Chapter - 2

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The life of the male protagonist, Damian, was truly sloppy.

Damian's father, Duke Kleider, was the top figure in the small empire.

The materials he made at the top were enough to be supplied to other countries beyond the empire.

The royal family was the center of the empire, but the center of commerce was the climber.

The center of the empire was not the imperial family, but the Klaider family. Accordingly, the emperor finally decided to get rid of the thorny climber.

Duke Kleider was responsible for all operations at the top, and they thought that if they killed him, everything would fall.

The emperor's plan came true the day Duke Kleider went out with his wife and newborn son.

It was to meet his close friend, Duke Shuetz.

The Shuetz family was another duke.

The only two dukes in the empire, they might be able to check each other, but the two families were close to each other.

If there is a difference, unlike the Duke of Kleider, the Duke of Schuetz did not have profound exchanges with other families.

A killer on the battlefield, set in a manor in the steep northern part where a bunch of monsters appear.

No one could approach it quickly. Because of this, the only person that the Duke of Schuetz believed was the Kleider who went to war with him.

However, before meeting with a friend for the first time, Duke Kleider died suddenly.

It was a carriage accident caused by the emperor.

Duke Shuetz he was on a high cliff, and there were testimonies from attendants that the coachman was in poor condition on that day.

It was truly an empty death.

It fell on a cliff and even a place infested with monsters, so there was no way to be safe.

However, the Duke of Schuetz, with all his might, scoured the north and found the duke's and his wife's corpses, as well as the pieces of clothes that his child believed to be wearing.

When the top state of the empire died in an accident, the nobles who coveted the top of the Kleider reached out.

However, the will of Duke Kleider was found.

As if he had predicted such an accident.

It was written like this inside.

('I entrust all of the family's property to my only friend, Erhard.')

So the Duke of Schuetz took over the top of behalf of his friend.

And, with anticipation, he wandered in search of the Duke of Kleider's child.

There was one known characteristic of the child.

Black hair and the wall that resembles a climber.

But that was it. The child fell into a forest full of village water. He couldn't be alive.

However, like the male protagonists in the novel, the child survived.

'And now, he's in front of my eyes.'

I looked through Damian standing next to the director.

From the moment I realized this was in a book, I used to imagine Demi'an's face from time to time.

His childhood was briefly described.

[Before being adopted by the Duke of Schuetz, Damian lived as a slave. He was like a beast.]

'....But I didn't know it would be this much.'

The unmanaged bushy head of the rock covered more than half of the face, and the skinny body that was not 11 years old gave a dark feeling.

Honestly, it wasn't a likable impression.

"We are already overflowing with children, but he is bringing children again."

At that time, someon murmured, groaning.

Carsen, the oldest in our orphanage.

Carsen wanted an adoption more than anyone else, but no nobleman wanted him.

Unable to overcome his sense of inferiority, carsen harassed other children.

13 years old. It was the Marge line of the age to receive the choice of the nobility.

In other words, it meant that carsen's evil deeds had reached its climax.

"Sure. It looks sneaky. "

"I think your mouth will increase, so the rice in our pond will be reduced."

"That kid, I don't like it."

"Shall we take a look at our hands?"

crowds struck carsen's words.

'You'll regret that.'

It's not another kid, Damian.

Although he is now here as an orphan, the Duke Shuetz is looking for a child with a light in his eyes.

After searching through the empire, Duke Shuetz visits this orphanage, and notices the evil deeds that had been poured into Damian.

The Duke holds the director responsible, and carsen and his group, who helped harass Damian, are expelled from the orphanage.

"Ellie, are you going to join me?"

And among those groups, I was included.

I, 13 years old like Carsen, watched when he and his group stole the director's food or stole money without the knowledge of the teachers.

The director also pampered us, so there was no guilt.

In addition, if you helped Carsen and his group, you could get food from time to time and eat it.

'Ellie' became such a group as Carsen, and followed him and put all her energy into harassing the children.

-is the story in the original novel.

As'Ellie' now, I didn't want to bully the kids.

Most of the children in the orphanages here lost their parents in the war.

Except for a few children, all were nice and pure. Why torment innocent children.

