Chapter 225

  Titus watched the pair with interest. Initially, he hadn't been under the impression there was any sort of special connection between Rathus and Ellie, but now that they were in such close proximity, it was clear there was some kind of chemistry between them. In fact, whenever one was looking elsewhere, the other would shoot a longing glance at them. This went back and forth between them as they walked along the hallway awkwardly. 

  "Geez, can you be any more awkward you big brute?" Titus finally asked. "I doubt she's going to bite you." 

  Ellie yelped in alarm, then hissed in pain as Rathus very nearly dropped her, then fixed his hold. Titus bit his lip to keep from smiling. He had been told Ellie's tongue lashings could be as brutal as an actual whip, and he wasn't interested in finding out the degree of truth of the sentiment.

  "I won't bite," Ellie agreed through gritted teeth, "but I can't promise that I won't punch you if you do that again, Red!"