
A groan escapes from my lips as I reach for my ringing alarm clock, I curse on it again and again and Jump out of my bed. God, I almost forgot this day is the first day of school. I went inside my bathroom and turn my shower on, the water was a little cold so it kinda wakes me up. Once I'm done, I wore my School uniform.

I saw my phone beep, It's probably Kate, My best friend, who's texting me asking me if I'm ready or not.

I went downstairs meeting Xyro Along the way. He's one of my older brothers. A weird type of person, like a nerd but not a nerd, you know what I mean? He's smart, super smart, he doesn't talk to people who he doesn't know, he a quiet type. He's handsome, I can say that, with undercut hair, brown eyes, red lips, and a pair of eyeglasses that make him even more attractive. I wonder why he not even dating someone when most of the girls in his class fantasies him.

His eyes land on me but he looks away. I want to greet him but I know he doesn't greets me back, so what's the use of my good morning if he'll just ignore me.

We both went straight to the kitchen not minding each other. Then there, I saw our oldest sibling, Adi. He's reading something on his tablet, he the scariest among my brothers, so I don't want to mess with him. He has these Green cold eyes that everyone is afraid of because he's the oldest he already Graduated. He is now, Running our parent's company. I sat down in my place in front of Adi and Xyro seated one chair apart from him. The maid serves the food.

Then we heard footsteps. Here come the two loud people. "Morning sis!" Zeyant greeted me and ruffle my hair, which I don't mind because I'm used to it. "Morning Amae!" Then this is Liv.

"Morning." I give them half-smile because I'm busy eating.

Zey my second oldest brother, has this aura that girl all girls jaw will drop, his very charming indeed. But his problem is, he is not contented with one girl! Yes, your idea is right. He's an all-time Playboy, he'll flirt with the girl and slept with her then BOOM! he will just leave them.

Then here's Liv, he's loud and very very energetic. His my fourth older brother. He loves sports, but unlike Zeyt, he doesn't do dates. Like Xyro. He is only focused on his sports.

The two of them are very loud, which is also opposite to Adi and Xyro.

Me? Well, I'm just a quiet girl but not quiet. I'm friendly, Clumsy and I'm not that smart, just average.

"Zeyt, On this year I want you to focus on your studies, and no more girls." Adi started. Beside me is Zeyt and beside him is Liv. I heard Zeyt sigh while eating his bacon he just nodded.

"Is that a hickey?" suddenly Liv asks as he pointed at Zeyant's nick. His tone was disgust.

"Yeah, does it look good on me?" Zeyt ask. I saw Liv's eyes rolled. Which made curious... What's that? is that a new brands of clothes?

"What's Hickey?" I can't help but ask. All of them suddenly look at me at the same time. What? Did I said something bad?... Or... that hickey thing.. is something dirty again?

I'm not that innocent, but there is always something I can't understand sometimes. I saw Zeyt shake his head and continue eating. Minutes after eating, no one even talks, not even a word. I finish my food before them. "I'll be going," I told them and went out.

I, Liv, Zeyant, and Xyro have the same school. But we never go there together. They all have cars except for me, I'm still 14 so still can't drive. I want to go with them, but I'm afraid to ask, maybe they'll just decline me.

"Good morning miss." My driver greeted me, I smiled and greeted him back. He open and close the car door for me and I enter.

First day off school. I'm already at 8th grade, I don't have friends except for, Kate and George. he school I'm in is one of the biggest school on our place, all rich people and smart are the only one who can study there, except for those people who have scholarship.

Liv is in eleventh grade and Xyro is in Twelve grade, while Zeyt is already in second-year college.

When we got there, I got out of the car and thank my driver, he said he'll pick me up at 4 pm. Thompson University. That's the name of our school.

"Amae Viglianco! I thought you'll never show up!" I saw Kate Running towards me while George is following her. She hugs me when I also hug her back. she keeps saying I miss you, while she's forcing me to hug while jumping around. She's still very energetic like last time.

Once she finally let me go, George hug me and smile. "Wow, you got taller." He even measures me, but I'm only level with his shoulder.

We talk for minutes when we finally heard the bell, Me and Kate have the same class while George is the same with Liv. We run to our class before the teacher could arrive there first. We finally arrived in time. We have to choose our sit so I choose the chair beside the window, and of course Kate beside me.

Our teacher arrived and we started the class, Our first period is Science, then English and then lunchtime. As always me, kate and George are going to meet at the Cafeteria. It's load here inside and hundreds of students stay here to eat.

George waves his hands to signal us he's there. I sat in front of George while Kayte seated next to me. "So how's summer?" he asks.

"Great! I and Mom went to Hawaii for vacation. And the view there was jaw-dropping! I wish I could go there again, or I could just live there." Kate answered, then they both look at me waiting for me to answer the question.

"Just... Fine. I guess." All summer long, the only thing i did is, stay in the house, do nothing but sleep, eat, scrolling on my social media, and some more boring stuff.

"Fine? how can be staying at home laying in bed be fun!? We should have to go shopping or even go to the beach or some places that are exacting." Kate says.

I ignore her and just ask George about his vacation he was just out with his cousin in Canada. I got jealous of how they spend time with their families on vacation, Ever since Mom and Dad died, Everything change. We used to spend time together but now, My brothers are just busy with their lives. I barely see them every day, Adi is always at work, Zeyt is busy with his girls, Xyro always in his room and if not his probably at his friend's house, Justin. and Liv always training with his friends, it's either on basketball, soccer, football, baseball and lots more.

Sometimes, I thought if they even care for me? Do they wonder how I'm doing? If I'm alright? how's my day?

I'm craving their attention.

Do they even know what's family is? or have they forgotten about our family?