Chapter 17

"What do you mean by that!"

"No way, Duke!"

the vassals hurried to him.

Two of them succeed the name of the climbers through formal succession training.

What it meant was one.


Despite the reactions of the vassals, Erhard continued to speak without stopping.

"He'll have a wedding when the time comes."

No matter how young he is, the person is recognized as a member of the family if he take the form of marriage.

If he marry Damian and the child selected by the Duke of Shuetz.

'I will never be able to take the top of the climber again.'

When they heard that they had found Kleider's son, they somehow tried to push the family's food.

By the way, all the plans were lost.

The shocked look was very good to see, and Erhard laughed franticall.

"So please bless him."

"....... "

"You guys who swear that you can give up your life for the family, you will do that."

It was an attitude that he would kill anyone who was against his will.

Until the Duke came, the trails were forced to shut their mouths.

'Nonsense.… .'

Of them, Viscount Corbino clenched this.

Although he thought that the Duke could not be still.

'He couldn't even think about getting married.'

Viscount Corbino thought, bowing his head along with the other vassals.

'I have to find a way.'

I couldn't take the giant top from the young guy.

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"Wow..... ."

I couldn't take my mouth open by itself.

I would be like that, because the room we were given was so gorgeous.

The chandelier reflected in the lights was so dazzling.

'I want to ask.'

Of course, when I bit the jewelry, only my teeth hurt. Since I was a child, I still had the habit of biting when I looked at gold.

At that time, I felt the spirit of being near me.

It seemed that he had just left with the butler, and he was sorry to have returned.


But it wasn't Damian who approached.

There were women in front of me in maid clothes.

Of the four, a middle-aged woman with dark brown hair tied into one opened her mouth first. She said,

"From today, I've been having Ellie by her side. My name is Roina. I will do my best to make sure there is no discomfort in your stay."

"Take good care of me."

Roy the maids behind me followed me and bowed their heads.

"Ah… Hello."

I have never received such a hospitable greeting. I bowed my head vertically.

Then Jaroina smiled lightly.

"Please be comfortable with Duchess Ellie."

"Oh, can I do that?"

But I have never spoken to an adult.

'In addition, the title of'Duchess' next to my name is too burdensome.′

Roina laughed as I hesitated.

"You'll get used to it soon. Now, say hello to Elie, too."

Roy The women behind me began to greet one after another.

"I am Ivana, this is May, and this is Asher."

"If it's hard to remember, you can sing it whatever you're comfortable with."

Roina added.

'It's not that difficult to memorize names.'

There is a person called a name. I just didn't want to sing as I was comfortable with. I saw that kind of thing even in an orphanage to get tired of it.

"Ivana, May, Asher."

Asher blinked as if a little surprised as I muttered their names.

"I memorized it all. There must be a lot of things that are lacking, but thank you."

"Oh my God..."

Then Ivana dyed her cheek and gave me a thrilled face. The same was true of May and Asher, who were next to her.

I was a little embarrassed because it was my first time receiving such a glance.

Am I misunderstood as a nobleman like Damian? Why are you making that expression?

"Then, since you've finished greeting, would you please come over here?"

"Where should I go?"

"You must be tired from coming a long way, but first of all, I'll help you take a bath."

Why she help?

'But... I don't want to show my body. '

My body was slow to develop and it was barely satisfactory.

The orphanage food was made by the children themselves, and it was not in good condition, and I didn't even eat it well.

'But if I hesitate here, they might look down on me.'

I have to get used to it. I nodded with a face full of determination.

Then Asher burst into a green and light laughter.

May, who was next to her, stabbed her in the side.

"Oh, hmm. I'm sorry. I'm so dear so stop."



Asher quickly erased her laughter at Roy's cold call.

'I thought he was a kind person, but he was a little scared to lower his voice like that.'

"Duchess Ellie. Do you have any perfumes that you use often?"

Then Roina asked with a gentle face. I shook my head.

"I don't know much about enjoyment, and I wish it was just warm water. The orphanage water was too cold."

"..... ."

Then Roy's face hardened. The same was the case with the three maids.

'Isn't my answered wrong?'

However, I didn't know that I would only get ridiculous after naming the perfume.

As I rolled my head to find the right answer, Roina said in a slightly subdued voice.

"We must work hard until you find the enjoyment that you like."

Her expression was soft.

It was very new to me. My fingertips seemed to tickle for nothing.

"Thank you. I'll work hard so that you don't feel bothered,"

I said, smiling slightly, she opening her eyes wide as if a little surprised.

"I have to change my words. I will do my best until Ellie bothers us."

It was an incomprehensible word. But she just smiled gently.

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After greeting, I was able to wash neatly thanks to Roy and the maids.

"How can your skin be so fair?"

"Cheeks .....Cheeks are too… ."

"Asher! You can't touch it carelessly!"

Of course, it took longer than expected.

'Apparently, there were four people who helped, but it took longer than washing alone. '

Still, thanks to it, I was able to use warm water and aromatic oil to my heart's content.

'It's like this to be good fortune.'

After biting all the maids, I lie on the fluffy bed and blink my eyes blankly.

'I don't want to go out.'

I shook my head, thinking about that blankly.

There is something else to be greedy about. I rolled around on the bed and let go of my futile thoughts.

Then, Damian, who was lying next to me, made eye contact. Damian trembled.

"....what. you fell like a person who was so thundered?"

I asked in a slightly puffy voice.

As it was, we had to use a separate room, but we decided to share a room for the time being due to the lack of a well-equipped room.

Any room would be better than an orphanage, but Roy was tough.

Thanks to this, Damian and I were lying in bed.

Damian murmured as he gathered his lips.

"Surprise, startled...."

"... is it so amazing my face?"

Damian finally cut off the short hair he had raised to his shoulders. Thanks to him, the prettiest atmosphere has turned into a more mysterious mystery.

Damian was awkward when his vision suddenly opened up, but he looked much lighter.

okay. His self is pretty.

I was a little grumpy and stabbed Damian in the cheek.

"Oh, no, Elie,"

Damian replied, with his cheeks pressed, without hitting my hand.

"Ellie, the prettiest thing in the world,"

He said as if he had made a shameful confession in the world.

I laughed and stabbed Damian in the cheek.

"Because I hear those words from you, it's very impractical."

"Gizz, it's real...."

"okay okay."

I said so and reached out my hand. Damian fluttered and took my hand.

"You know, Damian."

I whispered in a small voice to Damian, as if to reveal a secret.

"We are going to be a couple in the future."


"Yes, a couple. Do you know what it means to be a couple?"

Damian shook his head.

"Being a couple means you'll love only one person in your life."


Damian tilted his head as if he did not understand.

"What is it?"

"You want to protect someone and tell her you want to be by her side."

Damian blindly blinked at my words.

I guess my explanation was difficult.

"So, um..."

I tried to explain in a nice way, and I asked all my mouths.

'What should I explain?'

I pondered deeply enough to have a deeper eyebrow.

But it was difficult to find a suitable answer no matter how much I rolled my head.

Love, affection. What kind of feelings are there like that?

I chewed the words one by one, then slowly opened my mouth.

"I don't know, but When you fall in love, you feel itchy and your body feels like a fever. Your chest is pounding."


Suddenly Damian crackled her mouth.


Then, suddenly, his pink cheeks turned red.


In an anxious mind, I leaned closer toward Damian.

Damian's clear eyes filled my face.

That moment.


Suddenly Damian started hiccups.