Can't you see? We are breaking away.

Moxi had already guessed where Eren would attack from so Right and Left followed his command without questioning and turned right as they moved away from Moxi.

Rin was slowly converging towards Moxi while keeping her distance from Vlad. 

'Why are they leaving him?'

"You think you can take both of us on, alone?"

Rin shouted as she pulled back her sword while coming to a stop. 

Moxi glanced at Rin before he turned his head back at Vlad who had reached him.

Moxi pushed back his leg to lower his body. This allowed him to get a better hold of his spot and he was more than ready to face Rin and Vlad together.

"Dragon Wave."

Vlad mumbled as his mana seeped out of his hands and covered his spear's wooden blade.

"Hah, you think your attack deserves that name?"

At the same time, Moxi swung his sword forward to block Vlad's spear.
