Chapter 66

"Treat me like a little sister? We'll just see about that," Rosalie grumbled as she gazed into the mirror.

She had woken up early, excited about the massive delivery she was making for a number of reasons. Restless as she was, it didn't take long before the order was prepped and ready to go. At least, she assumed it hadn't taken long. The sun was still raising on the horizon and most of her neighbors were just getting up.

As she played with her hair in the mirror, she thought back to the previous day. Titus, as he called himself, had spent the rest of the day in her shop going over her wares. It was quite a pleasant experience, she found she enjoyed talking with the young man far more than initial impressions would've lead to believe. He was earnest and knowledgeable, at least about plants, and more than anything he was fascinated with her talents and methods.