Our interests are established only when we harass the ledger. Nothing more, nothing less.

"I do not want to."

"Why are you refusing only when you do everything else, only in this case?"

When I refused firmly, Carsen kicked his tongue as if he didn't deserve it.

When he said that, something annoying always happened.

"Just. he look weak."

So I used to always go over and say this.

It was then.

Demian and my eyes met through his hair.

I felt the inside of the wall covered by the shadow staring at me accurately.

Did he here what I say? My body trembled without my knowledge.

But the child staring at me didn't even show a little fine movement.

He just stands like a doll.

At that time, the director clapped his hands a couple of times as if to concentrate. The subtle tension was broken.

"Then, I'm going to have to prepare dinner now. Go to the place where each one is in charge."

At the words of the director, the children walked out of the room as if they had been waiting.

Some went to the kitchen, some to the dining room, and some to the warehouse.

Damian was still looking at me until the moment the children were scattered.

"Ellie, aren't you going?"

"Huh? Uh... I have to go. Let's go."

I took the rushing child's hand and exited the room.

Somehow, my chest seemed to be stabbed.

I looked back without knowing. There was no carsen group among the children who were moving away.

Carsen's harassment will begin today.

According to the original, I would have been there too..... .

If I pretend I don't know this way, I can avoid the bad ending.

However, oddly enough, I continued to look at it.

Was it because of eye contact a while ago

'It's just..... because of my mood.'

I tried to pretend I didn't know Damian's gaze that came to mind.

How long have I been making up my mind.

I sighed.

A tightly closed visit seemed like an insurmountable barrier today.

"I've seen countless numbers of people who are ruined and ruined."

I muttered and glared as if killing a handle.

'What is the eye contact?'

I sighed again and knocked on the door. It was deliberately made to listen.

When I opened the door, carsen was looking this way with a surprised face.

Whether he thought I was the director, the embarrassed expression quickly returned to his original condition.

"What, Ellie? You surprised me."

"What are you doing here?"

"What's up. It's a freshman training,"

Carsen said, squeezing his chin lightly.

As I moved my gaze to the side, I saw Damian with swollen cheeks.

"... ."

I clenched my fist without knowing it. I have seen many children who have been beaten, but this was the first time I had such feelings.

"Can I tell me something interesting?"

Carsen laughed and said mischievously, whether he had read my gaze.

"I thought this kid was a girl, but he was a boy."

"What about that?"

"Isn't it fun? A boy has such a pretty face?"

"Well. I think it's better than your face."


"It's a joke, kidding."

Deliberately speaking with a wide smile, Carssen was upset, but could not refute.

"Well, what do you like about a girlish face?"

I suppressed my desire to kill myself.

Even those who listened to Carsen's attitude were tantrums, but there wasn't even a bit of fine movement in Despair.

"..... ."

He was just as still as a dead man.

"Why are you here? I was getting bored now."

Then Carsen asked, looking at me. I responded lightly.

"The director is looking for you."

"What? That devil grandfather? Why?"

"Well, he looked around and asked where you was."

Chet, on my side, Carsen, with a short tongue, released Damian's fat.

A crowd of Carsen passed me by.

I confirmed that they were completely gone, then closed the door and approached Damian.


"..... ."


Damian wiped the blood off his face with his sleeves without looking at me.

He was even ignorant because his brushing touch was rough.

"Hey, then it hurts!"

I quickly pulled out the ointment I had in my pocket.

It was an item that was secretly stolen when I hid in the director's room.

It was made from expensive herbs and had higher resilience than regular ointments.

"Apply this. It'll make it less painful."

Then he stopped suddenly as he brushed his face roughly.

The boy slowly lowered his hand.

Damian, staring at the ointment in my hand, touched his lips.

"... I do not need."


"You don't need it."

It was a time when I cried out at the stern rejection. A soft voice flowed through his lips, where the scab was sitting.

"Before I heal anyway, hit it again."

"... What?"

"They hit me again."

Damian's voice was filled with resignation.

I forgot to say what to say, and he only spoke. Damian spoke without a bit of distraction.

"So I don't need this either. I'll be right again even if you treat it anyway."

The boy who said that looked very embarrassed.