Chapter 1 -The prince of Junianus-

Edith Junianus, the third prince of Hornned, the royal of humanity.

After the orbit appeared before the Earth, the creatures invaded, the hell begun however, not long after, there was a person born from the weak human, his name was Alcaeus Junianus, an ordinary person. However, after he grown into a man, he became a hero. No one knew why or how, but he managed to protect the Earth from other creatures, as the new hero everyone put their faith in him, and he became the king of humanity.

The First King after the great orbit, Alcaeus Junianus, yet he was ancestor of Edith.

On Earth, 26 Mars 3021.

In the luxurious yet, filled with technology, The third prince 'Edith', was holding a sword made from the light blue steel, he was sparring with his teacher, Maximus.

The two wore a white scaling training suit, as the figures fighting it was Edith who made a rapid step.

Edith stepped with a fast movements, leaped in front while thrust out, aiming for Maximus chest, however his attack was too straight, Maximus deflected with ease but that was not the end, Edith rotated as he slashed horizontal, Maximus widened his eyes as he leaned backward and slide through the attack, and hit Edith in the stomach causing the white suit scales turned red as a sign of vital hit which mean he died from the attack.

The sparring ended.

"As expect of the talented prince, you almost get me" said Maximus as he patted on Edith shoulder and smiled.

"I should know from the beginning that I couldn't beat you".

Edith said as he smiled, he didn't upset, instead he was quite satisfy with the attack he made, there weren't many times that Maximus would show his shocking expression.

"You did great, prince".

"Haha, you always know how to console someone".

"But don't worry, next time I will make you even more shocking".

"Hahaha, such an arrogant young man. Let's go it was lunch time, the princess might be waiting" said Maximus as he walked out from the sparring room.

However, before he walked away, Maximus turned back and looked at Edith in the eyes. Patted his hand on the shoulder.

"It was today right?" asked Maximus.

Edith nodded.

"May God's Orbit grant you possibilities".

Maximus said as he walked away.

After changed his clothes, Edith was now wearing a luxurious pico-tech silk, his clothes was simple it was a long sleeves white shirt with big wrist and long slacks.

Edith observed himself in the mirror, a teenage boy with the age around 16-17 with a slim body but one could see a small firm muscle, the white smooth skin that was opposite of the black hair that was the same color as his eyes.

Edith was someone with a good-looking, in fact in his family everyone was indeed good-looking some could be also consider as handsome or beautiful however, he didn't dare to call himself as handsome because in his family he was the ugliest.

Edith walked out from his luxurious room, his destination was a large hall, with the long table in the middle.

There was one figure sat on the head of the table, it was a young girl aged around 15, she had a long black hair and black eyes that was the opposite of her clear snow skin but a little of pink could be seen on it, she was someone to be consider as beautiful, of course not because of her skin or her hair but because it was suited her well with every components on her face.

Edith sat beside her seat as he looked at his sister who was staring at him with her big eyes, smiling.

"Did you wait for me?"

"Yes, brother I have waited for you"

"As expected of my sister, Felicia didn't I told you before that"

""Just eat and don't wait for me because I was practicing"".

The two stared at each other as they laughed out.

"Brother, you didn't forget right?"

"About what?" As Edith said those words, Felicia was pouting and stared at him.

"I didn't forget it, I just teased you. How can I forget the date with my sweet sister?"

"Well said brother".

Edith smiled as he turned to look at under the table, Felicia heel almost step on his foot.

After they finished their meal, the two went outside.

Outside the palace, the sky wasn't blue instead it was lightly yellow and full of dust, however Felicia and himself was protected by the Fem-shield, which was invisible.

They stepped into the flying vehicle, the vehicle shape was similar to car but it was far more advanced, it could fly with the speed of train, and of course it was bullets prove, the vehicle was called Skydriven.

As Edith and Felicia sat in the vehicle, the Skydriven floated before the man opened the front door, and drove out.

After they get away from the grey wall, they were completely out of the palace, Skydriven flew above the buildings, Edith looked outside the window, the air fulled of dust and gas the city was covered with yellow sky, from above Edith could see the people walking around.

The city was huge however, the buildings stood towards the sky, every building around was made with high-technology but their designed were those in the medieval era, around stream punk in Europe.

Not long after, they arrived in front of the huge building, which was plain white.

The Skydriven floated before the ground with very small gap, which made it was easy to step out, outside the vehicle there were 4 people stood, waiting for the two figures.

Edith stepped out as he looked around before walked to the opposite door and opened it, reached his hand out as Felicia took it.

"Thank you, brother" Felicia said with a smile, Edith and his sister was guided by the manager of the building, who wore a pink suit with a tall figure.

"It's okay Audley, today I will walk around with Felicia" said Edith.

Audley smiled as he nodded and walked away leaving only Edith and Felicia alone.

The building was called square, it contained everything inside, it was similar to the mall but a lot bigger and had much more things.

Inside the square there were many people, yet everyone was bowed their head, waiting for the royal to approve their shopping.

Edith smiled as he waved his hand as other started to move again, the situation went normal.

The two enjoyed their time inside square.

At Edith and his sister walked around everyone looked at them all the way, they often hear

"Look at the third prince, he looked very handsome".

"Felicia-sama was very beautiful".

"Oh my god, I which I could marry her/him".

"That was the talented prince"

"Who are they?"

"They are the royals, you idiot!".

Edith glared at the people around, mostly teenagers, looking at them he sometimes waved his hand at they.

Most of the boy would look at Felicia as for the girls they would look at Edith with a reddened face.

This was a normal reaction from the teens around their age, the genes of the royal were truly charming, not only their looks but the atmosphere around them.

Everywhere they go, they could heard these sentences, of course the only reason they could hear it because of their extraordinary sense.

The royal genes were believed to be superior than the other people genes, in Edith and Felicia blood contains the possibilities which was very hard to found except for their blood lines that inherited down to their family.

There weren't many people who knew this, the others didn't know so they were just simply talk without thinking, there might be some that were cursing but mostly about positive side.

It was evening, after Edith and Felicia finished their shopping it was time for them, Edith sent off Felicia at the Skydriven.

Felicia looked at him before step on the vehicle as she spoke out.

"Do your best brother" and she got into the vehicle.

looking at the black vehicle flew away, he turned back and walked to a person behind.

"It was a time, prince".

Edith nodded with a serious expression as him followed the person.

In the royal family, after the men reached age of 17, they need to go through a ritual passed down by their family.

Not only the blood would give them more possibilities to get stronger, it was also give them a negative genes.

To know if the genes in their body was positive or negative, one must complete the ritual.

The ritual wasn't very complicate, it was just a test that could easily pass by the positive genes, however if one had negative genes, they couldn't complete it.

The genes would decide their fate.

Even now the Earth was peace but the war didn't end yet, there was not only human that exist in this world, the Royal genes could protect other human by their potentials and to keep the Earth belonging to humanity, their genes had important roles.

And now it was time for Edith to take a test.

Whether if he was the one with potentials or not.