Chapter 143

   "Jealousy is a real bastard," Rathus sighed. 

   "That it is," Emerick agreed. 

   "Happy for him, excited about the kid he's got coming too... kinda hope it's a boy that looks like him, but gets wings like mom. Wouldn't that be cute? Little green tusked terror with wings..." Rathus sighed. 

   "Rosalie is pregnant?" Emerick questioned. "Actually, come to think of it that doesn't surprise me. Does Titus know?" 

   "Nope," Rathus shook his head. "Wouldn't know myself if Liron hadn't tripped over the subject. Probably shouldn't have said anything... but I needed someone to talk to about it and you aren't the sort to gossip."

  "You are right. You probably shouldn't have said anything," Emerick replied mildly. "I take it this is bugging you though." 

   "More than it should," Rathus sighed. "Like I said... I'm happy for him... but..." 

   "...But jealousy is a real bastard," Emerick concluded.