The Act and The Nightmare

Rin who was feeling a myriad of emotions while looking at her 'parents' now, didn't know where to start.

She had just woken up with so many memories of the other Rin that she was still feeling odd.

'What should I do that the other Rin would do?'

Rin thought as she had already decided to act naturally.

For Rin, it was hard to find a decent answer to her question.

Her memories and the previous Rin's memories were mixed like a shake.

But her soul in the little Rin's body was like a bowl filled with water and oil.

'From the memories, she has been sick most of her life.'

Rin thought as Ron and Evelin were looking at her.

"Why is our daughter gaping?"

Evelin whispered to Ron as she was worried sick for her daughter.

Rin was thinking about how she should act from now on.

"Honey, I think she is baffled by my devilish looks."

Ron said as he used his hand to run through his wavy hair.


Evelin smacked Ron for making a dumb joke when she was uneasy because her daughter was just gazing in the air with a stupid look on her face.

The smacking sound caused Rin to shover as she was organizing her thoughts while assessing her options.

"Who are you two?"

These words came out of Rin's mouth unconsciously.


Rin cursed as this wasn't what she had planned.


"Honey look what your humor did to my daughter."

Evelin blamed Ron while wailing.

"It looks like our daughter has suffered brain damage."

Ron who was surprised and confused at the same time with Evelin's accusation declared with a heavy look.

'Brain Damage?'

Rin was surprised as her parents were playing the role of a certified Quack perfectly.

Rin looked at the mirror that was in front of her bed and realized that she looked like a normal human. Unlike before when she had so many irregularities visible on her small body.

'A perfect angel.'

Rin thought while looking at her reflection in the mirror.

She could see the same thirteen years old girl with a calm look.

This calm baby look highlighted her angelic beauty which was missing the devilish anomalies that she had before.

Cute and Modest, with a one in a million looks on top of that, she could easily be considered as a top beauty when she reaches adulthood.

Rin felt special.

While she was looking at herself in the mirror, Ron and Evelin were busy blaming each other while feeling sad for their daughter, who, according to them had lost her memories.

"I- remember."

Rin mumbled just loud enough to be heard by Ron and Evelin.



They both looked at her with their eyes wide open.


Rin nodded with a gloomy look that a thirteen years old girl suffering from an unknown sickness would have.


Evelin leaped towards Rin's bed and hugged her daughter tightly so tight that Rin couldn't even breathe anymore.

"Hey, are you trying to kill her?"

Ron said while laughing as he moved closer to his wife and daughter so he could jump at the moment and give the two lowly ladies a bear hug.

Evelin stopped embracing Rin as she turned around and looked at Ron.


Ron staggered as he looked at the fangs of Evelin that looked thirsty for blood.


Ron laughed while scratching his head.

He stopped at where he was, afraid of facing the consequences of his actions.


Rin giggled warmly while watching the exchange between Ron and Evelin.


Evelin grunted at Ron before turning around to look at her daughter.

"Are you okay Rin?"

Evelin asked Rin while showing her a gentle smile as she stroked Rin's head delicately.

'Having parents sure is nice.'

Rin felt while feeling the delicate touch of her beautiful mother.

"I am feeling better."

Rin answered Evelin as her gloomy look had dimmed down by quite a bit.

Subsequently, the ruckus caused by Ron and Evelin died down.

Days passed, Rin acted like the previous Rin who never talked a lot.

As Rin also loved silence and calmness so it wasn't hard for her to play the role of the previous 'Rin'.

For 7 days straight, things remained quiet. Rin was giving her parents the silent treatment just like the previous Rin.

But then an incident happened.

Rin was shivering while sleeping. It was because she was having a nightmare. But the nightmares she had before couldn't even compare to this one.

In the Dream.

"Save me."

Rin screamed while running away from a gigantic cupid who was holding a bow in his hands while aiming a big-ass pointy arrow at Rin's back.

The cupid looked just like the God of Fate which made the situation even scarier than it was.


The Cupid shouted as he pulled the bowstring back and shot the arrow towards Rin's back.


Rin moaned as she was hit with the arrow and started falling downwards.

Instead of hitting the ground, she felt a comfy feeling like she was taking a bath which made the dream even worse.

The ground changed into an ocean as she started drowning with the weight of that arrow that was stuck in her back.

"Become the strongest."

A soft yet demanding voice entered her ears while Rin suffered while seeing her death closing in on her because of the suffocation that she was feeling.

Rin's struggle caused her to wake up from the nightmare as she sat up abruptly just to find Evelin hugging her gently.

"Are you okay?"

Evelin asked as she patted her back.

Rin felt confused as the heat of Evelin entered her body.

"Don't worry everything is okay now."

Evelin continued assuring Rin as Rin was silent while feeling this blissful feeling of her mother's warmth calming her body.

"Mother, I want to become strong."

Rin whispered in Evelin's ear as she finally remembered why she was in this body.