Residencia of the Black House


Rin respectfully replied in her mind as she couldn't understand what the sword was trying to tell her.

If hearing voices and talking to them without making a sound had a reality, then Rin and Mister Sword were that reality.

( That was the last drop that I had refined. There won't be any more for at least the next twelve hours )

The sword told Rin with its arrogant tone just like before. Since him staying in some part of her mind was already a done deal, the sword had already become comfortable with her.

'But why?' 

Bad news landed on her ears as Rin who had just thought that she would be enjoying this sensation of warmth in peace from now on as everyone was silently following Moxi.

( I need to rest too ) 

'Oh, I know you want to steal that energy.'

Rin refuted his words instantly which was just a childish debate that she was trying to start.