Mastering the Mana Balloon to Beginner Level II

Time passed slower than ever as Rin who was covered with an uneven layer of mana felt suffocated and out of breath.

Her "Mana Balloon" was far from perfect but Darius had never asked the students to make a perfect mana balloon. He had just only wanted them to have each and every part of their body to be covered with a layer of mana and keep that up for a minute.

Thirty seconds had passed as Rin was holding on to her mana balloon's form but she was still halfway to a minute.


Suddenly, the mana layer around Rin's head popped and It was like a bee had stung there as all the mana instantly fell apart and slowly vanished.

The layer of mana had fallen in the blink of an eye.

"Thirty seconds isn't bad for a first try record."

Rin was still hopeful as she drew almost all the leftover mana in her mana ring and practiced again.