Chapter 212

 The next day proved even more hectic than the previous one. No less than fifty-three staff arrived at the household. Eighteen of this number included the Abbotts, starting with the three brothers Leroy, Leopold, and Louis, along with their sister Lydia. They were accompanied by two more sisters, Leyla and Lola--because apparently contending with a bunch of "L" names among siblings wasn't difficult enough, they needed those names to sound similar on top of that-- along with their cousins Jenny, Julie, Jorie, Jackie, Beatrice, Bonnie, Betty, Bella, Bailey, Sarah, Sally, and Shanelle. 

 Seven of the staff came from the Everett family. One son by the name of Maxwell who was sent by Giles to more or less supervise his six younger sisters Sophia, Angelica, Gertrude, Fiora, Madison, and Katherine.