Chapter 24

The owner of the voice was Ivana. Ivana ran towards us panting. She said,

"Where, where are you injured?"

"What's going on?"

"Did you not see Baron Amanta?"

"Oh, I just met him, because I was with the Baroness."

Ivana's face was bored with the innocent answer.

".....Confucius, Ellie. Even if you see the Baroness next time, just avoid it."


replied Ivana hesitantly to my question.

"The Baron's wife is not very well. She is suffering from a major illness. It's a disease that keeps her memories disappearing."

Ivana laughed awkwardly.

She seemed to have a hard time figuring out how to explain it to us as a child.

"It will get worse in the future. It's because she's not very well. "

"Why is she not feeling well?"

said Ivana hesitantly.

"....There's one son between Baron Amanta and his wife. He's lord Lit. My baroness has been hurt a lot while giving birth to lord Lit. There are many people who lose their health after giving birth."

Ivana seemed to try to explain it as easily as possible.

"If she suffer from a disease that loses memory, even if she are an adult, she can become a baby in an instant."

She laughed bitterly.

"The baby is difficult to control. You don't know what to do. "

Is there any way to "fix" it?"

"I do not know. I don't even know that. It is heard that patients who lose their memory sometimes regain their memory when they encounter certain objects or people..... ."

Ivanna shook her head, blurring her words.

"I don't know that far."

"I see,"

I nodded quietly.

O'Clumancy's disease is an incurable disease that gradually degenerates with memory loss.

'I must have thought of changing people in the morning.'

That's why he told him to avoid it.

However, the Baroness's condition didn't look so bad.

"So lord, young lady. When you see the Baroness in the future, please inform the other servants first. Okay?"

Ivan asked as if she had received the promise.

People with O'Clummonsey's disease are difficult to control. Because she become a baby with an adult body.

But is that the answer is leaving it alone?

Her trembling figure was not erased from my head.

"Well. I don't know yet."

So I just grinned and made it over.

Ivana sighed lightly and said with a smile.

"It's okay, you'll understand later."

She raised her body, bowing her torso to make contact with her eyes.

"Now, stop entering now. It's getting colder."

"Yes, let's go, Damian."

I stepped into the ball while holding hands with Damian.

🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸

Baron Amanta sighed.

Baron, glanced at the Viera, with a face as if sitting on a thorn cushion.


"Dangerous, I put a bunch of servants on it "

" ....... ."

The voice of the baron sinking low, she bit her mouth.

"Now You're going to disappear secretly."

".....Honey, I am."

"I know. At that moment, you are not you."

The Baron muttered with a voice of resignation and washed his face with dry face.

Viera, who was not in good health, was suffering from a disease that lost her memory.

She is now somewhat alert, but as the days passed, her accidents became more frequent.

She firmly paid attention to the attendants, but she somehow escaped her mansion, avoiding their eyes.

The night she cried out for her impatience, I again found her disappearing and sleeping near cliff.

He thought.

I might lose my Young wife.

Who went on like this, but couldn't keep her.

She was the one who loved freedom more than anyone else, and I was the one who held her ankle.

I was because Viera had my children.

I was happy at first. She waited for a child, to come to her.

However, starting from the birth, Viera's health was rapidly deteriorating.

And now, she got a sickness that lost her memory.

Until now, imperial medicine could not cure her illness at O'Clumens.

So the Baron once entrusted the mineral development to his son, Jeritt, but he couldn't stay with her forever.

'No, maybe,'

I didn't know it was because she wanted to forget everything she kept losing her memories.

In a deep sense of guilt, Amanta muttered in a bleak voice.

"I don't know what to do."

"...... ."

Baron's muttering, Viera bite her mouth.

She knew too. That she is not having an irreparable bottle.

But when I woke up, it was after everything had happened.

"I'll be careful in the future."

Viera laughed brightly. The more depressed she was, the more worried her husband's face was.

"But today, I lived thanks to them."

She changed her topic to revive her mood.


Baron, holding his temple to words by his Viera, and looked at her.

