Chapter 216

  King Jerome Ithamar Delaney was a constant issue for Arnwald and his relatives. Consequently, he had become quite an issue for Emerick as well. Jerome's Kingdom of Olvastein was one of few neighbors to the Esperion kingdom, the second closest after Emilius's Gildeon Kingdom. Though a kingdom of snow and ice, it dwelt on the eastern most boarder of the Wyrmshire Empire where it met the boarders of the bestial kingdom of Balxeria. Like Arnwald, Jerome took great care to minimize the undead prescence in the great planes that streatched between civilization, which was one of few reasons trade with the Balxeria was possible. Because of this, they had gone to great lengths to maintain a peaceful relationship with King Jerome. Emerick tried to keep all this in mind as he sat rigid in the slow-moving carriage.