Chapter - 5

"Come quickly. I mean, I'm sleepy."

What happened today was so huge, I fell out of jean.

I patted the seat next to me again.

Damian, who had been hesitant, lie down next to me carefully.

"Come on, let's go to bed."

I closed my eyes as I pulled the blanket all the way up my neck.

After the bath, Damian had a silvery scent.

What does this smell like? Even I, who often bathe in the director's room, couldn't smell such a scent.

Sniffing. When I smelled the incense without knowing it, Damian shrugged. His ears were seen burning red.

That's why I looks like a pervert. When I was nice, I turned my head right again.

Damian's body temperature seemed to be on the high side. It's hot. It felt like his body was melting.

"Good night, Damian."

"...... ."

"Will you not say good night?"

"Oh... you, you sleep well too,"

Damian grumbled his mouth, stuttering awkwardly.

When he said that he was weirdly cute. With a bloody laugh, I quickly fell asleep in a dreamland.

🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸

Damian quietly raised his head at the whispering sound of his breath.

Unlike Elli's good-natured greetings, Damian couldn't fall asleep easily.

Because the bed was awkward.

Damian had no such thing as a bed. All was cold floors and rags used as blankets.


Damian quietly raised his head. The moonlight shone on Ellie's face.

Damian was amazed by the child in front of him.

When a man who was called director introduced me, then l clearly heard.

"Just, he looks weak."

It was a familiar word, so I looked at the place where I heard the voice.

There was a girl with blond hair that seemed to steal the sun.

The green eyes that felt my gaze shook roughly. It was a gaze that was sorry to tell you.

Damian didn't really care. Because I was used to hearing such words.

'That's why you're so good at it?'

Because of guilt?

'It doesn't have to be that way.'

No one was close to me. It is natural to keep away from unclean and insignificant slaves.

By the way, this child said:

"No, I don't have it now. Even if I come back, it will disappear soon."

" I promise. At the risk of my life."

"it's not creepy."

'Isn't I really disgusting?'

Even if we make eye contact, we don't avoid it, and even if we just hold onto it so tightly and sleep.... .

'no. It can't be.'

It was when I timidly twisted my fingers.

Elli hugged me a little more, making a shout.

"...... ."

The heat rose again in my face.

How many times today. My face kept turning red.

I had nver faced another person. So, when Ellie and my eyes met, my face spontaneously turned red.

She had clear and pretty eyes. It seemed that a handful of sunlight that penetrated through the old dark barn had such a light.

Damian shook his hand and put it to his chest.

My heart, which I thought might be stopped, thumped.

I closed my eyes tightly. I hope this mind calms down.

It was all darkness in front of him.

I fixed the wooden sword I had in my hand and grabbed it.

Kreuk. A familiar cry was heard sharply in my ear.

I didn't know when and where the monster would pop out.

The sound of people's laughter stuck in my ears.

I couldn't see them, but they could see me. The gaze stuck behind my back was sharp.

It was a great entertainment for the nobles to compete with slaves and monsters. The more the number of slaves beaten the monster, the higher the sense of accomplishment and pride of the owner.

"Do you know what kind of choice I've been looking for to lead you to victory?"

Someday I remembered what the owner said.

The person seen in the back was an illegal manufacturer who got close to the owner.

But it was weird.

They must have been humans, but they seemed to overlap with the monsters.

The hand that held the sword entered strength. People's voices gradually fade.

A crying... beast was heard.

Damian closed his eyes tightly. He needs to be alert. Otherwise..... .

"Otherwhise …... ."

"... sorry."



"..... !"

Damian opened his eyes with the sound of Hyuk.

Sunlight was pouring into his face.

There was no fearful face of the owner. However, it couldn't be easy to calm down.


Then, a familiar voice sat down. Damian raised his trembling eyelids.

"Are you okay?"

was a blonde girl who asked me. She wasn't my master.

"Did you have a nightmare? Why? Where are you sick?"

Ellie reached for Damian.

At the moment of that gesture, he seemed to overlap with the owner who reached out his hand towards him. Demain closed his eyes tightly.

"...... ."

However, I didn't feel any pain. I slowly opened my eyes.

The blurry vision became more and more clear. Elli was looking at me with her serious face.

The worried face towards me was so unfamiliar that Damian looked at her face blankly.

"Are you having a cold?"

Elli mumbled, reaching out her hand towards me. The cool body temperature settled down on my forehead.

At that moment, the creepy fear and the boiling heat disappeared in an instant. Like being purified.

I blindly blinked her eyes. I even forgot to see my face glowing red.

My breath slowly regained my original breath.

Eli swiped my head gently to check my condition. She said,

"You don't have a fever. Maybe you had a nightmare. My God, look at this sweat."

Eli touched the wet hair gently as if to cool off the sweat.

I didn't see any small discomfort or disgust on het face.

Damian couldn't take his eyes off Elli's face.

When Damian said nothing, Ellie became serious.

"Where are you really sick? Are you okay?"

Okay? Damian never thought he was okay.

No one was checking Damian's condition. Even himself.

When Damian couldn't easily open his mouth to an unfamiliar question, Eli woke up.

"You can't. I'll bring a wet towel."

Then Damian opened his eyes and grabbed Eli's hand. It was a reflexive action without even knowing it.

Damian, who was caught by himself and surprised, hurriedly let go of her hand.

"I'm fine,"

Damian said awkwardly, stuttering.

"It's okay. It doesn't.....hurt at all."

I was so stupid myself. It was when I leaned my head down in the rush of embarrassment.

"I see you were very scared."

In a friendly voice, Damian looked up and looked at Eli without knowing it.

Eli's hand gently stroked Damian's head.

'It's weird.'

It was so weird.

It was just a gesture, but I felt like I was twisted and filled with something sorrowful and warm.

'It seems like I swallowed the sun in my stomach.'

So is it? It felt like a fever on my face. It was like being embarrassed, and it was like being embarrassing.

My head slowly fell down.

At that time, her cool hands were removed. Demain opened his eyes and raised his head.

"I'm glad you don't have a fever."

"..... ."

"I was worried because you are sick."

Eli laughed lightly as she said so.

'....Shouldn't she say I was sick?'

Damian didn't even notice what he was thinking.


At that time, when the bell rang, the children started waking up with a whim.


Ellie patted my back with a peek as the child on the bed next to him murmured with drool.

"You have to get up quickly, Betty."

"I want to sleep more with my sister..."

A child called Betty was held tightly in Ellie's arms.

It seemed familiar to be held like that.

When I saw that, something was weird.

I raised my hand and scratched my chest. I did it.

It's similar to what I felt last night, but it felt something different.

'Why am I doing this?'

It was when the boy raised the questionnaire with an upset face.


A loud sound and the door opened, and Carsen came in.

The room became quiet as if poured ice water.

"You, this child.... ."

When he saw me, Carsen, whose face was distorted, approached me.

I wasn't scared. It was just a little noisy to just hang out from the side.

It was then.

"Carsen, it's a little late,"

Ellie laughed at her seat.

"Elle you, you did it on purpose! That kid wasn't in the warehouse!"

"Uh, really?"

"Yeah! Thanks to the teachers, do you know what kind of thing he was doing?"

Watching Carsen and his crowd burst into resentment, Ellie quietly slid her gaze.

I saw a clock tower outside the window.

'It must be time to come up soon.'

Elle, looking back, said to Carsen.

"Why is that to Damian?"


Ellie smiled.

"The deceived person is stupid."