Chapter 79

"What are we doing here?!" Trixie demanded. "If I wanted a cheap thrill, I'd put wax in Jacoby's soap."

'This isn't a cheap thrill Trixie,' Lamya replied. 'You know, you have a real bad habit of letting your snarky bitch side out when you feel nervous or vulnerable. It also comes out when you're wrong about anything.'

'And you drive me completely insane all of the time. Your point?' Trixie rolled her eyes.

'Patience my dear, patience,' Lamya sighed. 'Now go ahead and take a seat on the ground.'

Trixie wanted to refuse, but her curiosity was getting the better of her. After that night years ago when she had gone to confront Vicky, Trixie had made a point to avoid the forest. It unsettled her. The secretive nature of Lamya's antics only creeped her out more. That and the fact that she was carrying a jar of some sort of black ichor.

"Where did you even get this?" Trixie questioned as she eyed the dubious concoction.