Chapter 185

 'You're still walking funny,' Lamya observed. 'Maybe you should sit down...'

 'I'm walking just fine,' Trixie thought back irritably.

 It hadn't been a great morning, and the last thing she needed was more "helpful advice". After Emerick had kept her up until the wee hours of the morning, Esmyria had gone out of her way to summon her nice and early to review her work and touch on areas of improvement. Apparently her communication was lacking. Her solution to this problem was ordering Trixie to find a suitable Handmaiden. 

 'You know, the Queen is right, having a handmaiden would do you good.' Lamya pressed. 'I still say you nab that orc maid while the nabbing is good...'

 'You say a lot of things,' Trixie thought back with a roll of her eyes. 'I DON'T need some fussy gussed up lady with a superiority complex tailing me everywhere!'