Chapter 19

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I was sitting in front of the mirror, rubbing my sleepy eyes and yawning.

"You must have been very tired."

"Yes, a little...."

" But please be patient. Today is a very important day."

I nodded when Roina said soothingly.

When the Duke said that he had brought some girl with him, the vassals and the elders were overturned.

But he didn't take his will, and introduce me.

Roy's opinion that it was a meeting to meet the elders and the vassals for the first time, and that thorough preparation was required.

They decorated me with all their heat and passion.

How long could it have been like that. By the time my body was getting weaker, the dressing was finally finished.

I looked at my face in the mirror and opened my eyes round.

'I knew they worked hard, but...'

This was more than I imagined.

The finely combed hair shimmered as if it were in sunlight, and the pale pink dress looked good as if it had been matched.

I have never thought deeply about my face, but honestly it was a little cute.

The same was true of four people's reactions.

"You are so cute, Ellie!"

"The skin is so white, I think it will come out full of sugar powder if I stick it."

"Cheek, one cheek...."

"Asher, if you prick her cheeks, you can't use it!"

However, if there is one downside, the listener is embarrassed.

I laughed awkwardly as I watched Asher sneak his fingers.

'I'm pretty tired of being served.'

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Time passed, and it was when Ellie had just finished getting dressed.

I was smart.

One of the attendants came inside with the sound of a knock.

"What's going on?"

said Roy the attendant to my question.

"Excuse me, but Viscount Corbino wants to say hello to Ellie."

"Does Viscount Corbino?"

Roina frowned slightly.

Viscount Corbino was a wicked man.

On the outside, he is smiling, but on the inside, he only thinks of the benefits that will fall for me.

That person like that came to see Ellie first before the meeting started.

'He came to stand in line, or He came to search for some kind of person. Maybe one of the two.'

Whatever it was, it wouldn't be a good reason.

It was when Roina was trying to issue a congratulatory order on the grounds that Roina wasn't ready yet.

"Oh, here you are,"

Viscount Corvino pushed in at will. Embarrassed Roina caught him.

"Lord. I'm still in a state of wearing less preparations from Elie."

"Ready? She still look perfect in my eyes?"

The artist looked at Ellie with an eerie smile somehow.

"Isn't it rude I did, girl?"

It was a friendly title that didn't suit current Elie.

Since Elie is a commoner and she hasn't even had a wedding yet, it's right for her to do her own.

However, he even put up a title that even the users don't use, and he was writing honorific words to Ellie.

'Besides that gaze.'

Elie glanced at his eyes. Usually, under that glance, there was a greedy purpose.

'He is a man with a desire.'

Was the reason he suddenly came to me simply to stand in line?

"No, Viscount. I was just getting ready to go."

Ellie smiled, pushing her complicated thoughts to one side.

"Is that right? I'm also surprised at one timing,"

Viscount replied with a smile.

"Come in,"

he beckoned toward the back, as if waiting.

A servant with a blue velvet box entered the room.

"I brought a gift for my lady because I came empty-handed."

Inside the box was a small jewel the size of a palm.

"It's a mineral called Blue Hope. It's a mana stone that can only be found in our territory. If you have this, you can use magic like a sorcerer..... .

His work, which seemed to be proud of himself, suddenly stopped.

He said to the maids in the back.

"You guys are going to go there. I have a story to share with the girl alone."


Roina opened her eyes.

"But we are.... ."

"Oh huh. Come on. Come on. No way, do you think I'm going to do something crap?"

"...... ."

I think so, Roy ran through his mouth.

However, the opponent was Viscount Corbino, the vassal of Schuetzga. Unable to spit out, Roina looked at Eli with a hesitating face.

However, the opponent was Viscount Corbino, the vassal of Schuetzga. He couldn't speak.

Roina looked at Elie with a hesitating face.

All the maids went out.

Viscount Corbino swallowed a laugh.

'You stupid bitch.'

I gently defeat those who will become witnesses.

As soon as his eyes disappeared, he exhaled an uncomfortable breath.

"What do you think, aren't they really pretty jewels?"

"Yes, it's pretty."

Blue Hope was a mineral produced in the northern mines.

