Chapter - 8

The director, who glanced over Ellie, ended his thoughts.

I thought that it would be good for children with similar circumstances.

Anyway, Damian was the debtor's possession.

I had to give it back, so I didn't have the idea of ​​making it fit into the fuss of a child like that.



"It's noisy, so go get those kids."


"And keep this kid out of work in the future,"

the director pointed to Damian.


"Let the other children do as usual."

The director left the main room just as he had to say.

The nursery teacher and the other children looked at Damian with a little stupid face.

Ellie, who had erased her stiff face as if when it had been, turned to Damian.

"Damian. You're in."

".....Are you?"

"I have to work here."

Then Damian bit his mouth tight. Disliked, he held Ellie's hand tightly.

She was grateful that he opened up a new heart these days..... .

Ellie was a bit embarrassed.

The reason why the director excluded Damian was probably because he was a 'incomprehensible child'.

However, the children here did not know that.

In the eyes of children, this could seem as an obvious preference.

"Damian. I'll finish work soon. This is over soon."

"....... ."

Difficulty buried at the end of Ellie's soothing voice.

'I hate being alone,'

But I hated being hated by Ellie.

Damian slowly placed Ellie's hand.

"That.... Damian? Won't you come this way?"

The nursery teacher, who was watching the two, left the kitchen with Damian.

"Are we going to be alone?"

"It's scary. If you get hit by that teacher, it's really painful...."

Fortunately or unfortunately, the children didn't seem to think that Damian was out of touch.

Ellie sighed of relief. Damian's depressed face gleamed before her eyes.

🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸

As soon as I was done, I went out panting.

Damian sat alone crouching in the corner of the dining room.


Damian raised his head at my call.

The children were staring at this side with their eyes shining to see if Damian was amazed.

In the meantime, I couldn't get close to the alert atmosphere, but it seemed inevitable to be curious.

"...... ."

Damian gently lowered his head. It seemed that the mouth that was completely bitten revealed an uncomfortable heart.

"Let's eat with me, come this way."

Then Damian raised his head.

".... Eat with you?"

"Huh. Come on. Today is a delicious menu. "

Damian nodded to see if my persuasion worked.


Then, Tommy, who was carrying dishes, shouted, pointing at Damian.

"The seat next to Ellie is mine!"

As if I wasn't happy with Carsen, who always noticed, Tommy's voice was always loud.

I used to stroke Tommy's head.

"Please give up for one day today, good Tommy. You're a friend who's just been here."


"A cool man should know how to give way."

"Well, is that so?"

Tommy blinked to see if my words worked.

"Okay! Then I'll only see you today."

Tomy was a cute child who quickly changed his mind if he gently sootheed him several times.

Tommy smiled proudly and took a seat in front of me.

"Eat delicious, Damian. There is not much quantity."

'.... you too."

We started the meal with a short greeting.

But the way Damian was eating wasn't cool.

"Why, Damian? You don't have a taste?"

"......Why did you do that?"

Damian asked, hesitating.

I immediately understood Damian's question.

'I guess it means why you lied to the director.'

Damian was a kid who was used to violence.

A kid who didn't know lies.

The kid who learned resignation first, who had to tell only the truth.

I lay down the spoon and looked at Damian.

"I told you before. Revenge should be done right. If I said honestly, he would have been punished."

" ....... ."

"I said a lie, but it's better than being like voilance."

"..... ."

"You can't get caught up in the number of opponents. It's okay if it's a lie."

Damian blinked blankly. As if this is the first time he hear such a word.

"So don't just be hitting yourself, Damian. Okay?"

Damian thought about it for a while, and nodded.

"I thought well."

The round back head was so cute, so I patted Damian's head again.

After a few days, I see. Damian was a very nice and gentle child.

'You have tormented such a purebred man like that.'

It was when resentment came.


I heard a loud cry from somewhere.

Looking at the place where the sound was heard, Betty was crying, holding his brother, a rabbit drenched in soup.

That rabbit doll was given by Betty's deceased parents as a birthday present.

It seemed that it was accidentally dropped into the soup.

"Damian, you're eating. I'll be back soon."

Without hearing Damian's words, I approached Betty.

"My sister....."

As I approached, Betty looked at me with tears full of her.

"You just have to wash it clean. Look, it's only wet on one side here."

"Ha, but...."

"My sister will wash it cleanly."

Betty whispered and nodded.

"I'll come soon. You're eating first."

I left the restaurant with Betty.

🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸

Damian glanced at Ellie and the little girl.

They two talked about what, and then went out.

"...... ."

Damian, staring at the door where no one was there, glanced at his vessel.

The children, who were flirting with the fuss that had arisen for a moment, glanced at Damian.

he seemed to be unaware of Ellie, but she liked children, especially the younger ones.

Ellie was more grown-up than his peers, and he wasn't even surprised by the Carsen crowd who bothered them.

So, the children were wondering about Damian.

It was because Ellie seemed to care about him.

The children's notice reached even Tommy, who was sitting in the front seat.

The child next to him touched Tommy with his elbow. He meant to talk to Damian.

'Okay. I'm not gonna be asking. '

Instead of answering by looking at the glance, Tommy drooled a lot.


Then he sang Damian in a slightly lower voice than usual.

However, Damian did not take his eyes off the tableware. As if he can't hear it.

Only after shouting out loud


Desorry caught his gaze.

"I called it, haven't you heard?"

"..... ."

Damian didn't answer. He was just staring at what it was for.

"No, well... I just think you've become friends with Ellie."

".... ."

"Let's get along, too,"

said Tommy, reaching out his hand.

".... ."

Damian stared at the extended hand.

'Do you want to cover the day?'

Tommy added briefly to try to solve the awkwardness.

"I'm a friend of Eli too."


Only then Damian looked at Tommy.

As soon as he heard Ellie's name, the blue eyes revealed through his hair, which covered half of his face, began to sparkle.

"Yes, Eli and me best friend,"

said Tommy in a bright voice, excited by Damian's reaction.

"..... ."

Unfortunately, Tommy's words were enough to volatile Damian's hesitation.

Damian turned his head.

It was an obvious rejection.


Tommy blinked with a confused face.

The atmosphere changed in an instant.

It was a time when Tommy couldn't find anything to say, and his mouth was aching.

Ellie entered the restaurant with Betty.

Ellie, who gently wiped Betty's eyes, returned to her seat.

"Damian. Are you eating well?"


Ellie asked, as if Damian did it, he nodded with his shy face.

The beast with its teeth erected disappeared, and a dog with only a waving tail appeared.

Huh. Tommy laughed.

"What, why are you doing that?"

Ellie asked, looking at Tommy's hand and a ridiculous expression, stopped in the air.

"Huh? Uh, my hand just hurts a little."

Tommy turned away with an awkward laughter.