Chapter 46

Trixie merely smiled as the three began to quibble over the subject, though she was inclined to agree with the other two over Farah. The story was not nearly as romantic as she made it out to be, and Trixie had no interest in weddings, love, or happily-ever-afters. The real world didn't work that way.

"That kiss was quite passionate," another woman entered the conversation. Tania, she believed was the woman's name. Apparently they were drawing a crowd. "If you are not his betrothed, then what is your relationship with the prince?"

"Does it matter?" the woman named Kiara questioned. She shot Trixie an apologetic smile before turning to the other ladies. "Who Emerick chooses to see and why is his business, and I doubt he would take kindly to our meddling."

"Who cares what he takes kindly to?" Orlanda challenged. "And how are we to know what he thinks if we don't learn more about him? Besides, it not as though he forbade us from speaking to his concubine."

"Are we sure she's his concubine though?" Farah interrupted. "Look at how lovey-dovey they are! I'll bet they're secretly engaged!"

Trixie was beginning to get a headache. Desperate for a distraction, she glanced around to see what was going on elsewhere. She noticed Vicky trying to sneak off in the direction of the house, probably out to find the orc brother's quarters, but was stopped by Jacoby and redirected to the party. Thwarted, she settled for watching Titus from behind one of the archways.

Emerick was by Titus and Rathus. They seemed to be having a lively conversation. Noticing her glancing his way, he shot her a wink, which did not go unnoticed by the ladies surrounding her. Trixie rolled her eyes as it stirred a whole new round of questions.

She was asked everything from the conditions of her birth, her lifestyle, her interests, skills, and hobbies, to deeply personal questions such as her feelings and intentions towards Emerick. She was never given long to answer before the next question came or another lady took it upon herself to answer on her behalf. A few, such as Kiara, tried to steer the topic of discussion back towards the purpose of the tea party, but none of the other women would be swayed. Silently Trixie wondered if it would have been better if she hadn't come.

Through the interrogation, she tried numerous times to catch Emerick's eye and signal him for help, but the devil would always turn away or worse, smirk, and move on to something else. Clearly, he was enjoying watching her struggle. That, or he was unwilling to involve himself in the mess. She supposed she couldn't blame him too much, but she was definitely going to make him pay for it later.

"Would you drop the 'true love' nonsense Farah?!" Orlanda snapped. Apparently she had lost patience with Farah's latest comment, though Trixie hadn't caught it. The other ladies quieted at the outburst, many stepping back.

"You're the only one calling it 'nonsense' Orlanda!" Farah replied with a growl. "And I am allowed to speak my mind just as much as you are!"

"You can't speak your mind if you have no mind to speak of!" Orlanda scoffed. "Isn't it obvious? I doubt our little green friend her is anything more than the prince's booty call. She's obviously not a lady, and the idea of her marrying him is laughable at best!"

"Only by your standards!" Farah snarled. Trixie noticed with some worry that their teeth were dangerously sharp. It was an ominous reminder that these woman, however refined and docile they might've appeared, where quite literally capable of turning into giant fire breathing monsters with claws and fangs.

"By anyone's standards!" Orlanda cackled. "Her existence in high society is a joke at best! She is clearly something of a novelty, but the prince will doubtless tire of her as he has the rest."

"That's a rather bold assumption coming from a woman who hasn't even been properly embraced by the prince," Farah retorted.

Trixie wasn't sure what to make of the situation. She certainly didn't appreciate Orlanda's attitude towards her, but the woman wasn't entirely wrong. She had become something of an apprentice, but hers and Emerick's relationship was more sexual than substantial. Still, it was strange that a virtual stranger was offended on her behalf. She wondered if the two simply fought on principle.

She decided to ignore it and let them sort it out. She doubted her way of handling things would actually solve the problem, and it wouldn't change anyone's mind on the subject. Besides, neither of the bickering women were engaging her directly, so she didn't see any point in acknowledging them.

As she contemplated excusing herself to wander over to the table full of tasty looking treats, she noticed four strangers sitting at a newly placed table in the back. Even more curious, Jacoby was actively tending to them, along with four maids sprouting bunny ears. She wondered if there was any relation.

"Ladies!" Kiara's voice cut through the bickering as she loomed over the foolish pair.

At once, the gentle and unassuming woman had an ominous presence as she stared down both Farah and Orlanda. Based on the submissive postures the pair took, Trixie could only assume Kiara held more dominance, though she wasn't clear where they all ranked in wealth in power. Not for the first time, she lamented the complicated intricacies that was the court.

"Both of you are behaving disgracefully!" She pressed. "Miss Trixie is one of our hosts, and you will show her respect! You were invited here in good faith with the Prince's trust. Would you jeopardize that trust with such petty and childish behavior as this? I understand your curiosity, and it is perfectly reasonable to wish to get to know Miss Trixie better, but making assumptions about her life is rude not to mention presumptuous."

Many of the women around her nodded in agreement. Surrounded and clearly outnumbered, both Farah and Orlanda took their seats and resumed sipping their tea. To Trixie's relief, Kiara managed to direct the attention of the other ladies to the perfumes at the table and they started testing and critiquing bottles as their maids brought them over to sample.

Relieved to be out of the lime light, Trixie returned her attention to the mysterious newcomers. For a moment, she simply stared and appreciated their beauty. All of the noble women present were gorgeous in their own way, she suspected it was a dragon thing, but those four were beyond radiant in a way Trixie couldn't fathom. The fact that Jacoby had made a point to see to them personally suggested they were highly important. Perhaps they were Emerick's sisters. He had mentioned that he had a few, and it would explain Jacoby's behavior towards them as well as the far more professional heir of the bunny maids that were with them.

Important or not, beyond her and Jacoby, nobody else had seemed to notice them. Emerick was preoccupied with something going on at the table, Sullivan had his hands full with some of the maids, and Titus and Rathus were understandably distracted by Vicky. She didn't want to trouble Emerick, but she felt it would be rude not to acknowledge the women she suspected were his sisters, so she made up her mind and made her way to their table.

"Good afternoon," She greeted them nervously. She managed a curtsy, but was unnerved as all their eyes turned to her. "I'm sorry you weren't welcomed sooner, but let me correct that now. Thank you for coming your majesties."

Inwardly she prayed that she hadn't addressed them incorrectly. If they weren't of the royal family, it would be deeply embarrassing and she doubted Jacoby would ever let her live it down. In fact, if she was indeed wrong, he would probably make a point of personally teaching her the names and faces of every royal on the planet, beginning with Emerick's family.

"Well aren't you a sweetheart," One smiled. "Never mind us dear, we are technically uninvited so you needn't fuss. Jacoby has been far too accommodating as it is."

Trixie was hard pressed not to stare. The woman who had addressed her looked like a goddess. Her emerald locks were perfectly pinned back and adorned in pearls which were close in color to her soft creamy skin. The violet gown she wore was simple, yet elegant and stately and brought out her amethyst eyes nicely. Based on her demeanor, Trixie could tell she was at the head of the women around her.

"It's no trouble," Trixie smiled. "Besides, I have been looking forward to meeting more of Emerick's family. Are you his younger sisters? You are all quite lovely."

"Sisters?" the woman smiled and her companions all giggled. "My, my but you flatter us. Young lady, I hate to burst your bubble, but we are Emerick's mothers, not his sisters."