It was very beautiful, but he was famous for being a cursed jewel. It was because all those with the Blue Hope suffered a mysterious death.

Despite such fearsome rumors, the Duke of Schuetz used the Blue Hope as a mana stone.

This is because pure minerals could contain a large amount of mana.

'But this bitch in front of me won't know that this is a cursed jewel.'

As expected, Ellie couldn't take her eyes off the blue blue hop in front of him.

'The color looks just like Damian's eyes.'

If I say that it resembles his eyes, Damian would have dyed his cheeks red, as usual.

A gentle smile spontaneously appeared on Ellie's mouth.

'Then it is.'

Visit Corvino shed bloody laughter.

I guess who's not the daughter of a thief bitch. Again, he couldn't ignore the veins.

'I was fortunate to know in advance'

What was the reason for the duke to hire a girl like this?

'Because this seems to be a little bit long...'

Viscount pushed the box.

thud. The heavy velvet box closed with a loud noise. Ellie blinked her eyes as if a little surprised.

"Stop it now."

" .....what?"

"It's not something that a lady will want to covet."

Ellie couldn't even laugh in vain because of the absurd behavior of her own work that changed like a palm flip.

However, her own eyes did not blink.

No one sees it, so it was natural to throw off the mask you were wearing.

Viscount lifted his hand and called the servant who stood behind him.

"It looks like my lady wants to see more jewelry."

He spoke rudely and gave a box to the attendant.

"I'll help you to see as much as you want."

As if touching anything disrespectful, Viscount, who shook his hand off, raised his head toward Elie.

"Then, I'll go there first. I'll see you later."

Elie didn't wait for an answer, and he strided out of the room.

thud. The door was closed with a loud sound.

Now the only people left in this spacious room were the do-it-yourself servants and Elie.

Elie stared at the gently closed door. Although the attitude that changed in an instant might be unpleasant, it only slightly frowned and did not show a big change.

"Eh, I said that, but you chose your own, thinking of the young lady."

The servant opened the velvet box again with plausible words.

Elie, looking at the closed door, moved her gaze with a gem.

Taking the break, the attendant looked down while swallowing a gulp and dry saliva.

As her own words, the clothes that girls are wearing were clothes with a lot of frills, which are popular in the social world these days.

There were pockets inside the frill, so I could carry something like a simple mirror or jewelry.

The attendant came up with his orders.

("To find the right time, put it in the girl's pocket and come. It's a girl who hasn't learned to eat, so she'll never notice it.")

It was his own plan to make Elie covet the gem and turn it into something she stole.

'But when the hell should I put it?'

I couldn't control the timing. It was when I was nervous and chewed my lips.

"Elie, you have to stop now."

An attendant waiting outside knocked on the door.

Elie got up from her seat and she passed him by.

The attendant opened his eyes wide.

If it's not now, the timing to put the jewelry is forever missed.

The attendant, who was in a hurry, opened the box in vain. Then, as Viscount said, he put the jewel in the pocket inside the frill.

'Please don't be caught...!'

It was then.

Elie stopped stepping high.

Have you ever been caught? The servant tried to suppress the heart beating like crazy.

Elie turned her head and said, looking forward to the beginning.

"Aren't you out?"

I raised my head.

"Yes, yes…?"

"Here, it's not going to continue."

It was a very natural bottom, but the beginning did not notice.

"Yes, yes, sorry."

The attendant went out of the room, gasping, leaving the box in a well-visible place so that Elie could find it right away.

The attendant swallowed a trembling breath and rolled the line. Elie still didn't say much.

'Did she not notice?'

The servant sighed. This was the end of his mission. It was when he turned to get out of this thin ice sheet.

Suddenly his hem became heavy. The attendant turned around instinctively.

Elie was holding his hem.

As her eyes met, she grabbed his arm. She seemed to have felt the heavy title for an instant was because of that child.


"Oh, sorry. There is something on your clothes.

Ellie smiled lightly and removed her hand.

"Excuse me, then, man,"

Elie said so and took her steps with her maids who waited for her.

Phew. The servant sighed.

Fortunately, it was in a shape that was not found.

As it is, hoping she won't notice that I have a jewel in my pocket. The attendant was busy walking.

Somehow, my body was heavy.