Chapter 165

   According to plan, Emerick and Trixie had spoken with Queen Esmyria on Titus's behalf about the Vicky problem. As they had predicted, Esmyria validated all of the evidence and took immediate action to impliment preventative measures that would keep Vicky under constant survellience and far, far away from Titus and Rosalie. Additionally, Liron, Sullivan, Dalek, and even Jemma had all agreed to visit and protect Rosalie in turn. Because of this, life was able to proceed more or less as normal for a time. 

   This allowed Trixie to focus on her upcoming mission. As Queen Esmyria had predicted, the wedding had been moved up, but even sooner than even she had anticipated. It seemed Anrwalds enemies were over eager to utilize every single moment he was away to their advantage. This meant that Trixie's every waking moment was spent preparing. 

   'You call that shadow movement?' Lamya scoffed. 'I could do better as an infant.'