the clue. Any other Trogan might demand that he share the information he had. But that also got him curious of the reason such disinterest.

"Because the book is non-existent! A lie that made many people chase their own deaths. Have you considered the fact that the clue here was just a red herring? A trap set to lure idiots like you?"

Alshura explained her side. She seemed to have remembered a past experience. She was unwilling to tell anything further though.

However, she would never know. That the authenticity of the clue was confirmed when Yoshino had processed all the information he received before.

Well she meant no harm anyway. Perhaps she became paranoid after the events that occurred here. But it was indeed a valid argument. So Yoshino accepted this wariness. He said,

"Indeed. That is the reason why a second look is necessary."

"Pfft. A second look. You're absolutely funny."

"What was that supposed to mean?"

Yoshino wondered what was wrong with what he said. Why was the female lieutenant grinning? Whatever the reason, he decided to ignore it.

He was about to turn around to face the clue once more. Having read the clue once had lifted the requirements. You would no longer need to only equip a single [Scanner] in order to read it again.

"Can I ask something?"


Yoshino wanted to blurt this out. But he remembered that he could be incinerated if he said that. He answered otherwise,

"Of course."

"That Klein mentioned that you went to this dead-end before alone."

"You remembered. Yes that happened."

"So you were not looking for glowing stones?"

"No I wasn't."

Yoshino sighed as he answered. Was the female lieutenant wanted to clear her assumptions before? Sadly, that was not the case. She continued,

"You were really planning on clearing this dungeon that time."

"Well, yes."

Yoshino wondered what was the problem with his goal. Alshura then revealed her true question.

"Then what were you supposed to do with the sealing staves you have left back at the dungeon boss room?"


Indeed. If he had made the dungeon disappear while he was at the dead-end, he would not have enough time to reach the dungeon boss room. Not unless he had a way to destroy a wall.

Any item that was not in the possession of a person when the dungeon disappears will vanish to the dimensional rift.

In other words, he had almost lost both Weapon Call and Enchant Element! These were the skills he was most familiar with and were crucial to his fighting style. And he could have lost them due to a lapse in judgment!

"I… have forgotten about that part."

"Hawu, perhaps Klein had manipulated your mind to forget that?"

"No, this one was all my fault."

Yoshino could not always blame his opponent for all his mistakes. He had to come clean about that now.

Alshura stared at him as if he was a retard.


"That damned Tier 1!"

Bando Klein cursed. He was forced to use an Ariadne Stone to escape the dungeon. This was a special consumable item that enables the user to teleport back at the entrance of a dungeon he had entered.

The Militia had issued this item to him before he left for his mission. In case he found himself in some sort of emergency or when his cover was compromised.

Bando had not considered the possibility that he would use this item to escape from an enemy. To a Basic Mage at that!

This was humiliation. If the higher ups knew that he was defeated by a lower Tier, his merits might drop.

"I'll wait for that bastard here!"

Bando had decided to ambush the Basic Mage here. He might have lost those dungeon monsters. But here on the outside world he could fully use his advantages as a Tier 3.

What about Alshura Soura? Tch! Easy as well!

After he eliminated the eyesore mage. He could then spend all his time facing that naïve female.

In addition, he was also able to conceal his appearance to the two morons. He manipulated their perception so that they would overlook his distinguishing features. He was sure that they would not be able to recognize him even if they meet once again!

There was no need to worry! He can still complete his mission!

"Hahahaha, I can still do this!"

Bando regained his confidence. He was looking forward onto seeing their dumbstruck faces!

"No you don't."

Those words made Bando shiver. How could he forget such humiliating words. He turned around and saw a man wearing an overcoat.

"Who are you?"

Bando ordered the mystery man. With his Tier unsuppressed, he could compel his targets easier. He also began preparing for a deeper mind manipulation.

But the man with an overcoat grinned. A ledger had then manifested on his left hand. He flipped it open into a certain page. He then read,

"Name: Bando Klein, Age: 29, Skills: 1. Mind Manipulation, 2…"

The man started revealing one information after another. He seemed to be able to continue saying more.

Bando panicked. He said,

"Stop! Stop it! Please stop!"

For a covert operative, having read out your own information by an unknown force was similar to being struck by a critical blow. How could he continue working if all his personal information was exposed.

Thankfully the man stopped. He then said,

"Oh? Then you surrender willingly? You are under arrest after all."


Bando wanted to resist. He was still thinking of a way to escape the area.

"You will surrender, right?"

The voice of the man thundered. He exerted pressure towards Bando. The aura was overwhelming.

Tier 4!

Bando dropped on his knees. The difference between their cultivation was too vast!

He winced as if he swallowed something bitter. He then replied,

"Yes. I surrender."

"Excellent. As for your question. My name is Inspector Ruben Kang."


"You didn't think that it was just an alias, did you?"