"Marvin, you saw, too. A girl with blonde hair. She melted my hands and wrapped me around my shawl. And she even took me to a warm greenhouse."

Viera laughed brightly.

"They are really nice and angelic children."

"...... ."

The Baron couldn't take his gaze from his wife's face, which bloomed brightly after a long time.

Can it be acting?

It was a child who had just been writing the ball, but if she made up her mind, she would know about the news that Viera was a sick person.


"It must be because of this that you approached my wife. I don't think I'm going to be a foster daughter. So don't use these cowardly numbers. It doesn't work for me."

Why is it so heavy?

As the Baron's face darkened, Viera smiled lightly.


her wrinkled hand sat down over the Baron's hand.

"Come with me tomorrow. I'm meeting children again."

"....... ."

"And we apologize together. Can you please?"

Baron didn't answer, but Viera waited slowly.

After a while, the Baron nodded slowly.

Viera laughed wide.

🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸

The next day, I was playing with Damian in the room.

"Damian, your skin is really good."

"El, Ellie...."

To be precise, I didn't erase Damian's trembling figure from my head.

"How is it so soft? I think it's better than me."

"Oh, no. Elly would be better."

"No. I like you better. Would you like to touch it?"

Then Damian shook his head violently in amazement.

"Oh, no. I can't. How am I...?"

"Then can I touch more? Every time I touch your cheek, I feel better."


Damian opened his eyes wide. Soon he closes his puffed mouth and nods.

"Yes... ."

Consent fell. At this time, with a desire to do everything, Damian's cheeks quickly cracked.

Is it because I touched it too much. The red cheeks were hot because they weren't warm.

cute! I repressed the desire to hold Damian tightly.

"Excuse me Lady."

Then the door opened and Roina came inside.

"The Baron Amanta and his wife have come to visit."


I woke up from my seat with my eyes wide open.

And when Roina opened the door, the Baron and Baroness really came in.

".....Good morning, Lord, Young Lady,"

Said the Baron in a slightly subdued voice to greet us.

The baroness next to him also bowed her head together. Her condition seemed much better than yesterday.

"What are you doing here?"

Is there still anything left to question?

We looked at him with full of vigilance, but the Baron strides toward us.

Then he bowed his head towards us.

I blinked blankly.


"Mr. Baron?"

"I did not know anything and misunderstood Lord and Elli. I would like to apologize for this."


He said so again and again and bowed his head even deeper.

I was embarrassed and groaned.

Adult, it was the first time to receive such an apology from an elderly grandfather.

Unlike me, who only rolled her eyes in embarrassment, Damian was expressionless.

Just before, I couldn't find anything that was embarrassed.

I stopped trying to say it was okay.

Baron Amanta was the one who gained great wealth from the minerals he discovered.

However, the use of minerals is discovered a little later.

The reason did not come out properly in the novel, but seeing the Baron now seemed to know the reason.

'I was worried about the Baroness, so I couldn't do other things properly.'

So it's natural that the mineral development has been delayed.

Looking at the attitude yesterday, the Baron seemed to be extremely devoted to his wife.

He couldn't have been relieved even if a caregiver was present.

'if so…....'

I rolled my head for a moment and opened my mouth.

"Then, can I make a small request in the sense of accepting an apology?"

"What is it,"

asked the baron in a determined voice.

"Are you going to accept any requests?"

"Yes, of course,"

the baron nodded, seemed to be able to listen to any request.

So I said with a wide smile on purpose.

"Don't be mad at your wife."


"I've heard that patients with O'Clumancy's disease are easily confused. So don't be mad at your wife."

Baron's face was blanked at my words.

Want to read ahead? A listing of available advance parts:

White Moon $2

👉 Chapter-25👈

👉 Chapter -26👈

👉 Chapter-27👈


👉 Chapter-29👈


Red Moon $3

👉 Chapter-30👈

👉 Chapter-31👈

👉 Chapter-32👈


Blue Moon $6


👉 Chapter-34👈

👉 Chapter-35👈



👉With Early Access👈


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