Chapter 32

His appearance was like the so-called 'Yacha'.

His untidy shaggy hair and beard was eccentric and even terrifying.

At that moment, he began to cry like the crows were mad. Food duck, the sound of flapping wings is far away.

As I was stunned and unable to move, Yacha slowly raised his hand.

Do you want to make a hand sword? If I was hit by Yacha, I would immediately die. Without realizing it, I closed my eyes.

But I couldn't feel anything, so I slowly opened my eyes.

"..... ."

Yacha was holding the bottle in his hand and gulp it down to his mouth.

Red liquid flowed out. Seeing that there was a faint smell of alcohol, it seemed that what was in the bottle was alcohol.

The smell alone makes me feel poisonous, but he drink it all at once.

I looked at the man with a slightly surprised face.

Then, Asher quickly hid us behind his back and opened his mouth.

"Hello. Long time no see."

"..... ."

"You remember me....?"

"....... ."

Yacha took his mouth off the bottle and looked up and down at me and Damian.

It was as if he was taking a picture with his eyes.

Then he opened his mouth.

"I would have told you it would be dangerous to bring children here."

The harsh bass sound was cold and creepy.

"Yeah, I know, but that's...."

Asher, who was replying, suddenly covered his mouth with a sound of breathing.

I could feel the faint smell of alcohol mixed with sour and sour on the wind.

The owner of the smell that Asher was talking about seemed to be this person.

'He seem to be drinking such strong alcohol without washing.'

Is there any reason?

" I'm leaving quickly. I'm sorry,"

Perhaps even earthenware is coming, Asher said with a pale face and tired of blue.

Asher, holding Damian's hand and me, bowed hid head toward Yacha.

"Excuse me, Mr. OrBorg."


My eyes widened at the unexpected name.

The man waved his hand as if to disappear from his sight, and Asher took us out of the room hurriedly.

"Ha..... lived."

Arriving at the ball filling, Asher sighed in relief.

"Asher, Asher. Is that a man named Oe Borg?"

"Do you know Oeborg-sama?"

"Because the baron told me he were a blacksmith last time."

Asher nodded his head at my question.

"Yes. Among the weapons of the creation of the ball, there is nothing that did not go through the hands of Oe Borg. The skill is the highest in the Empire."


it didn't look like that.

I swallowed the question lingering in my mouth. Because it's an excuse.

"Of course, that is all a thing of the past."

Asher, quick-witted, said with a puzzled face.

"Is it because you can't see?"

"More than that, um....."

Asher seemed a little hesitant. Then he sighed and slowly opened his mouth.

The words coming out of Asher's mouth were truly shocking.

"Did Oeborg's daughter drowned in that red lake?"

"Yes. It's been a while, so everyone in the Duke Castle knows it."

"then... ."

All who refused treatment..... .

I muttered blankly.

He seemed to have a vague sense of what it felt like to stay in a room and drink only strong alcohol all day.

"But not necessarily because of the snow."

"What does that mean?"

"Oeborg-sama became like this after Yuria-sama died."

Yuria was the name of the deceased Duchess of Schuetz.

"After his daughter passed away, Oe Borg suffered a lot. Around that time, Yuria-sama came to the ball."

Asher told us that the deceased Oeborg's daughter and Yuria were the same age.

She added that, thanks to the lovely Yuria, Oeborg was able to escape his melancholy.

"...But after Yuria-sama passed away, it must have seemed like he had lost his second daughter. Since then, he has been locked up in a hut like that, drinking all day. The Duke's doctor said that he was refusing to receive treatment on his own."

"like that...."

It was then that I understood. Reason for refusing treatment.

It's like embracing all the despair of the world.

"Anyway, now you know? You must never come near the Red Lake."


Damian quietly nodded at my answer.

"Come on, today's walk is over. Come on in."

Asher led us inside. I grabbed hid hand and glancing around the back for a bit as I went inside.

The red lake hidden in the grass seemed to glimmer before my eyes.


On the table, empty wine bottles are scattered all over the place.

A fainted man was sleeping.

Outside the window, a croaking crow was heard.

Thanks to that crow, the man woke up.

He reached out and patted the table. Empty bottles were caught in their hands and scattered around making an unpleasant noise.


