Chapter 29

An afternoon when the sun is warm.

I was walking the ball writing with the baroness.

The reason is that today was Baron Amanta and Damian's sword training day.

"It is an honor to be able to go Lord's training."

The baroness laughed and told me, but honestly I couldn't believe it.

Not anyone else, but training with the Baron. At first I thought it was a joke.

"Really, Eli-sama, I swear by Eli-sama's cheeks."

"Asher, why are you walking on Eli-sama's cheeks?"

"That means it's not a lie!"

Judging by Asher's bright eyes, it didn't seem like a lie.

It seems that giving the baron a hint at that time was a big help.

'But there is one thing.'

The day I first met the baroness, I lashed out at the baron, who had a sharp attitude towards me, Damian saying that he was a bad person.

'Of course, the Baron didn't blink an eye......'

If Damian rejected the baron, that was a bummer.

So, I decided to make a plan in advance to prevent anything bad from happening.

I shoved through the huge training ground door.

Damian, sitting alone in the middle of the training ground, caught my eye.

Did you fall? I ran towards Damian with my eyes wide open.



Damian's eyes widened, as if he didn't expect me to come.

"Why are you doing this? Did you even hurt yourself ?"

I grabbed Damian's face and looked over it.

His cheeks were a little red like a sprinter, but he didn't seem to be hurt.

"No, I'm not hurt. It's just that I was a little tired and sat down."

Damian, who grabbed my cheek, licked his crucified lips.


"Yeah. Really. I'm not hurt."

"Then I'm glad..."

I let out a sigh of relief and let De sorry's cheek go.

Anyone who sees it would think it was the right polarity, but I had no choice but to do it.

Damian is a child who worked as a slave and fought against monsters.

A child who did not even move when he was beaten.

Such a child is sitting with such a tired look. It was natural to be worried.

It was just a little intense training. An hour later, I looked around.

The articles written by the ball were rubbing their wrists with a slightly bewildered face.

"Hello, Lady ."

Then the baroness came over to us.

"Oh my. Looking at the knights expressions, it must have been quite a difficult training,"

said the baroness, looking at the knights in a semi-exclamatory voice.

'How hard is it that even a grown adult is having a hard time?'

No matter how much Damian says he's going to become a sword master in the future, he's still a kid.

'They'll be gentle with him a little bit.'

I looked at the knights with dissatisfied eyes. The knights slowly avoided my eyes with puzzled faces.

'I was just thinking of myself too.'

Damian is the lost son of the Duke of Clyde.

But regardless of whether he was a parent or not, he was just a rolling stone in the eyes of people.

'Besides, he was young.'

Maybe there were more people who wanted Damien than me.

I should have paid more attention… I was too careless.

"Damian, it was hard."

"I'm fine. This much...."

"I'll come to see you often in the future."

To prevent anyone from doing anything bad to you, I'll turn on the lights and watch over you.

Then Damian continued his words, paused, and blinked.


"Yeah. I'll come see you often."

"..... ."

But suddenly Damian bit his mouth. There was a hint of hesitation in the eyes looking up at me.

"Or.... maybe you don't like me coming to see you? "

"Oh, no!"

Then Damian immediately shouted out in a loud voice.

"Training is a little difficult, but uh, I don't think it will be difficult at all if Ellie is by my side. Well, I hope that Ellie will come more often... ."

Damian's voice gradually diminished. Besides, he even avoided my gaze.

It looked just like how the little boy in the orphanage, was lying clumsy.

'But Damian can't lie.'

I nodded, nodding my head.

"Okay. I'll come back often."

I stroked Damian's hair.

"You worked hard, Damian. Aww, you're kind."

I lavished compliments on Damian.

As a result, children grow up eating compliments.

Rather than scolding for the things they didn't do well, they need to find out what they did well and give them generous compliments to grow up bright and courageous.

Damian in front of him was the proof of that theory.


Damian was accepting my hand with her eyes closed.

I couldn't see the child who endured all the violence with an expressionless face.

"Wouldn't it be lovely too."

The baroness looked at us with her affectionate eyes.

Then, with the sound of the training ground door opening, someone entered.

It was Baron Amanta.

" Lady Ellie!"

"Hello, Baron."

I greeted him and glanced at his face.

His rough face was softened a little today.

'It seems that the mining work is going well'

It was frustrating because I couldn't be sure.

"I didn't know you would be together like this."

"Yes. I came to see you this way when I heard that the Baron was generous."

I answered politely as much as possible.

Otherwise, I didn't know what the stinky old man would be up to.

"Hmm, no."

But, contrary to expectations, a slightly softer answer came back.

"I don't know... how much help I received from Elie."

The baron's attitude of giving thanks was clumsy.

He had known him since he was dealing with the Baroness and Jerryt his son, but he seemed very clumsy in dealing with people.

I smiled broadly, hiding my deep heart. It's proof that mining is going well.

As it is, if Damian only made a sword to use in the war, everything would have cost a thousand li.

While I was so happy, the baron suddenly held out something to me.

"Uh, is this...?"

"This is a present I give to Elie."

"Me, me?"

Not Damian, but mine?

I looked down at what the baron had put out with a little bewildered heart.


"Yes. I wanted Ellie to use it, so I made it myself."

The baron waved his hand as if to give it a try. I hesitated and took the arrow.

The black bow had a faint blue light. It seemed to have put some mana in it.

"Ellie will be able to use it easily. Do not touch the arrowhead as much as possible, as it is dangerous."

"Thank.... you."

I greeted him awkwardly with a bewildered heart.

Of course I gave a hint, but I didn't know the result would come like this.

I think I received a bigger gift than I thought, and I was a little confused.

"Well, but isn't a sword more effective than this? In war, swords are used more often than bows."

"You are well aware of that. That's also true."

The baron hesitated a little.

"Unfortunately, there are some limitations in making swords with our abilities."

He purposely gave me a hint to make things progress faster.

'It was time to take a deep breath so as not to hear.'

I think the baron's powers haven't reached that point yet.

"I don't know if it's Oeborg....."

The baron rubbed his chin and muttered like a self-talk.


"It's a blacksmith who works in the creation of a ball. It's no exaggeration to say that he made all the swords of the knights."

"Then he can just ask him to make it."

"Ah, that's…"

The baron's face clouded at my question.

"Now, Oeborg's condition is not good."

"What does it mean not to die? It hurts a lot?"

said Baron Amanta when he tilted his head and asked.

"Yes. Currently, Oeborg is blind in one eye."

I opened my eyes wide at the unexpected words.

"The doctor told me that he might even become blind in the other eye."

"Is this a disease that even doctors can't cure?"

Baron Amanta's expression clouded when asked in an anxious voice.

" No..... If I had tried to fix it, I would have fixed it. "

"Then..... why?"

"Oeborg, because he himself refused treatment."

He refused treatment. What does that mean?

Want to read ahead? A listing of available advance parts:

White Moon $2

👉 Chapter-30👈

👉 Chapter -31👈

👉 Chapter-32👈


👉 Chapter-34👈


Red Moon $3

👉 Chapter-35👈

👉 Chapter-36👈

👉 Chapter-37👈


Blue Moon $6


👉 Chapter-39👈

👉 Chapter-40👈



👉With Early Access👈


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