Then, unable to overcome the recoil, the glass fell to the floor.

"Oh, damn it..."

The man stood up, muttering swear words.

As he lifted his heavy eyelids, his gaze blurred. The man unconsciously stopped rubbing his right eye.

His hand was hovering over the prickly eyepatch.

"'re not used to it."

Oeborg murmured in vain and lowered his hand.

'Now I really had to stop drinking. I couldn't keep going like this.'


He let out a deep sigh. The strong smell of alcohol spread through the air.

Oeborg looked around him, scratching his messy, tousled beard.

The bottles were all empty. He also seemed to be drinking regularly.

Oeborg sighed and stood up from his seat.

At that moment, a huge headache came over. Oeborg groaned in pain and rubbed his forehead.

Thump thump!

Then, someone knocked on the door strongly.

'Who at this time.....'

Oeborg leaned his forehead and walked towards the door. As if he couldn't wait for that moment, the knock on the door grew louder.

"Ah, Oeborg!"

As he opened the door, a familiar face greeted him.

It was the Duke's doctor, Dr. Diern.

"What happened at such a late hour?"

"What happened? Either me or someone else will come to your house. go."

".... ."

As Diern shuddered, Oeborg's forehead wrinkled nervously.

That was correct.

The people of the Duke Castle felt sorry for him and did not come to visit him often.

There were times when we met by chance, but even then they just ran away.

"Are you taking your medications?"


Oeborg looked away as if he was annoyed.

Diern, who giggled as if he had expected it, held out a small vial.

"I knew it and brought it. Was it when the pills fell?"

Diern shook the vial a couple of times. The red liquid in the small bottle fluttered and shook. It was an unpleasant color.

"…even with this drug, it doesn't get better. Rather, it hurts my eyes."

"You don't even know about Myung-hyeon?"

"I don't know, like that."

When Oeborg spoke angrily, Diern gave him a small click, saying he knew it.

"It means that the treatment is going well. It's a temporary reaction, wouldn't it be strange that your eyes suddenly got better?"


"If it's not that, then, you don't believe me? Is this me, the doctor of the Duke's Castle?"

Diern said with a smirk.

Oeborg kept his mouth shut as he tried to argue, 'Isn't you are my doctor, not my deceased father?

No matter how isolated he was and lost his social skills, he was aware of that.

Oeborg let out a deep sigh. He finally took the vial as if he couldn't do it.

Diern said in a lighter voice.

"The usage is the same as before. three times a day. Just put the medicine in both eyes."

" should work this time."

"Oh, then of course not!"

Diern shouted in a confident voice.

"Come on, let's put it in. I'll have to see with these two eyes to see if I am treating you properly."

"Even if you don't have to…"

"Everyone in the Duke wants you to get well soon."

Oeborg, who was about to refuse, stopped and opened the vial with a sigh.

After pushing his eyepatch aside, he dripped red liquid into his hazy eyes.

For a brief moment, Diern laughed.

Oeborg frowned. No matter how much he suffered, he was not used to

"Originally, the better the drug, the stronger the law. It was a lot of work."

Diern tapped Oeborg's shoulder.

"Then I gave you the medicine, so I'm going to leave for today. Uh-oh, don't come out."

Diern quickly left Oeborg's hut.

In an instant, crows flew to Diern.

"Ah, these children. Aren't you stuck there?"

Diern shuddered and drove out the crows.

'It's not a bad place, so it's full of crows.

Diern licked her tongue and hurried out of the Red Lake.

When he came to a sparsely populated place, he stopped at him.

Diern put his hand in his arms. What came out of his arms was a small video ball.

Dieer, who cleared his neck, said looking at the video all.

"Yes. It is going without worries. So, of course."

Diern, who was taking a low position to the point of being embarrassed, exclaimed with a dignified voice.

"Now he will lose even one eye."

Want to read ahead? A listing of available advance parts:

White Moon $2

👉 Chapter-33👈

👉 Chapter -34👈

👉 Chapter-35👈


👉 Chapter-37👈


Red Moon $3

👉 Chapter-38👈

👉 Chapter-39👈

👉 Chapter-40👈


Blue Moon $6


👉 Chapter-42👈

👉 Chapter-43👈



👉With Early Access👈


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